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Sam Pritchard

Skills | Education | Projects | Experience | Hobbies and Interests | Blog

I am a confident and ambitious Junior Full Stack Developer based in London. With a strong analytical mind, I have embarked on a career change where I can put my skills to better use.

After recruiting software developers in Sydney, I became fascinated by the intricate details of the Development landscape. After finishing the intensive 12 weeks of Makers Academy, I have grown from someone with an interest in code, to someone who is incredibly passionate about writing clean code using best practices.

I am currently looking for a role within an ambitious company that promotes learning and collaboration in a team environment, where I can consolidate and extend my programming knowledge surrounded by like-minded professionals.

Project Description Technology
Ductu A tool for managing mentor/mentee relationships Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Pug, Mocha/Chai/Zombie
Thermostat Thermostat where can user can change the temperature JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, CSS3, HTML5, Jasmine
FizzBuzz A game of Fizz Buzz where you can enter any number and see the result JavaScript, CSS3, HTML5

For a complete list of my projects, and full source code, please see my GitHub


With a background in sales, communication is what my previous career has been based on. During my sales career in London and Sydney, I have dealt with professionals from all walks of life, developing my verbal and written communication skills in high-pressured enviornments. From buidling relationships with a CTO at a major Fintech, to helping a Developer get their first job oversea's, I have succeeded in every sales position I have held. I regularly attend Meetups in and around London and love meeting new people.


Whilst at University, I created a sports trading business to help fund myself. I noticed a gap in the market within the industry and for 2 years, worked on a trading platform making consistent profit. In Sydney, I joined a start-up branch of a larger recruitment organisation and helped develop the brand. Using London's style of recruitment was not working and we came up with numerous solutions to help us in a Sydney market (regular tech Meetups, graduate developer programmes, etc).


During my time as a Bookmaker, I had to analyse price-movements and fluctuations on a daily basis to give suggestions to our team. Whilst working in sales, I was always analytical over my pipeline management and when choosing what clients were right for certain candidates and vice versa.


Throughout my sales career, time-management has been hugely important. Breaking the day up into manageable chunks works well for me and having the flexibility to move these around when something urgent happens is something I excel at. Key to good time-management is good organisation. In my previous sales role I implemented a priority scale for the team so we could break down our day based on what our biggest priorities were during that day.

Makers Academy (May 17 to July 17)

  • Best practices using Agile methodologies
  • Pair-programming
  • Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js
  • SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
  • Rspec, Jasmine, Mocha, Zombie

Cardiff Psychology (Sept 09 - Jun 13)

  • BSc in Psychology
  • 2:1
  • Modules included Statistics, Behavioural Psychology and Cognitive Psychology

Sir Thomas Rich's School (Sept 01 - June 08)

  • A-levels: 2 A's in Psychology & Physical Education. B in History
  • GCSE's: 9 GCSE's grade A-B including Mathematics(A) & Enlgish Language(A)

Salt Australia (Dec 15 - Jan 17)

  • Recruitment Consultant (Web & Mobile Development)

Foxtons (Sept 14 - Mar 15)

  • Sales Negotiator

McDonalds (Sept 13 - Sept 14)

  • Trainee Business Manager

Badger Racing Ltd (on-course bookmaker) (Jun 10 - Jun 15)

  • Risk Analyst & Trader

Sports Trading Business (Oct 10 - Jun 12)

  • Trader
  • Sports: I love being active and play sports such as Football, Tennis, Golf and Padel. Love to cylce and recently signed up to compete in my first marathon!

  • Nutrition: I am really passionate about cooking healthy and nutritious meals which give me lots of energy. Love reading about new research papers and listening to podcasts about plant-based athletes to enhance performance.

  • Travelling: I have travelled through Central and South America and love meeting new people and expperiencing different cultures.


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