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Functions lab 1

Fork and clone this repo. On your fork, answer and commit the follow questions. When you are finished, submit the link to your repo on Canvas.

Question 1

Complete the function so that it will print out total cost after tax. Make sure to call the function afterwards.

let itemCost = 45.0
let nyTax = 0.08775

func totalWithTax() {
print(itemCost + nyTax)
func totalCostOfItemAfterTax() -> Int {
let totalCost = itemCost + nyTax


Then, modify the function you implemented to have a return type of Int, and use an external name that looks more readable. Function calls should look something like "total cost of the item after tax"

Question 2

Convert the the following if/else statement below into function with a String return type.

let todaysTemperature = 72

if todaysTemperature <= 40 {
    print("It's cold out.")
} else if todaysTemperature >= 85 {
    print("It's really warm.")
} else {
    print("Weather is moderate.")


func whatsTheWeather(todaysTemp x: Int) -> String {
if x <= 40 {
print("It's cold out.")
} else if x >= 85 {
print("It's really warm.")
} else {
print("Weather is moderate.")
return("Temperature machine broken")

let tempResult = whatsTheWeather(todaysTemp: Int)

Question 3

Write a function named min2 that takes two Int values, a and b, and returns the smallest one.

Function Definition func min2(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int

Example: Input: min2(a:1, b:2)

Output: 1

func min2(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int {
if a < b {
} else {

Question 4

Write a function that takes an Int and returns its last digit. Name the function lastDigit. Use _ to ignore the external parameter name.

Function Definition: func lastDigit(_ number: Int) -> Int

Example: Input: lastDigit(12345)

Output: 5

func lastDigit(_ number: Int) -> Any {
let (_,r) = number.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: 10)
return r

Question 5

Write a function that takes in any two positive integers and return the sum.

func sumOfTwoPositiveNums(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) -> Int {
return Int(a + b)
print(sumOfTwoPositiveNums(9, 4))

Question 6

Write a function takes in any number grade and returns a corresponding letter grade.

Number Grade Equivalent Letter Grade
100 A+
90 - 99 A
80 - 89 B
70 - 79 C
65 - 69 D
Below 65 F
func whatsMyGrade(grade: Int) -> String {

switch grade {
case 100:
return "A+"
case 90...99:
return "A"
case 80...89:
return "B"
case 70...79:
return "C"
case 65...69:
return "D"

return "F"


whatsMyGrade(grade: 100)

Question 7

Make a calculator function that takes in three parameters (two numbers and one operator) and returns the answer of the operation.

Operator parameter: (+, -, x, /)

func operationCalculatorOnInts(a: Int, b: Int, operand: String) -> Int {
switch operand {
case "+":
return a + b
case "-":
return a - b
case "x", "*":
return a * b
case "/":
return a / b
return Int.min

print(operationCalculatorOnInts(a: 5, b: 3, operand: "*"))

Question 8

Write a function so that it will print out total cost after tip.

let mealCost = 45
let tipPercentage = 0.15

//Write your code below

func totalWithTip(total: Double, tip: Double) -> Double {
return total * (1 + tip)
let myFinalCost = totalWithTip(total: mealCost, tip: tipPercentage)

Write a function that will print out total cost after tip and tax.

let taxPercentage = 0.09

//Write your code below

func totalWithTipAndTax(total: Double, tip: Double, tax: Double) -> Double {

return total * (1 + tip + tax)

let myFinalCostWithTipAndTax = totalWithTipAndTax(total: mealCost, tip: tipPercentage, tax: taxPercentage)

Question 9

Implement a function named repeatPrint that takes a string message and a integer count as parameters. The function should print message count number of times and then print a newline.

Example: Input: repeatPrint(message: "+", count: 10)

Output: ++++++++++

var outputString = " "
func repeatPrint(message: String, count: Int) {
for _ in 0...count {
outputString += message

repeatPrint(message: "x", count: 10)

Question 10

Write a function named first that takes an Int named n and returns an array with the first n numbers starting from 1.

Function Definition func first(_ n: Int) -> [Int]

Example: Input: first(3)

Output: [1, 2, 3]

func first(_ n: Int) -> [Int] {
var output = [Int]()
for number in 1...n {
return output


Question 11

Write a function that prints the numbers from 1 to x, except:

If the number if a multiple of 3, print "Fizz" instead of the number If the number is a multiple of 5, print "Buzz" instead of the number If the number is a multiple of 3 AND 5, print "FizzBuzz" instead of the number Your function should take in one parameter: x (the number to count up to)

func fizzBuzzer(range x: Int) {
for i in 0...x {
if i % 3 == 0 && i % 5 == 0 {
print ("FizzBuzz")
} else if i % 3 == 0 && i != 5 {
} else if i % 5 == 0 && i % 3 != 0 {
} else {


fizzBuzzer(range: 90)

Question 12

Write a function named reverse that takes an array of integers named numbers as a parameter. The function should return an array with the numbers from numbers in reverse order.

