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configuration files

This repo houses my configurations, personal scripts, etc.


The installation/bootstrap script requires Python, but otherwise there are no prerequisites to using this. However, you'll get the best results if you have at least set up 1Password (for SSH key) and Homebrew (to install all the packages).

  1. clone this repo

  2. make a copy of the context file:

    cp context.template.yaml context.yaml
  3. fill in the context file

  4. install nox and run the bootstrap script:

    python -m venv $VENV
    $VENV/bin/python -m pip install nox
    $VENV/bin/python -m nox -s bootstrap

overwriting files

Existing files will not be overwritten by default. To overwrite files that already exist, pass the --force argument:

nox -s config_files -- --force

You can see the changes that will be made with the diff session:

nox -s diff


Any file in the bin/ directory will be copied to $HOME/.local/bin/ with the bin session. Any .py files in that directory will be automatically converted to kebab-case and the file extension removed.

The Python scripts in the bin/ directory can be tested with:

nox -s test_bin


I used to keep these files in another repo, but I grew to dislike that tool for a few reasons:

  • it used symlinks, so I could not separate code changes from applying new config
  • it was untested
  • it tried to be a sort of package manager, which is more than I need
  • the configuration was confusing and in code

I have not copied over the git history for those files, but the repo is still there for reference.


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