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Using Docker

The easiest starting point is to use Docker with a preconfigured setup.

Using the pre-built Docker container you can simply run:

docker run -it

docker run -it

Alternatively, you can build the corresponding Docker container yourself:

docker build -t mmesh \
docker run -it mmesh

This will open an interactive shell in the Dune-MMesh's examples directory.

On your system

In order to install and use Dune-MMesh you need:

C++ compiler (at least C++17 compatible, e.g. clang >= 5 or g++ >= 7), CMake (3.13 or later), Python3 (3.7 or later) + pip (+ venv), pkg-config, Boost (1.66 or later), OpenMPI (optional), SuiteSparse (we use UMFPack) and Gmsh.

On Linux the requirements could be installed as follows:

apt install g++ cmake python3 python3-pip python3-venv pkg-config libboost-dev libopenmpi-dev openmpi-bin libsuitesparse-dev gmsh git git-lfs

On MacOS, you can install the required dependencies by installing the Xcode Command Line Tools and using Homebrew:

xcode-select --install
brew install pkg-config boost openmpi suite-sparse gmsh git-lfs

There are two ways to install Dune-MMesh, either from PyPI or from source.

Using Pip

The easiest way to install Dune-MMesh is using pip and the package uploaded to PyPI.

  1. Activate a virtual environment (strongly recommended).
python3 -m venv dune-env
source dune-env/bin/activate

This requires that you have venv available (apt install python3-venv).

  1. Download and build Dune-MMesh and its dependencies.
pip install dune-mmesh

Note that this takes some time in order to compile all dependent Dune modules.

Now, you should be able to execute Dune-MMesh's python code. For instance:

git clone
cd dune-mmesh/doc/examples

Remark that a dune-py module will be generated automatically that is necessary to perform the just-in-time compilation of DUNE python modules.

If you encounter problems with, e.g., Boost headers missing on an M1 Mac, make sure that the include paths can be found. For instance, use the export

export CXXFLAGS="-I/opt/homebrew/Cellar/boost/1.66.0/include/"

before installing Dune-MMesh.

Please be aware that we use git-lfs for uploading the .msh files. In order to pull them, please activate large file storage.

From Source

You can install Dune-MMesh from source to get full access to the source code. It also enables git support if you want to contribute.

1. Clone the Dune modules dune-common, dune-geometry, dune-grid, dune-istl, dune-localfunctions, dune-alugrid dune-fem and dune-mmesh.

git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
  1. Build the modules. This will create an internal virtual environment and install the python bindings.
./dune-common/bin/dunecontrol --opts=dune-mmesh/cmake/config.opts all
  1. Activate the DUNE internal virtual environment.
source ./dune-common/build-cmake/dune-env/bin/activate