Example: Input: reverse([1, 2, 3])

Output: [3, 2, 1]

var numbers = [Int]()
var reversedNums = [Int]()

func reverse(inputArray: [Int]) -> Array<Int> {
print(reverse(inputArray: [1,2,3]))

Question 13 todo

Write a function that prints out the most frequently appearing Int in an array of Int.

Question 14

Write a function that sums all the even indices of an array of Ints. func

func sumOfArrayIndices(arr: [Int]) -> Int {
var sum = 0
for index in arr.indices where index % 2 == 0{
sum += index
return sum

print(sumOfArrayIndices(arr: [1,2,3]))

Question 15 - todo

Write a function that flips a dictionary. All of the keys are now values and all of the values are now keys.

Example: Input: [1: "hi", 5: "bye:]

Output: ["hi": 1, "bye": 5]

func flipDictionaryKeysAndValues(dict x:  )for (k,v) in dict {

Question 16 -TD

Write a function that finds the person with the second highest test score in a Dictionary that maps names to scores.

Example: Input: ["Person 1": 83, "Person 2": 74, "Person 3": 82]

Output: "Person 3"

Question 17

Write a function that determines if a value is inside of array.

func isValueInsideArray(value x: Int, array y: [Int]) {
for i in y{
if i == x {
}  else {

var testArray = [3,56,8,4,3,5,7,9,9,6,6,]

isValueInsideArray(value: 6, array: testArray)

Question 18

Write a function takes an Int as input, and returns true if it is even, or false if it is odd. Using your new function, write code that prints out whether dieRoll is even or odd:

let dieRoll = Int(arc4random_uniform(6) + 1)

func evenOrOdd(x: Int) -> Bool {
return x % 2 == 0
let dieRoll = Int(arc4random_uniform(6) + 1)
print(dieRoll,evenOrOdd(x: dieRoll))

Question 19

Write a function that takes [Int] as input. It should return the largest Int in the array.

Using your function from the first step, use String interpolation to print a sentence that states what the largest Int in myArray is.

let myArray = [3,5,1,3,532,1,4,91,20,30,92,143]

let myArray = [3,5,1,3,532,1,4,91,20,30,92,143]

func largestInt(_ arrayOfNums: [Int]) -> String {
let maxNum = arrayOfNums.max() ?? 0

func evenOrOdd() -> String {
if maxNum % 2 == 0 {
return "The largest Int in 'myArray' is even"
} else {
return "The largest Int in 'myArray' is odd"

let isItEvenOrOdd = evenOrOdd()
return "The largest Int in 'myArray' is \(maxNum). \(isItEvenOrOdd)"

If you haven't already done so, write a function that takes in an Int and returns whether that number is even or odd. Use that function to print a sentence that states whether the largest Int in myArray is even or odd.

Question 20

Write a function that takes a String as input and returns the number of characters in the string

Using your function, print how many characters are in myString:

let myString = "Swift is a new programming language for iOS, OS X, watchOS, and tvOS apps that builds on the best of C and Objective-C, without the constraints of C compatibility."

func numberOfCharactersInAString(input: String) -> Int {
return input.count

let myString = "Swift is a new programming language for iOS, OS X, watchOS, and tvOS apps that builds on the best of C and Objective-C, without the constraints of C compatibility."

print("The number of characters in myString is:",numberOfCharactersInAString(input: myString))

Question 21

Write a function that counts how many characters in a String match a specific character. (e.g: count how many "a"s are in a String, or count how many ","s are in a String.

Example: Input:

let testString = "This is a test string for your code"
let targetCharacter: Character = "i"

func countSpecificCharacter(_ string: String, _: Character) -> Int {
let output = string.lowercased()
var counter = 0

for i in output {
if i == targetCharacter {
counter += 1
return counter

Sample output: 3

let testString = "This is a test string for your code"
let targetCharacter: Character = "i"

func countNumberOf(char: Character, in string: String) -> Int {
var counter = 0
for character in string where char == character {
counter += 1
return counter

print(countNumberOf(char: targetCharacter, in: testString))

Question 22

Write a function that counts how many characters in a String match one of several possible characters. (e.g: count how many vowels are in a String, or count how many "a"s "b"s and "c"s are in a Sting)

Example: Input:

let inputString = "This one is a little more complicated"
let targetCharacters: [Character] = ["a","e","i","o","u"]

Output: 13

Question 23

Write a function that returns the number of unique Ints in an array of Ints.

