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#Problem Specification

You will be building a single-user Rails application to allow one person to manage his or her DVD catalog.



  • I must be able to add/view/edit/remove DVDs.
  • At a minimum, a DVD must contain fields for the name, release date, summary, and ASIN (Amazon product ID).
    • Only name and summary shall be mandatory.
    • Name shall enforce uniqueness.
  • When adding/editing a DVD I must be able to specify the actors/actresses in the movie. (many-to-many relationship)
  • When adding/editing a DVD I must be able to specify the director of the movie. (many-to-one relationship)
  • When viewing a DVD, I should have a clickable link to the Amazon product page, if and only if an ASIN is present.


  • A DVD may contain whatever other information you feel is relevant, but must have proper and meaningful validations for all fields.
  • When adding/editing a DVD, I should be able to add an actor/actress/director not already present in the system, and have a record for that actor/actress added to the system.
  • I should be able to search for DVDs by name, director, or actor/actress.



  • I should be able to add/view/edit/remove Actors, and upon removal, have the association rows binding them to movies be cleared.
  • When viewing an Actor, I must see a list of movies they have been in.
  • At a minimum, Actor must contain fields for name, date of birth, and gender.
    • Only name and gender shall be mandatory.
    • Name shall enforce uniqueness.
  • When editing an Actor, I must be able to add to/remove from the set of movies that they have been in.


  • I should be able to search for actors by name, age range (not date of birth!), or movie (show a list of actors in that movie).


Same required/optional features as Actor.



  • The code must be written to run under MRI 1.9.3-p194.


  • Test cases for all functionality, using RSpec and/or Cucumber.
  • It's recommended you use FactoryGirl instead of fixtures.
  • If you have front-end chops, it's recommended you put some effort into a reasonably slick/smooth UI.


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