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Releases: samuelleblanc/fp

Moving Lines: Now with automated pptx creation

22 May 23:32
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This is a Research flight planning software.

This release showcases some automated presentation building. This is a first iteration for making files easier to disseminate. Also includes some refinement on pilot file outputs, and waypoint naming bugs.

Moving Lines: Software speed and Waypoints update with bug fixes

13 Apr 07:47
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This Research flight planning tool has receive many improvements to speed of processing and bug fixes. We additionally add quite a few new features for ease of use and better interactions with pilots. Snapping to labeled points is now including and mid-point creation, along with waypoint naming tracking.

Notable improvements are:
- new pilot files bug fix for waypoint naming (only 5 digits) and lat/long flip
- added file output for honeywell FMS for GIII
- added better handling of satellite tracks defaulting to not visible for speed
- speeded up interactions with changing labels update
- added snapping to labeled points
- added midpoint between 2 points
- added waypoint name row in excel

Moving Lines: Turn speed bug fix and new pilot formats

10 Apr 01:20
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Continued bug improvements with new files useful in ingesting into Foreflight and UFP (Universal Flight Planner)

            - bug fix for speeds of turns and timing
            - bug fix for missing comments
            - Added file format outputs in csv for FOREFLIGHT and UFP

Moving Lines: Now faster, with bug fixes, speeds calculations, and focus on coordination

22 Feb 23:42
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Here is a new version of the Moving Lines research flight planning software that simplifies some interactions with model outputs through MSS/WMS servers. Adding support for the CAESAR campaign, and defaults new PACE TLE for PACE satellite tracking. A slew of other speed improvements, both in terms of software speed, and adjustments to the speed parameterizations for the Learjet and G3. Interesting new development for helping coordination of multiple aircraft by plotting all their altitudes vs time on the same figure with the distance separating them at each waypoint.

Some specific updates here:

  • bug fix for forcing max speed, and base speed as start.
  • Added error handling during 'save all'
  • sped up interactivity and point adding
  • Added init time parsing for the MSS models in WMS.
  • upgraded plotting of figures under map for better viewing of text
  • added plot vs alt for all combined platforms and highlight of coordinated points
  • refined speed parameters for G3 and Learjet

Moving Lines: Update for satellite WMS and matching MSS projections

01 Dec 01:47
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New version for improved projections handling of MSS and WMS connections. Additional improved working with conda deployments for use in newer MAC OSX.

Removal of Mac precompiled binaries.

Moving Lines: Bug fixes for MacOS and deploy on pypi

14 Aug 23:29
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New development and folder hierarchy for moving lines. Bug fixes include problem with dependencies, loading, and accurate versioning of needed dependencies (matplotlib, shapely, cartopy).

Minor changes to labels.
New compiled binaries.

Moving Lines: ARCSIX version with debug for Mac and small screens

28 Jul 05:41
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Moving lines flight planning software with bug fixes for Mac and small screen windows devices.

Moving Lines: ARCSIX and integration with MSS / WMS

27 Jul 18:50
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New projections, integration with Web Map Server from the MSS.

In preparations for ARCSIX campaign

Moving Lines: New projections for Arctic

02 Jun 18:49
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Update to Moving lines with new stereographic polar projections for use with Arctic campaign.
Minor updates include:

  • more tropical tidbits regions support, with handling of json file for easy upgrade in future
  • added new aircraft speeds initial estimation (G3, Learjet)
  • text analysis for excel latitude longitude inputs

Moving lines: excel spreadsheet flight path update for pilots

04 Feb 20:42
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This update fixes a bug in the saved excel spreadsheet that is destined for pilots.

  • Removes formatting in the saved spreadsheet that caused some bugs
  • updated the included sat.tle for early February, 2022.