Example: Input: let inputArray2 = [3,1,4,1,3,2,6,1,9]

Output: 4

let binaryArray = [1,0,1,1,1,0,1]

func binaryToDecimal(_ binaryArray: [Int]) -> Decimal {
var exponent = 0
var output: Decimal = 0.0

for number in binaryArray {
output += Decimal(number) * pow(2,exponent)
exponent += 1
return output



//Explanation: 2, 4, 6, 9 are unique in the array. Every other number is not unique.

Question 24

Write a function that converts a binary number into decimal. The binary number will be given as an array of Ints.

Example: Input: let binaryArray = [1,0,1,1,1,0,1]

Output: 93

Question 25

Write a function named timeDifference. It takes as input four numbers that represent two times in a day and returns the difference in minutes between them. The first two parameters firstHour and firstMinute represent the hour and minute of the first time. The last two secondHour and secondMinute represent the hour and minute of the second time. All parameters should have external parameter names with the same name as the local ones.

Example: Input: timeDifference(firstHour: 12, firstMinute: 3, secondHour: 13, secondMinute: 10)

Output: 67

Question 26

Write a function called filterOdd that takes an array of ints and returns it with just the even numbers.

Example: Input: filterOdd(arr: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8])

Output: [2, 4, 6, 8]

Question 27

Write a function called doubleIt that takes an array of ints and returns it with all the elements doubled.

Example: Input: doubleIt(arr: [1, 2, 3, 4])

Output: [2, 4, 6, 8]

Then write a function called multiplyBy that takes an array of ints and an int n that will return the array with all the elements multiplied by n.

Example: Input: multiplyIt(arr: [1, 2, 3, 4], n: 4)

Output: [4, 8, 12, 16]

Question 28

Write a function called unwrap that takes an array of optional ints and returns an array with them unwrapped with any nil values removed.

Example: Input: unwrap(arr: [nil, 7, 4, nil, 43, 11, nil, 2])

Output: [7, 4, 43, 11, 2]

Question 29

Write a function that takes an array of bools and returns a dictionary that maps the bools to how many times they appear in the array.

Example: Input: countBools(arr: [true, true, false, true, false, true])

Output: [false: 2, true: 4]

Question 30

Write a function that takes a string as input and returns a dictionary that maps each unique character to how many times they appear in the string.

Example: Input: countCharacters(str: "Hello, World!")

Output: ["H": 1, "r": 1, "!": 1, "e": 1, "o": 2, "l": 3, ",": 1, " ": 1, "W": 1, "d": 1]

Question 31

Write a function that takes this dictionary of baseball teams by ID and returns an array of tuples that contain each team's ID and name.

let baseballTeamsById = [1001:"Mets", 1002:"Yankees", 1003:"Rays", 1004:"Marlins"]

Example: Input: dictToTuples(dict: baseballTeamsById)

Output: [(.0 1003, .1 "Rays"), (.0 1001, .1 "Mets"), (.0 1004, .1 "Marlins"), (.0 1002, .1 "Yankees")]

Question 32

Write a function that checks if a String is a Palindrome

Question 33

Write a function that checks if a String is a pangram

Question 34

Write your own min() and max() functions for an Array of Ints

let inputArray = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]

func myMax(arr: [Int]) -> Int {
var highestInt = Int.min
for value in arr where value > highestInt {
highestInt = value
return highestInt
print("Max:",myMax(arr: inputArray))

func myMin(arr: [Int]) -> Int {
var lowestInt = Int.max
for value in arr where value < lowestInt {
lowestInt = value
return lowestInt
print("Min:",myMin(arr: inputArray))

Question 35

Given two arrays of Ints, write a function that tells you all the values they have in common.

let input1 = [1,2,3]
let input2 = [2,3,4]
func commonValuesInArry(arr1: [Int], arr2: [Int]) -> [Int] {
var commonValues = [Int]()
for value in arr1 where arr2.contains(value) {
return commonValues
print(commonValuesInArry(arr1: input1, arr2: input2))

Question 36

Find the most-frequently appearing Array of Ints in an Array of Arrays of Ints.

Question 37

Given a String as input, rotate all a-z characters by one. This is called ROT-1 encryption.

Sample input: This is a test string. Anything can be written in here (even Zebras and zebras).

Sample output: Uijt jt b uftu tusjoh. Bozuijoh dbo cf xsjuufo jo ifsf (fwfo Afcsbt boe afcsbt).


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