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eformless 🧩

The missing piece in react and react-native form management

Ideology 📄

For the longest time, build complex forms with validation has been a total pain point in both react and react-native. While there have been some progress in terms of packages, they still tend to run into following issues:

  • Too complex, verbose and comes with way too much boilerplate
  • Packages have grown too big, unfocused and are trying to do too many things at once
  • Performance issues with syncing multiple effects causing issues in large forms
  • Missing extensibility locking you into specific solution or environment
  • Missing proper type-safety, ending up in scenarios where either you don't have type-support at all, or you end up more fighting against it than it actually being helpful.

eformless attemptss to address all of the aforementioned issues

Features 💎

  • Super lightweight (one of the smallest and efficient form libraries on the market)
  • Works accross all environments (react, react-native, next, remix, astro, it just works)
  • Configurable (manage individual fields or even entire package)
  • Extensible (do you like using zod, yup, superstruct, or even your own solution? eformless is built with extensibility in mind)
  • Type-safe (100% built with typescript, uses inferrence to make sure yuor field and form is always correctly typed)

Documentation 📚

Coming soon ⏰ - in the meantime feel free to check out the [examples] section