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An ethereum basic setup for smart contract development

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Drizzle Truffle Box

This box comes with everything you need to start using smart contracts from a react app with Drizzle. It includes drizzle, drizzle-react and drizzle-react-components to give you a complete overview of Drizzle's capabilities.


  1. Rename the file secret-template.js into secret.js and populate it using your Infura credentials and Mnemonic phrases.

Run using Vagrant

  1. Make sure to have virtualbox and vagrant installed

  2. Run

    vagrant up
  3. SSH to vm with

    vagrant ssh
  4. Deploy with

    truffle migrate
  5. Launch the frontend

    npm run start

Classical installation

  1. Install Truffle and Ganache CLI globally. If you prefer, the graphical version of Ganache works as well!

    npm install -g truffle
    npm install -g ganache-cli
  2. Download the box. This also takes care of installing the necessary dependencies.

    truffle unbox drizzle
  3. Run the development blockchain, we recommend passing in a blocktime. Otherwise, its difficult to track things like loading indicators because Ganache will mine instantly.

    // 3 second blocktime.
    ganache-cli -b 3
  4. Compile and migrate the smart contracts. Note inside the development console we don't preface commands with truffle.

  5. Run the webpack server for front-end hot reloading (outside the development console). Smart contract changes must be manually recompiled and migrated.

    // Serves the front-end on http://localhost:3000
    npm run start
  6. Truffle can run tests written in Solidity or JavaScript against your smart contracts. Note the command varies slightly if you're in or outside of the development console.

    // If inside the development console.
    // If outside the development console..
    truffle test
  7. Jest is included for testing React components. Compile your contracts before running Jest, or you may receive some file not found errors.

    // Run Jest outside of the development console for front-end component tests.
    npm run test
  8. To build the application for production, use the build command. A production build will be in the build_webpack folder.

    npm run build


  • Where do I find more information about Drizzle?

    Check out our documentation or any of the three repositories (drizzle, drizzle-react, drizzle-react-components).

  • Why is there both a truffle.js file and a truffle-config.js file?

    truffle-config.js is a copy of truffle.js for compatibility with Windows development environments. Feel free to delete it if it's irrelevant to your platform.

  • Where is my production build?

    The production build will be in the build_webpack folder. This is because Truffle outputs contract compilations to the build folder.

  • Where can I find more documentation?

    This box is a marriage of Truffle and a React setup created with create-react-app. Either one would be a great place to start!


Add support and integration with:

  • Meteor.js for rapid client and mobile development
  • IPFS for frontend files storage


An ethereum basic setup for smart contract development






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