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How to learn Phaser 3

samme edited this page May 22, 2022 · 5 revisions

If you're new to web stuff, do Getting started with Phaser 3.

Do Making your first Phaser 3 game, even if you've made games before. Infinite Jumper in Phaser 3 is a more modern style. If you prefer TypeScript, do Infinite Runner in Phaser 3 with TypeScript.

The official examples are the best way to learn most of Phaser 3. It takes a little practice to interpret them, but you will get better. Use the API reference and the examples together.

Notes of Phaser 3 is a concise summary, in "cheatsheet" style. Unofficial Phaser Help Center lets you search the API with expressions like this.add.sprite or sprite.body.velocity.

There are tutorials, good and bad, but I don't know all of them. Avoid the Phaser 2 tutorials, as that code won't work.

The examples and API reference are often misunderstood. 😞 Together they can show you just about everything about Phaser 3, but it does take a bit of study on your part. Be patient. With practice you'll get better at finding what you need to know.

Break down your ideas into subtasks. How do I make a TileSprite blink when you click on it? is at least three tasks:

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