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First pass at async depth cache
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sammchardy committed Apr 6, 2018
1 parent e9d5c6b commit e058f8a
Showing 1 changed file with 154 additions and 0 deletions.
154 changes: 154 additions & 0 deletions binance/
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
import asyncio
import time

from .websockets_async import BinanceSocketManager
from .depthcache import DepthCache

class DepthCacheManager(object):

_default_refresh = 60 * 30 # 30 minutes

async def create(cls, client, loop, symbol, coro=None, refresh_interval=_default_refresh):
"""Create a DepthCacheManager instance
:param client: Binance API client
:type client: binance.Client
:param loop:
:type loop:
:param symbol: Symbol to create depth cache for
:type symbol: string
:param coro: Optional coroutine to receive depth cache updates
:type coro: async coroutine
:param refresh_interval: Optional number of seconds between cache refresh, use 0 or None to disable
:type refresh_interval: int
self = DepthCacheManager()
self._client = client
self._loop = loop
self._symbol = symbol
self._coro = coro
self._last_update_id = None
self._depth_message_buffer = []
self._bm = None
self._depth_cache = DepthCache(self._symbol)
self._refresh_interval = refresh_interval

await self._start_socket()
await self._init_cache()

return self

async def _init_cache(self):
"""Initialise the depth cache calling REST endpoint
self._last_update_id = None
self._depth_message_buffer = []

res = await self._client.get_order_book(symbol=self._symbol, limit='500')

# process bid and asks from the order book
for bid in res['bids']:
for ask in res['asks']:

# set first update id
self._last_update_id = res['lastUpdateId']

# set a time to refresh the depth cache
if self._refresh_interval:
self._refresh_time = int(time.time()) + self._refresh_interval

# Apply any updates from the websocket
for msg in self._depth_message_buffer:
await self._process_depth_message(msg, buffer=True)

# clear the depth buffer
del self._depth_message_buffer

async def _start_socket(self):
"""Start the depth cache socket
self._bm = BinanceSocketManager(self._client, self._loop)
await self._bm.start_depth_socket(self._symbol, self._depth_event)

# wait for some socket responses
while not len(self._depth_message_buffer):
await asyncio.sleep(1)

async def _depth_event(self, msg):
"""Handle a depth event
:param msg:

if 'e' in msg and msg['e'] == 'error':
# close the socket
await self.close()

# notify the user by returning a None value
if self._callback:

if self._last_update_id is None:
# Initial depth snapshot fetch not yet performed, buffer messages
await self._process_depth_message(msg)

async def _process_depth_message(self, msg, buffer=False):
"""Process a depth event message.
:param msg: Depth event message.

if buffer and msg['u'] <= self._last_update_id:
# ignore any updates before the initial update id
elif msg['U'] != self._last_update_id + 1:
# if not buffered check we get sequential updates
# otherwise init cache again
await self._init_cache()

# add any bid or ask values
for bid in msg['b']:
for ask in msg['a']:

# call the callback with the updated depth cache
if self._coro:
await self._coro(self._depth_cache)

self._last_update_id = msg['u']

# after processing event see if we need to refresh the depth cache
if self._refresh_interval and int(time.time()) > self._refresh_time:
await self._init_cache()

def get_depth_cache(self):
"""Get the current depth cache
:return: DepthCache object
return self._depth_cache

async def close(self):
"""Close the open socket for this manager
await self._bm.close()
self._depth_cache = None

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