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Program		: solr_pager
Version		: 0.2.5
Purpose		: Pager component for SOLR
License		: GNU GPL v3 (see file COPYING)
Author		: Samuel Behan <samuel_._behan_(at)_dob_._sk> (c) 2000-2016
Web		:
Requirements	: JAVA 1.5, SOLR 1.4+, ANT


	solr_pager is a SOLR paging component. It adds paging records to SOLR
  search results, that can be easily transformed using XSLT writer. You will
  not need anymore to bother with slow recursive XSLT paging hacks.
  See PAGING for more info.

	Report bugs or feature request to me (Author).

	For use of solr_pager you might need to compile this against yours 
  SOLR version. Altought this tarball contains some recent version of SOLR jars, 
  they might be different and compiled version of solr_pager might not work with 
  yours SOLR. So, you will have to copy your SOLR (located in <webapps>/solr/WEB-INF/lib) 
  jars to libs directory or alter library paths in build.xml.

  After this simply type

   $ ant

  This will create solr_pager.jar in dist directory, that you should copy to yours
  SOLR lib dir (usually <webapps>/solr/WEB-INF/lib).

  Finaly you need to define new component that can SOLR use in solrconfig.xml:

  <searchComponent name="pager" class=""/>

  And add pager component to request processing:

  <requestHandler name="standard" class="solr.SearchHandler" default="true">

    <!-- ... usual solr requestHandler configurations ... ->

    <!-- use pager as last request processing component -->
    <arr name="last-components">


	pager		- number of following or preceding page starts to generate
			  default: 0 (disabled)

	pager.pre	- how many of preceding page starts should be generated
			  default: 2


	Response with start = 75 and rows = 25.

  <lst name="pager">
    <lst name="pages">		<!-- list of all pages -->
      <int name="2">25</int>
      <int name="3">50</int>
      <int name="4">75</int> <!-- this is actual page -->
      <int name="5">100</int>
      <int name="6">125</int>
      <int name="7">150</int>
      <int name="8">175</int>
      <int name="9">200</int>
      <int name="10">225</int>
      <int name="11">250</int>
    <int name="prev">50</int>	<!-- previous page, with start = 50 -->
    <int name="next">100</int>	<!-- next page, with start = 75 -->
    <int name="last">1225</int>	<!-- last page, with start = 1225 -->
    <int name="actual">4</int> <!-- actual page number -->
    <int name="count">49</int> <!-- count of all pages -->