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Thomas Gazagnaire committed Oct 3, 2010
0 parents commit 82083cb
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Showing 14 changed files with 451 additions and 0 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions META
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
name = "cass"
version = "0.1"
description = "Caml Style Sheets"
requires = "camlp4,camlp4.lib"
archive(byte) = "cass.cma"
archive(native) = "cass.cmxa"
archive(syntax, toploop) = "cass.cma,cass_top.cmo"
archive(syntax, preprocessor) = "cass.cma"
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
cass.cmxa cass.cma \
cass_ast.mli cass_ast.cmi cass_ast.cmx \
cass_parser.mli cass_parser.cmi cass_parser.cmx \
cass_printer.mli cass_printer.cmi cass_printer.cmx \
cass_quotations.cmi cass_quotations.cmx \

BFILES=$(addprefix _build/,$(FILES))

STUFF=$(shell ocamlfind query cass -r -format "-I %d %a" -predicates byte)

ocamlbuild cass.cma cass_top.cmo cass.cmxa

ocamlfind install cass META $(BFILES)

ocamlfind remove cass

ocamlbuild -clean
rm -rf test.exp test.cmo test.cmx test.cmi test.o

#test.byte: XXX cannot make it work...
# :ocamlbuild test.byte
(ocamlc -pp 'camlp4o _build/cass.cma' $(STUFF) -o _build/test || rm -rf test.cmx test.cmi) && \
rm -f test.cmx test.cmi && \

camlp4of _build/cass.cma -printer o > test.exp

debug: all
camlp4of _build/cass.cma

5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions _tags
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
<*>: pkg_camlp4
<*>: syntax_camlp4o,pkg_camlp4.extend
<*>: syntax_camlp4o,pkg_camlp4.quotations
<*>: syntax_camlp4o,pkg_camlp4.quotations
<>: syntax_camlp4o,pkg_cass
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions cass.mllib
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
89 changes: 89 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
open Camlp4.PreCast (* for Ast refs in generated code *)

| Hash of string
| Function of string * any

type t =
| String of string
| Number of float
| Dim of float * string

| Percent of float
| Div of t * t

| Colon
| Prop of string * t

| Bracket of t
| Square of t
| Curly of t * t

| Semi of t * t
| Comma of t * t
| Seq of t * t
| Nil

| Ant of Loc.t * string

let rec meta_t _loc = function
| String s -> <:expr< Cass_ast.String $`str:s$ >>
| Number f -> <:expr< Cass_ast.Number $`flo:f$ >>
| Dim (f,s) -> <:expr< Cass_ast.Dim ($`flo:f$, $`str:s$) >>

| Percent f -> <:expr< Cass_ast.Percent $`flo:f$ >>
| Div (t1,t2) -> <:expr< Cass_ast.Div ($meta_t _loc t1$, $meta_t _loc t2$) >>

| Colon -> <:expr< Cass_ast.Colon >>
| Prop (s,t) -> <:expr< Cass_ast.Prop ($`str:s$, $meta_t _loc t$) >>

| Bracket t -> <:expr< Cass_ast.Bracket $meta_t _loc t$ >>
| Square t -> <:expr< Cass_ast.Square $meta_t _loc t$ >>
| Curly (n,t) -> <:expr< Cass_ast.Curly ($meta_t _loc n$, $meta_t _loc t$) >>

| Semi (a,b) -> <:expr< Cass_ast.Semi ($meta_t _loc a$, $meta_t _loc b$) >>
| Comma (a,b) -> <:expr< Cass_ast.Comma ($meta_t _loc a$, $meta_t _loc b$) >>
| Seq (a,b) -> <:expr< Cass_ast.Seq ($meta_t _loc a$, $meta_t _loc b$) >>
| Nil -> <:expr< Cass_ast.Nil >>

| Ant (l, str) -> Ast.ExAnt (l, str)

module Comma = struct
let rec t_of_list = function
| [] -> Nil
| [e] -> e
| e::es -> Comma (e, t_of_list es)

