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Welcome to Kelp


Kelp is an application to view and review kelp-related businesses. Users are able to add, update, and remove businesses from the directory, as well as add and delete reviews.

Running your own


  1. Clone the repo
git clone
  1. Copy the .env.example file and change to your proper settings

  2. Setup your Postgres user with CREATEDB according to your .env settings

  3. Install node dependencies in BOTH the backend and frontend directories:

npm install && npm install -D
  1. Run startup scripts in BOTH the backend and frontend directories:
npm start

Deploing to Heroku

  1. Set up your Heroku account and install the Heroku CLI

  2. Create a new application in your Heroku dashboard, then go to "Resources" and "Find more add-ons" in order to add the free "Heroku Postgres".

  3. In the project directory, log into Heroku in your terminal:

heroku login
  1. Set up git to use Heroku as a remote:
heroku git:remote -a <app-name>
  1. Set your environment variables in the Heroku dashboard under "Settings" and "Config Vars". You will have to click to "reveal config vars".

    • At a minimum, you will need to set JWT_SECRET and JWT_EXPIRES_IN
  2. Push the master branch to Heroku:

git push heroku master
  1. Migrate and seed the database:
heroku run npm run sequelize db:migrate
heroku run npm run sequelize db:seed:all

At this point, your clone should be up and running!

DB Schema



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