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[new release] mirage (2 packages) (4.5.0)
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- This release introduces a significant change in the Mirage tool by
  splitting the definition of command-line arguments used at
  configure-time and runtime. Command-line arguments used in the
  configure script (also called 'configuration keys' and defined in
  the `Key` module) are essential during the setup of module
  dependencies for the unikernel, allowing for a specialized
  production of a unikernel for a given target runtime environment. On
  the other hand, command-line arguments that the unikernel can use at
  runtime (defined in the `Runtime_arg` module) are useful for
  customizing deployments without altering the dependencies of the
  unikernels. (mirage/mirage#1449, mirage/mirage#1450, mirage/mirage#1451, mirage/mirage#1455 @samoht, review by @hannesm)

  * API changes:
    - There is no more `~stage` parameter for ``.
    - `Key` now define command-line arguments for the configuration tool.
    - There is a new module `Runtime_arg` to define command-line arguments
      for the unikernel.
    - As there are no more keys type `'Both`, users are now expected to create
      two separated keys in that case (one for configure-time, one for runtime)
      or decide if the key is useful at runtime of configure-time.

  * Intended use of configuration keys (values of type `'a key`):
    - Used to set up module dependencies of the unikernel, such as the
      target (hvt, xen, etc.) and whether to use DHCP or a fixed IP address.
    - Enable the production of specialized unikernels suitable for
      specific target runtime environments and dedicated network and
      storage stacks.
    - Similar keys will produce reproducible binaries to be uploaded to artifact
      repositories like Docker Hub or

  * Intended use of command-line runtime arguments (values of type
    `a runtime_arg`):
    - Allow users to customize deployments by changing device
      configuration, like IP addresses, secrets, block device names,
      etc., post downloading of binaries.
    - These keys don’t alter the dependencies of the unikernels.
    - A runtime keys is just a reference to a normal Cmdliner term.

  * `` is not generated anymore, so users cannot refer to
    `Key_gen.<key_name>` directy.
    - Any runtime argument has to be declared (using `runtime_arg` and
      registered on the device (using `~runtime_args`). The value of that
      argument will then be passed  as an extra parameter of the `connect`
      function of that device.
    - Configuration keys are not available at runtime anymore. For
      instance, `` has been removed.

* Code migration:
    (* in *)
    let key =
      let doc = ~doc:"A Key." ~stage:`Run [ "key" ] in
      Key.(create "key" Arg.(opt_all ~stage:`Run string doc))
    (* in *)
    open Cmdliner

    let key =
      let doc = ~doc:"A Key." [ "key" ] in
      Arg.(value & opt_all string [] doc)

    (* in *)
    let start _ =
      let key = Key_gen.hello () in
    (* in *)
    let hello = runtime_arg ~pos:__POS__ "Unikernel.hello"
    let main = main ~runtime_args:[hello] ...

    (* in *)
    let hello =
      let open Cmdliner in
      let doc = ~doc:"How to say hello." [ "hello" ] in
      Arg.(value & opt string "Hello World!" doc)