let rec list_of_t x acc =
match x with
| Nil -> acc
| Comma (e1, e2) -> list_of_t e1 (list_of_t e2 acc)
| e -> e :: acc

module Semi = struct
let rec t_of_list = function
| [] -> Nil
| [e] -> e
| e::es -> Semi (e, t_of_list es)

let rec list_of_t x acc =
match x with
| Nil -> acc
| Semi (e1, e2) -> list_of_t e1 (list_of_t e2 acc)
| e -> e :: acc

module Seq = struct
let rec t_of_list = function
| [] -> Nil
| [e] -> e
| e::es -> Seq (e, t_of_list es)

let rec list_of_t x acc =
match x with
| Nil -> acc
| Seq (e1, e2) -> list_of_t e1 (list_of_t e2 acc)
| e -> e :: acc
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions cass_ast.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
open Camlp4.PreCast

type t =
| String of string
| Number of float
| Dim of float * string

| Percent of float
| Div of t * t

| Colon
| Prop of string * t

| Bracket of t
| Square of t
| Curly of t * t

| Semi of t * t
| Comma of t * t
| Seq of t * t
| Nil

| Ant of Loc.t * string

val meta_t : Ast.loc -> t -> Ast.expr

module Comma : sig
val t_of_list : t list -> t
val list_of_t : t -> t list -> t list

module Semi : sig
val t_of_list : t list -> t
val list_of_t : t -> t list -> t list

module Seq : sig
val t_of_list : t list -> t
val list_of_t : t -> t list -> t list
64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
open Camlp4.PreCast
open Cass_ast

module Gram = MakeGram(Lexer)

let cass_eoi = "cass_eoi"

let parse_cass_eoi loc s = Gram.parse_string cass_eoi loc s

let debug = ref false

let debug (fmt: ('a , unit, string, unit) format4) =
if !debug then
Printf.kprintf (fun s -> print_string s) fmt
Printf.kprintf (fun s -> ()) fmt

GLOBAL: cass_eoi;

str: [[
s = LIDENT -> debug "LIDENT(%s) " s; s
| s = UIDENT -> debug "UIDENT(%s) " s; s
| "-"; s = SELF -> debug "-(%s) " s; "-" ^ s
| "#"; s = SELF -> debug "#(%s) " s; "#" ^ s
| s1 = SELF; "-"; s2 = SELF -> debug "(%s-%s) " s1 s2; s1 ^ s2
| s = STRING -> debug "STRING(%S) " s; "\"" ^ s ^ "\""

number: [[
i = INT -> debug "INT(%s) " i; float_of_string i
| f = FLOAT -> debug "FLOAT(%s) " f; float_of_string f

cass_seq: [[
hd = cass -> hd
| hd = cass ; tl = SELF -> debug "SEQ "; Seq (hd, tl)

cass: [[
s = str -> String s

| n = number; "%" -> debug "PERCENT(%g) " n; Percent n
| s = number ; d = str -> debug "DIM(%g%s) " s d; Dim (s, d)
| n = number -> Number n

| ":" -> debug "COLON "; Colon
| s = str; ":" ; e = cass_seq -> debug "PROP "; Prop (s, e)

| "["; es = SELF; "]" -> debug "SQUARE "; Square es
| e1 = SELF; "{"; e2 = SELF; "}" -> debug "CURLY "; Curly (e1, e2)
| "("; es = SELF; ")" -> debug "EXPR "; Bracket es

| e1 = SELF; ";"; e2 = SELF -> debug "SEMI "; Semi (e1, e2)
| e1 = SELF; ";" -> debug "SEMI "; Semi (e1, Nil)
| e1 = SELF; ","; e2 = SELF -> debug "COMMA "; Comma (e1, e2)

| `ANTIQUOT (""|"int"|"flo"|"str"|"list"|"alist" as n, s) ->
debug "ANTI(%s,%s) " n s; Ant (_loc, n ^ ":" ^ s)

