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Command-line utility to manage tarantool cartridge applications


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Cartridge Command Line Interface

Cartridge-CLI build status on GitLab CI
  1. Install third-party software:

  2. Install Tarantool 1.10 or higher.

    You can:

  3. [On all platforms except MacOS X] If you built Tarantool from sources, you need to manually set up the Tarantool packages repository:

    curl -L | sudo -E bash -s -- --repo-only
  4. Install the cartridge-cli package:

    • for CentOS, Fedora, ALT Linux (RPM package):

      sudo yum install cartridge-cli
    • for Debian, Ubuntu (DEB package):

      sudo apt-get install cartridge-cli
    • for MacOS X (Homebrew formula):

      brew install cartridge-cli
  5. Check the installation:

    cartridge version

Now you can create and start your first application!

To create your first application:

cartridge create --name myapp

Let's go inside:

cd myapp

Now build the application and start it:

cartridge build
cartridge start

That's it! Now you can visit http://localhost:8081 and see your application's Admin Web UI:

You can find more details in this README document or you can start with the getting started guide.

For more details, say:

cartridge --help

The following commands are supported:

  • create — create a new application from template;
  • build — build the application for local development and testing;
  • start — start a Tarantool instance(s);
  • stop — stop a Tarantool instance(s);
  • status — get current instance(s) status;
  • log — get logs of instance(s);
  • pack — pack the application into a distributable bundle.

The following global flags are supported:

  • verbose — verbose mode;
  • debug — debug mode (the same as verbose, but temporary files and directories aren't removed);
  • quiet — the mode that hides log details during the build process.

In a nutshell:

  1. Create an application (e.g. myapp) from template:

    cartridge create --name myapp
    cd ./myapp
  2. Build the application for local development and testing:

    cartridge build
  3. Run instances locally:

    cartridge start
    cartridge stop
  4. Pack the application into a distributable (e.g. into an RPM package):

    cartridge pack rpm

To create an application from the Cartridge template, say this in any directory:

cartridge create --name <app_name> /path/to/

This will create a simple Cartridge application in the /path/to/<app_name>/ directory with:

  • one custom role with an HTTP endpoint;
  • sample tests and basic test helpers;
  • files required for development (like .luacheckrc).

If you have git installed, this will also set up a Git repository with the initial commit, tag it with version 0.1.0, and add a .gitignore file to the project root.

Let's take a closer look at the files inside the <app_name>/ directory:

  • application files:

    • app/roles/custom-role.lua a sample custom role with simple HTTP API; can be enabled as app.roles.custom
    • <app_name>-scm-1.rockspec file where you can specify application dependencies
    • init.lua file which is the entry point for your application
    • stateboard.init.lua file which is the entry point for the application stateboard
  • special files (used to build and pack the application):

    • cartridge.pre-build
    • Dockerfile.cartridge
  • development files:

    • script that resolves the dependencies from the .rockspec file and installs test dependencies (like luatest)
    • instances.yml file with instances configuration (used by cartridge start)
    • .cartridge.yml file with Cartridge configuration (used by cartridge start)
    • tmp directory for temporary files (used as a run dir, see .cartridge.yml)
    • .git file necessary for a Git repository
    • .gitignore file where you can specify the files for Git to ignore
    • env.lua file that sets common rock paths so that the application can be started from any directory.
  • test files (with sample tests):

    ├── helper
    │   ├── integration.lua
    │   └── unit.lua
    │   ├── helper.lua
    │   ├── integration
    │   │   └── api_test.lua
    │   └── unit
    │       └── sample_test.lua
  • configuration files:

    • .luacheckrc
    • .luacov
    • .editorconfig

To build your application locally (for local testing), say this in any directory:

cartridge build [PATH] [flags]

This command requires one argument — the path to your application directory (i.e. to the build source). The default path is . (the current directory).

This command runs:

  1. cartridge.pre-build if the pre-build file exists. This builds the application in the [PATH] directory.
  2. tarantoolctl rocks make if the rockspec file exists. This installs all Lua rocks to the [PATH] directory.

During step 1 of the cartridge build command, cartridge builds the application inside the application directory -- unlike when building the application as part of the cartridge pack command, when the application is built in a temporary build directory and no build artifacts remain in the application directory.

During step 2 -- the key step here -- cartridge installs all dependencies specified in the rockspec file (you can find this file within the application directory created from template).