    let start _ hello =

- bump minimal ocaml-solo5 version bound to 0.8.2 to avoid fast memory usage
  error (mirage/mirage#1507, @palainp)
- BREAKING: the packages `functoria` and `functoria-runtime` are removed. The
  respectives libraries became `mirage.functoria` and `mirage-runtime.functoria`
  (mirage/mirage#1509, @samoht)
- BREAKING: `Mirage.keys` is renamed to `Mirage.runtime_args` (mirage/mirage#1506, @samoht)
- BREAKING: remove `Mirage.foreign. Use `Mirage.main` instead (mirage/mirage#1505, @samoht)
- BREAKING: `Mirage.main` does not take a `?extra_deps` parameter anymore
  (mirage/mirage#1505, @samoht)
- BREAKING: the `Mirage.connect` functions passed to create devices
  (with `Mirage.impl`)  now take values of type `'a Mirage.code` instead
  of `string`. Value of type `code` are created using a new `Mirage.code`
  function, that takes `~pos:__POS__` as parameter. This is used to generate
  better locations in the generated code, leading to better error messages
  (mirage/mirage#1504, @samoht)
- BUGFIX: fix `mirage describe` output (mirage/mirage#1446 @samoht), add test (mirage/mirage#1458 @samoht)
- Remove ipaddr from runtime (mirage/mirage#1437 @samoht, mirage/mirage#1465 @hannesm)
- BREAKING: `Mirage.register` no longer have `?packages` and `?keys` arguments
  (mirage/mirage#1433, mirage/mirage#1434 @hannesm)
- BREAKING: Remove deprecated bindings and types (mirage/mirage#1461 @hannesm)
- BREAKING: Remove `mirage build` subcommand, use `dune build` in Makefile
  (mirage/mirage#1404 @hannesm), put `--profile release` in Makefile instead of
  dune-workspace (mirage/mirage#1470 @hannesm)
- Increase dune version to 2.9 in generated dune-project (mirage/mirage#1443 @samoht)
  • Loading branch information
samoht committed Apr 10, 2024
1 parent 840d322 commit 5bbb521
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Showing 2 changed files with 104 additions and 0 deletions.
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions packages/mirage-runtime/mirage-runtime.4.5.0/opam
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
opam-version: "2.0"
maintainer: ["" ""]
authors: ["Thomas Gazagnaire" "Anil Madhavapeddy" "Gabriel Radanne"
"Mindy Preston" "Thomas Leonard" "Nicolas Ojeda Bar"
"Dave Scott" "David Kaloper" "Hannes Mehnert" "Richard Mortier"]
homepage: ""
bug-reports: ""
dev-repo: "git+"
license: "ISC"
tags: ["org:mirage" "org:xapi-project"]
doc: ""

build: [
["dune" "subst"] {dev}
["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs]
["dune" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs] {with-test}

depends: [
"ocaml" {>= "4.08.0"}
"dune" {>= "2.9.0"}
"logs" {>= "0.7.0"}
"lwt" {>= "4.0.0"}
"ipaddr" {>= "5.5.0"}
"cmdliner" {>= "1.2.0"}
conflicts: [
"result" {< "1.5"}
"ppxlib" {= "0.29.0"} #0.29.0 provides a vendored ppx_sexp_conv
synopsis: "The base MirageOS runtime library, part of every MirageOS unikernel"
description: """
A bundle of useful runtime functions for applications built with MirageOS
url {
checksum: [
x-commit-hash: "88faf8f466c2778f18fa63391ece8635682ef21e"
61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions packages/mirage/mirage.4.5.0/opam
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
opam-version: "2.0"
maintainer: ["" ""]
authors: ["Thomas Gazagnaire" "Anil Madhavapeddy" "Gabriel Radanne"
"Mindy Preston" "Thomas Leonard" "Nicolas Ojeda Bar"
"Dave Scott" "David Kaloper" "Hannes Mehnert" "Richard Mortier"]
homepage: ""
bug-reports: ""
dev-repo: "git+"
license: "ISC"
tags: ["org:mirage" "org:xapi-project"]
doc: ""
available: opam-version >= "2.1.0"

build: [
["dune" "subst"] {dev}
["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs]
["dune" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs] {with-test}

depends: [
"ocaml" {>= "4.08.0"}
"dune" {>= "2.9.0"}
"cmdliner" {>= "1.2.0"}
"emile" {>= "1.1"}
"fmt" {>= "0.8.7"}
"ipaddr" {>= "5.0.0"}
"rresult" {>= "0.7.0"}
"uri" {>= "4.2.0"}
"logs" {>= "0.7.0"}
"opam-monorepo" {>= "0.3.2"}
"alcotest" {with-test}
"mirage-runtime" {with-test & = version}

conflicts: [ "jbuilder" {with-test} ]

synopsis: "The MirageOS library operating system"
description: """
MirageOS is a library operating system that constructs unikernels for
secure, high-performance network applications across a variety of
cloud computing and mobile platforms. Code can be developed on a
normal OS such as Linux or MacOS X, and then compiled into a
fully-standalone, specialised unikernel that runs under the Xen

Since Xen powers most public cloud computing infrastructure such as
Amazon EC2 or Rackspace, this lets your servers run more cheaply,
securely and with finer control than with a full software stack.
url {
checksum: [
x-commit-hash: "88faf8f466c2778f18fa63391ece8635682ef21e"

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