An action for Mac OS X Automator, version 10.6. To install, just double-click.
Works similarly to the built in Rename Finder Items action, but uses a wildcard pattern and a substitution pattern to selectively choose parts of the current file name to use in the new file name.
In the search pattern, use one or more wildcards, an asterisk "*", to match parts of the original file name and tokens in the replacement. The tokens are dollar signs "$" followed by the number of the wildcard match in the search pattern.
It's easier to picture than describe.
For example, assume this file name: abc - xyz.123 (d).png
And this search pattern: * - *.* (*)
This will yield four matches that can be used in the replacement pattern like so:
- $1 = abc
- $2 = xyz
- $3 = 123
- $4 = d
So, this replacement pattern: Type $4 Section $3 Bldg $2 in Region $1
Give this result: Type d Section 123 Bldg xyz in Region abc
Thanks to Daniel Calcoen for the tweaks to the Xcode project! Now builds and runs in the latest Xcode and OS X.