(An advanced alternative would be to specify build logic in the rockspec as cmake commands, like we do it for cartridge.)

If your application depends on closed-source rocks, or if the build should contain rocks from a project added as a submodule, then you need to install all these dependencies before calling tarantoolctl rocks make. You can do it using the file cartridge.pre-build in your application root (again, you can find this file within the application directory created from template). In this file, you can specify all rocks to build (e.g. tarantoolctl rocks make --chdir ./third_party/proj). For details, see special files.

As a result, in the application's .rocks directory you will get a fully built application that you can start locally from the application's directory.

Now, after the application is built, you can run it locally:

cartridge start [INSTANCE_NAME...] [flags]

where [INSTANCE_NAME...] means that several instances can be specified.

If no INSTANCE_NAME is provided, all the instances from the Cartridge instances configuration file are taken as arguments (see the --cfg option below).

We also need an application name (APP_NAME) to pass it to the instances while started and to define paths to the instance files (for example, <run-dir>/<APP_NAME>.<INSTANCE_NAME>.pid). By default, the APP_NAME is taken from the application rockspec in the current directory, but also it can be defined explicitly via the --name option (see description below).

The following options ([flags]) are supported:

  • --script FILE is the application's entry point. It should be a relative path to the entry point in the project directory or an absolute path. Defaults to init.lua (or to the value of the "script" parameter in the Cartridge configuration file).
  • --run-dir DIR is the directory where PID and socket files are stored. Defaults to ./tmp/run (or to the value of the "run-dir" parameter in the Cartridge configuration file).
  • --data-dir DIR is the directory where instances' data is stored. Each instance's working directory is <data-dir>/<app-name>.<instance-name>. Defaults to ./tmp/data (or to the value of the "data-dir" parameter in the Cartridge configuration file).
  • --log-dir DIR is the directory to store instances logs when running in background. Defaults to ./tmp/log (or to the value of the "log-dir" parameter in the Cartridge configuration file).
  • --cfg FILE is the configuration file for Cartridge instances. Defaults to ./instances.yml (or to the value of the "cfg" parameter in the Cartridge configuration file).
  • --daemonize, -d starts the instance in background. With this option, Tarantool also waits until the application's main script is finished. For example, it is useful if the init.lua requires time-consuming startup from snapshot, and Tarantool waits for the startup to complete. This is also useful if the application's main script generates errors, and Tarantool can handle them.
  • --stateboard starts the application stateboard as well as instances. Ignored if --stateboard-only is specified.
  • --stateboard-only starts only the application stateboard. If specified, INSTANCE_NAME... are ignored.
  • --name string defines the application name. By default, it is taken from the application rockspec.
  • --timeout string Time to wait for instance(s) start in background. Can be specified in seconds or in the duration form (72h3m0.5s). Timeout can't be negative. Timeout 0 means no timeout (wait for instance(s) start forever). The default timeout is 60 seconds (1m0s).

The cartridge start command starts a Tarantool instance with enforced environment variables:


When started in background, a notify socket path is passed additionally:


cartridge.cfg() uses TARANTOOL_APP_NAME and TARANTOOL_INSTANCE_NAME to read the instance's configuration from the file provided in TARANTOOL_CFG.

You can override default options for the cartridge command in the ./.cartridge.yml configuration file.

Here is an example of .cartridge.yml:

run-dir: my-run-dir
cfg: my-instances.yml
script: my-init.lua

To stop one or more running instances, say:

cartridge stop [INSTANCE_NAME...] [flags]

By default, SIGTERM is sent to instances.

The following options ([flags]) are supported:

  • -f, --force indicates if instance(s) stop should be forced (sends SIGKILL).

The following options from the start command are supported:

  • --run-dir DIR
  • --cfg FILE
  • --stateboard
  • --stateboard-only


run-dir should be exactly the same as used in the cartridge start command. PID files stored there are used to stop the running instances.

To check the current instance status, use the status command:

cartridge status [INSTANCE_NAME...] [flags]

The following options from the start command are supported:

  • --run-dir DIR
  • --cfg FILE
  • --stateboard
  • --stateboard-only

To get logs of the instance running in background, use the log command:

cartridge log [INSTANCE_NAME...] [flags]

The following options ([flags]) are supported:

  • -f, --follow outputs appended data as the log grows.
  • -n, --lines int is the number of lines to output (from the end). Defaults to 15.

