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Project 5: Android Kotlin Developer Udacity | Nanodegree

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Project 5: Android Kotlin Developer Udacity | Nanodegree

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The App is inspired by The Android Kotlin Developer Nanodegree Course on Udacity. It's the final project of the Five projects in the course. I Chose to develop a custom app, so I can build everything from scratch. It's been fun.

Project Instructions

  • The student will define their own project feature-set that meets criteria encompassing key areas of development skills covered within the nanodegree:
    • Application Architecture
    • UI and Layout
    • API Connectivity and Data Persistence
    • Hardware Integration
    • User-based Functionality

Feature Graphics

Feature Graphics

App ScreenShots


Built with

  • Kotlin

    Kotlin is a programming language that makes coding concise, cross-platform, and fun. It is Google's preferred language for Android app development.

  • XML

    used to implement UI-related data

  • Android Studio Iguana | 2023.2.1 Patch 1

  • MVVM Architecture

    is a software architectural pattern that is commonly used in Android app development.

Tools and Libraries

  • Retrofit

    A type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java.

  • Room

    For data persistence

  • Dagger Hilt

    a dependency injection library for Android that reduces the boilerplate of doing manual dependency injection in your project

  • Repository Pattern

    Repositories combine different data sources and solve any potential conflicts between the data sources to update the single source of truth regularly or due to a user input event

  • Data Binding

    is a support library that allows you to bind UI components in your layouts to data sources in your app using a declarative format rather than programmatically.

  • Navigation Library

    a framework for navigating between 'destinations' within an Android application that provides a consistent API whether destinations are implemented as Fragments, Activities, or other components.

  • SharedPreferences

    used for saving application settings, user preferences, or other small pieces of data that need to persist between app sessions.

  • ViewModel

    lets you manage your UI's data in a lifecycle-aware fashion.

  • LiveData

    an observable data holder class. Unlike a regular observable, LiveData is lifecycle-aware, meaning it respects the lifecycle of other app components, such as activities, fragments, or services.

  • ListAdapter

  • DiffUtil

    calculates the difference between two given lists, the old list that is currently displayed and the new that you have recently obtained.

  • Notifications

  • Sealed Result Class

    Result sealed class for kotlin error handling, allowing us to write safe code either in a functional or imperative format, without the use of exceptions.

  • Binding Adapters

    responsible for making the appropriate framework calls to set values

  • Work Manager

    The recommended API for background processing WorkManager is the recommended solution for persistent work. Work is persistent when it remains scheduled through app restarts and system reboots.

  • MotionLayout

    MotionLayout is a layout type that helps you manage motion and widget animation in your app


Project 5: Android Kotlin Developer Udacity | Nanodegree






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