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sampath1619 edited this page Feb 15, 2017 · 22 revisions
                                                ANDROID APPLICATION

Class Id: 26 **Student Id:**16231927 Student Name: Sampath Gattu


The main aim of this tutorial is to develop Android Application using Android Studio using API.This app should have a login page, successful login it must take the user to the application interaction page.

App Description:

  • This android application is about weather report.
  • It takes the user's current location and displays the current weather using Yahoo Weather API.
  • Once LAB4 app in mobile is opened the user is prompted with Login page where he has to enter email id and password for successful login.


Login Page


  • If the user has entered wrong username/password the Login will be failed and validations will be thrown.

Login validation

  • If the user doesn't have an account, the he has to click on 'Not yet registered? Create one', then the user will be redirected to Registration Page.


  • The users enter Name,Email Id,Password and clicks on 'REGISTER'. If the user has not entered all the details the registration will be failed and he cannot proceed further.

Reg validation

  • If the 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' doesn't match, registration will be failed and error is thrown.

Password match

  • If the users enters all mandatory details in Login Page/Registration Page and clicks on Login he will be redirected to application interaction page and weather information is displayed.


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