The following options from the start command are supported:

  • --log-dir DIR
  • --run-dir DIR
  • --cfg FILE
  • --stateboard
  • --stateboard-only

To pack your application, say this in any directory:

cartridge pack TYPE [PATH] [flags]


  • TYPE (required) is the distribution type. Supported types:
  • PATH (optional) is the path to the application directory to pack. Defaults to . (the current directory).

The options ([flags]) are as follows:

  • --name string (common for all distribution types) is the application name. It coincides with the package name and the systemd-service name. The default name comes from the package field in the rockspec file.
  • --version string (common for all distribution types) is the application's package version. The expected pattern is major.minor.patch[-count][-commit]: if you specify major.minor.patch, it is normalized to major.minor.patch-count. The default version is determined as the result of git describe --tags --long. If the application is not a git repository, you need to set the --version option explicitly.
  • --suffix string (common for all distribution types) is the result file (or image) name suffix.
  • --unit-template string (used for rpm and deb) is the path to the template for the systemd unit file.
  • --instantiated-unit-template string (used for rpm and deb) is the path to the template for the systemd instantiated unit file.
  • --stateboard-unit-template string (used for rpm and deb) is the path to the template for the stateboard systemd unit file.
  • --use-docker (enforced for docker) forces to build the application in Docker.
  • --tag strings (used for docker) is the tag(s) of the Docker image that results from pack docker.
  • --from string (used for docker) is the path to the base Dockerfile of the runtime image. Defaults to Dockerfile.cartridge in the application root.
  • --build-from string (common for all distribution types, used for building in Docker) is the path to the base Dockerfile of the build image. Defaults to in the application root.
  • --no-cache creates build and runtime images with --no-cache docker flag.
  • --cache-from strings images to consider as cache sources for both build and runtime images. See --cache-from flag for docker build command.
  • --sdk-path string (common for all distribution types, used for building in Docker) is the path to the SDK to be delivered in the result artifact. Alternatively, you can pass the path via the TARANTOOL_SDK_PATH environment variable (this variable is of lower priority).
  • --sdk-local (common for all distribution types, used for building in Docker) is a flag that indicates if the SDK from the local machine should be delivered in the result artifact.

For Tarantool Enterprise, you must specify one (and only one) of the --sdk-local and --sdk-path options.

For rpm, deb, and tgz, we also deliver rocks modules and executables specific for the system where the cartridge pack command is running.

For docker, the resulting runtime image will contain rocks modules and executables specific for the base image (centos:8).

Next, we dive deeper into the packaging process.

The first step of the packaging process is to build the application.

By default, application build is done in a temporary directory in ~/.cartridge/tmp/, so the packaging process doesn't affect the contents of your application directory.

You can specify a custom build directory for your application in the CARTRIDGE_TEMPDIR environment variable. If this directory doesn't exists, it will be created, used for building the application, and then removed.

If you specify an existing directory in the CARTRIDGE_TEMPDIR environment variable, the CARTRIDGE_TEMPDIR/cartridge.tmp directory will be used for build and then removed. This directory will be cleaned up before building the application.

For each distribution type, a temporary directory with application source files is created (further on we address it as application directory). This includes 3 stages.

On this stage, some files are filtered out of the application directory:

  • First, git clean -X -d -f removes all untracked and ignored files (it works for submodules, too).
  • After that, .rocks and .git directories are removed.

Files permissions are preserved, and the code files owner is set to root:root in the resulting package.

All application files should have at least a+r permissions (a+rx for directories). Otherwise, cartridge pack command raises an error.

On this stage, cartridge builds the application in the cleaned up application directory.

On this stage, cartridge runs (if it exists) to remove junk files (like node_modules) generated during application build.

See an example in special files.

cartridge pack tgz ./myapp creates a .tgz archive. It contains all files from the distribution directory (i.e. the application source code and rocks modules described in the application rockspec).

The result artifact name is <name>-<version>[-<suffix>].tar.gz.

cartridge pack rpm|deb ./myapp creates an RPM or DEB package.

The result artifact name is <name>-<version>[-<suffix>].{rpm,deb}.

After package installation you need to specify configuration for instances to start.

For example, if your application is named myapp and you want to start two instances, put the myapp.yml file into the /etc/tarantool/conf.d directory.

  cluster_cookie: secret-cookie

  http_port: 8081
  advertise_uri: localhost:3301

  http_port: 8082
  advertise_uri: localhost:3302

For more details about instances configuration see the documentation.