cass_eoi: [[ x = cass; EOI -> debug "\n"; x ]];
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions cass_parser.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
val parse_cass_eoi : Camlp4.PreCast.Ast.Loc.t -> string -> Cass_ast.t
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
open Format
open Cass_ast

let rec t_ ppf = function
| String s -> fprintf ppf "%S" s
| Number n -> fprintf ppf "%g" n
| Dim (f,d) -> fprintf ppf "%g%S" f d

| Percent f -> fprintf ppf "%g%%" f
| Div (t1, t2) -> fprintf ppf "%a/@;<1 2>%a" t t1 t t2

| Colon -> fprintf ppf ":"
| Prop (s, t') -> fprintf ppf "@[<h>%S@ :@ %a@]" s t t'

| Bracket t' -> fprintf ppf "@[<hv>(@;<1 2>%a@ )@]" t t'
| Square t' -> fprintf ppf "@[<hv>[@;<1 2>%a@ ]@]" t t'
| Curly (t1, t2) -> fprintf ppf "%a @[<hv>{@;<1 2>%a@ }@]" t t1 t t2

| Semi (t', Nil) -> t ppf t'
| Semi (t1, t2) -> fprintf ppf "%a;@;<1 2>%a" t t1 t t2

| Comma (t', Nil) -> t ppf t'
| Comma (t1, t2) -> fprintf ppf "%a,@;<1 2>%a" t t1 t t2

| Seq (t', Nil) -> t ppf t'
| Seq (t1, t2) -> fprintf ppf "%a @;<1 2>%a" t t1 t t2

| Nil -> ()

| Ant (_, s) -> fprintf ppf "$%s$" s

and t ppf t = t_ ppf t (*t_of_list (list_of_t t [])*)

let to_string t' =
t str_formatter t';
flush_str_formatter ()
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions cass_printer.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
val t : Format.formatter -> Cass_ast.t -> unit
val to_string : Cass_ast.t -> string
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
open Camlp4.PreCast

module Q = Syntax.Quotation
module AQ = Syntax.AntiquotSyntax

let destruct_aq s =
let pos = String.index s ':' in
let len = String.length s in
let name = String.sub s 0 pos
and code = String.sub s (pos + 1) (len - pos - 1) in
name, code

let aq_expander =
inherit as super
method expr =
| Ast.ExAnt (_loc, s) ->
let n, c = destruct_aq s in
let e = AQ.parse_expr _loc c in
begin match n with
| "int" -> <:expr< Cass_ast.Number (float_of_int $e$) >> (* e is an int *)
| "flo" -> <:expr< Cass_ast.Numner $e$ >> (* e is a float *)
| "str" -> <:expr< Cass_ast.String $e$ >> (* e is a string *)
| "list" -> <:expr< Cass_ast.Comma.t_of_list $e$ >>
| "alist" -> <:expr< Cass_ast.Semi.t_of_list ( (fun (str,elt) -> Cass_ast.Colon (str, elt)) $e$) >>
| _ -> e
| e -> super#expr e

let parse_quot_string loc s =
let q = !Camlp4_config.antiquotations in
Camlp4_config.antiquotations := true;
let res = Cass_parser.parse_cass_eoi loc s in
Camlp4_config.antiquotations := q;

let expand_expr loc _ s =
let ast = parse_quot_string loc s in
let meta_ast = Cass_ast.meta_t loc ast in
aq_expander#expr meta_ast

let expand_str_item loc _ s =
let exp_ast = expand_expr loc None s in
<:str_item@loc< $exp:exp_ast$ >>


Q.add "css" Q.DynAst.expr_tag expand_expr;
Q.add "css" Q.DynAst.str_item_tag expand_str_item;
Q.default := "css"
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
(* following Ocamlnet's *)

let exec s =
let l = Lexing.from_string s in
let ph = !Toploop.parse_toplevel_phrase l in
assert(Toploop.execute_phrase false Format.err_formatter ph)

exec "#install_printer Jq_printer.t;;";;

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