Now, start the configured instances:

systemctl start myapp@instance-1
systemctl start myapp@instance-2

If you use stateful failover, you need to start application stateboard.

(Remember that your application should contain stateboard.init.lua in its root.)

Add the myapp-stateboard section to /etc/tarantool/conf.d/myapp.yml:

  listen: localhost:3310
  password: passwd

Then, start the stateboard service:

systemctl start myapp-stateboard

The installed package name will be <name> no matter what the artifact name is.

It contains meta information: the package name (which is the application name), and the package version.

If you use an opensource version of Tarantool, the package has a tarantool dependency (version >= <major>.<minor> and < <major+1>, where <major>.<minor> is the version of Tarantool used for packing the application). You should enable the Tarantool repo to allow your package manager install this dependency correctly:

  • for both RPM and DEB:

    curl -L | VER=${TARANTOOL_VERSION} bash

The package contents is as follows:

  • the contents of the distribution directory, placed in the /usr/share/tarantool/<app-name> directory (for Tarantool Enterprise, this directory also contains tarantool and tarantoolctl binaries);
  • unit files for running the application as a systemd service: /etc/systemd/system/<app-name>.service and /etc/systemd/system/<app-name>@.service;
  • application stateboard unit file: /etc/systemd/system/<app-name>-stateboard.service (will be packed only if the application contains stateboard.init.lua in its root);
  • the file /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/<app-name>.conf that allows the instance to restart after server restart.

The following directories are created:

  • /etc/tarantool/conf.d/ — directory for instances configuration;
  • /var/lib/tarantool/ — directory to store instances snapshots;
  • /var/run/tarantool/ — directory to store PID-files and console sockets.

See the documentation for details about deploying a Tarantool Cartridge application.

To start the instance-1 instance of the myapp service, say:

systemctl start myapp@instance-1

To start the application stateboard service, say:

systemctl start myapp-stateboard

This instance will look for its configuration across all sections of the YAML file(s) stored in /etc/tarantool/conf.d/*.

Use the options --unit-template, --instantiated-unit-template and --stateboard-unit-template to customize standard unit files.

You may need it first of all for DEB packages, if your build platform is different from the deployment platform. In this case, ExecStartPre may contain an incorrect path to mkdir. As a hotfix, we suggest customizing the unit files.

Example of an instantiated unit file:

Description=Tarantool Cartridge app {{ .Name }}@%i

ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c 'mkdir -p {{ .InstanceWorkDir }}'
ExecStart={{ .Tarantool }} {{ .AppEntrypointPath }}

Environment=TARANTOOL_APP_NAME={{ .Name }}
Environment=TARANTOOL_WORKDIR={{ .InstanceWorkDir }}
Environment=TARANTOOL_CFG={{ .ConfPath }}
Environment=TARANTOOL_PID_FILE={{ .InstancePidFile }}
Environment=TARANTOOL_CONSOLE_SOCK={{ .InstanceConsoleSock }}

# Disable OOM killer
# Increase fd limit for Vinyl

# Systemd waits until all xlogs are recovered
# Give a reasonable amount of time to close xlogs

Alias={{ .Name }}.%i

Supported variables:

  • Name — the application name;
  • StateboardName — the application stateboard name (<app-name>-stateboard);
  • DefaultWorkDir — default instance working directory (/var/lib/tarantool/<app-name>.default);
  • InstanceWorkDir — application instance working directory (/var/lib/tarantool/<app-name>.<instance-name>);
  • StateboardWorkDir — stateboard working directory (/var/lib/tarantool/<app-name>-stateboard);
  • DefaultPidFile — default instance pid file (/var/run/tarantool/<app-name>;
  • InstancePidFile — application instance pid file (/var/run/tarantool/<app-name>.<instance-name>.pid);
  • StateboardPidFile — stateboard pid file (/var/run/tarantool/<app-name>;
  • DefaultConsoleSock — default instance console socket (/var/run/tarantool/<app-name>.default.control);
  • InstanceConsoleSock — application instance console socket (/var/run/tarantool/<app-name>.<instance-name>.control);
  • StateboardConsoleSock — stateboard console socket (/var/run/tarantool/<app-name>-stateboard.control);
  • ConfPath — path to the application instances config (/etc/tarantool/conf.d);
  • AppEntrypointPath — path to the application entrypoint (/usr/share/tarantool/<app-name>/init.lua);
  • StateboardEntrypointPath — path to the stateboard entrypoint (/usr/share/tarantool/<app-name>/stateboard.init.lua);

cartridge pack docker ./myapp builds a Docker image where you can start one instance of the application.

To start the instance-1 instance of the myapp application, say:

docker run -d \
                --name instance-1 \
                -e TARANTOOL_INSTANCE_NAME=instance-1 \
                -e TARANTOOL_ADVERTISE_URI=3302 \
                -e TARANTOOL_CLUSTER_COOKIE=secret \
                -e TARANTOOL_HTTP_PORT=8082 \
                -p \

By default, TARANTOOL_INSTANCE_NAME is set to default.

To check the instance logs, say:

docker logs instance-1

The result image is tagged as follows:

  • <name>:<detected_version>[-<suffix>]: by default;
  • <name>:<version>[-<suffix>]: if the --version parameter is specified;
  • <tag>: if the --tag parameter is specified.

In fact, two images are created during the packing process: build image and runtime image.

First, the build image is used to perform application build. The build stages here are exactly the same as for other distribution types:

Second, the files are copied to the resulting (runtime) image, similarly to packing an application as an archive. This image is exactly the result of running cartridge pack docker).

Both images are based on centos:8.

All packages required for the default cartridge application build (git, gcc, make, cmake, unzip) are installed on the build image.

A proper version of Tarantool is provided on the runtime image:

  • For opensource, Tarantool of the same version as the one used for local development is installed to the image.
  • For Tarantool Enterprise, the bundle with Tarantool Enterprise binaries is copied to the image.

If your application requires some other applications for build or runtime, you can specify base layers for build and runtime images:

  • build image: (default) or --build-from;
  • runtime image: Dockerfile.cartridge (default) or --from.

The Dockerfile of the base image should be started with the FROM centos:8 or FROM centos:7 line (except comments).

For example, if your application requires gcc-c++ for build and zip for runtime, customize the Dockerfiles as follows:


    FROM centos:8
    RUN yum install -y gcc-c++
    # Note that git, gcc, make, cmake, unzip packages
    # will be installed anyway
  • Dockerfile.cartridge:

    FROM centos:8
    RUN yum install -y zip

If you use Tarantool Enterprise, you should explicitly specify the Tarantool SDK to be delivered on the runtime image.

If you want to use the SDK from your local machine, just pass the --sdk-local flag to the cartridge pack docker command.

Alternatively, you can specify a local path to another SDK using the --sdk-path option (or the environment variable TARANTOOL_SDK_PATH, which has lower priority).

You can pass --cache-from and --no-cache options of docker build command on building application in docker.

The application code is placed in the /usr/share/tarantool/<app-name> directory. An opensource version of Tarantool is installed to the image.

The run directory is /var/run/tarantool/<app-name>, the workdir is /var/lib/tarantool/<app-name>.

The runtime image also contains the file /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/<app-name>.conf that allows the instance to restart after container restart.

It is the user's responsibility to set up a proper advertise URI (<host>:<port>) if the containers are deployed on different machines. The problem here is that an instance's advertise URI must be the same on all machines, because it will be used by all the other instances to connect to this one. For example, if you start an instance with an advertise URI set to localhost:3302, and then address it as <instance-host>:3302 from other instances, this won't work: the other instances will be recognizing it only as localhost:3302.

If you specify only a port, cartridge will use an auto-detected IP, so you need to configure Docker networks to set up inter-instance communication.

You can use Docker volumes to store instance snapshots and xlogs on the host machine. To start an image with a new application code, just stop the old container and start a new one using the new image.

You can put these files in your application root to control the application packaging process (see examples below):

  • cartridge.pre-build: a script to be run before tarantoolctl rocks make. The main purpose of this script is to build some non-standard rocks modules (for example, from a submodule). Should be executable.
  • a script to be run after tarantoolctl rocks make. The main purpose of this script is to remove build artifacts from result package. Should be executable.

# The main purpose of this script is to build some non-standard rocks modules.
# It will be run before `tarantoolctl rocks make` on application build

tarantoolctl rocks make --chdir ./third_party/my-custom-rock-module

# The main purpose of this script is to remove build artifacts from resulting package.
# It will be ran after `tarantoolctl rocks make` on application build.

rm -rf third_party
rm -rf node_modules
rm -rf doc


Command-line utility to manage tarantool cartridge applications







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