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This is an example of use case project for technologies: (Flask Framework) with databases no-sql (MongoDB) oriented to documents.

This project implements some simple resources for data management of the StarWars saga movies. And it was inspired by the API:

Unlike which was built in Django, this project aims to implement more comprehensive architecture concepts and best practices, structuring the Framework Flask for a large project, in the sense of opening up more than one scope of data, not just being restricted to starwars_api.


The most recommended installation is through Docker and docker-compose if you don't have it installed on your machine, arrange the installation through the previous links.

Installing with docker-compose

Just run the following commands below:

git clone

cd starwars_api

docker-compose up --build

Example of running the application with docker-compose


Using the Rest API

After the previous steps have been successfully performed and running, connect to your computer's url:


Currently this API implements 2 endpoints:


Endpoint that manages the basic data of the planets that appear in the Star Wars movies, such as population, diameter, gravity, orbit period, rotation period.

Applied methods:

Method Endpoint Description
POST /api/starwars/planet/ Create a planet resource
GET /api/starwars/planet/ List all planet resources
GET /api/starwars/planet/?movies_details=true List all planets resources, with movie related information in the field ”movies_details"
GET /api/starwars/planet/<planet_id>/ Recover a resource from the planet
PUT /api/starwars/planet/<planet_id>/ Upgrade a planet resource
PATCH /api/starwars/planet/<planet_id>/ Partial upgrade of a planet resource
DELETE /api/starwars/planet/<planet_id>/ Delete a resource from the planet

Changeable fields:

  • name <StringField>
  • rotation_period <IntField>
  • orbital_period <IntField>
  • diameter <IntField>
  • climate <StringField>
  • gravity <StringField>
  • terrain <StringField>
  • surface_water <IntField>
  • population <StringField>

Read-only fields:

  • id <objectId>: Ensures document specification and grants n-to-n external relationship to Movies
  • movies <array>: Displays the relation between the planets and the movies as read only, writing must be done by the Movies endpoint preventing errors in data management;
  • movies_details <object>: Displays a more detailed version of the relationship with Movies resources, to be displayed it needs the parameter: ?movies_details=true
  • created_at <datetime>: Document creation management;
  • updated_at <datetime>: Document editing management;

Usage examples:

Creating a planet


Listing created planets


Detailed listing of related movies


Partial update of planet specific fields


Updating a planet's fields



Endpoint that manages the basic data of movies with their respective appearances in each movie.

Applied methods:

Method Endpoint Description
POST /api/starwars/movie/ Create a movie resource
GET /api/starwars/movie/ List all movies resources
GET /api/starwars/movie/?planets_details=true List all movies resources
GET /api/starwars/movie/<movie_id>/ Retrieve a movie resource
PUT /api/starwars/movie/<movie_id>/ Update a movie resource
PATCH /api/starwars/movie/<movie_id>/ Partial update a movie resource
DELETE /api/starwars/movie/<movie_id>/ Delete a movie resource

Changeable fields:

  • title: <StringField>
  • opening_crawl: <StringField>
  • episode_id: <IntField>
  • director: <StringField>
  • producer: <StringField>
  • release_date: <DateField>
  • planets <array>: Displays the relationship between the planets and the movies, the writing must be done by the Movies endpoint preventing errors in data management;

Read-only fields:

  • id <objectId>: Ensures document specification and grants n-to-n external relationship to Planets
  • planets_details <object>: Displays a more detailed version of the relationship with Planets resources, to be displayed it needs the parameter: ?planets_details=true
  • created_at <datetime>: Document creation management;
  • updated_at <datetime>: Document editing management;

Usage examples:

Creating a Movie already associating it with 2 planets


Detailed listing of related Planets


And so on...

Visit swagger and find out for yourself

Architecture and folder structure of the project:

├── docker-compose.yml: Services definition file
├── Dockerfile: Container definition file
├── Makefile: Script with repetitive operational commands
├── Project execution script
├── pyproject.toml: File with Development settings
├── requirements-dev.txt: Dynamic development dependencies (generated by Poetry)
├── requirements.txt: Dynamic production dependencies (generated by Poetry)
├── scripts:
│ └── git-hooks: Scripts and automations with git
├── settings.toml: **File with the application's production settings**
├── starwars_api: **Application Folder**
│ ├── extensions: Flask initializers that run .init_app(app)
│ ├── models: Define data structures
│ └── rest_apis:
│ └── Star Wars:
│ ├── endpoints: Views and controllers from the rest api
│ ├── queries: Aggregation queries with mongodb
│ ├── URL routes from endpoints
│ ├── serializers: JSON input serialization -> MongoDB Document and vice versa
│ └── validators: Defines input field validations the Rest API and swagger must have
└── tests:
     ├── datasets: Test case data
     └── fixtures: Unit Test Fixtures


Code quality

Types of tests performed in the project

Tests Description
pytest Unit tests for REST APi
mypy Typing tests and input and output annotations of functions, methods, variables
pyflakes Functional syntax tests that look beyond an import
pylint Advanced syntax testing with more complex parsing
pycodestyle Compatibility tests with pep8 good practices
radon Cyclomatic complexity tests
pylama Aggregator of the tests above, in a unified way
isort Import Ordering Tests
bandit Discovery tests for security vulnerabilities written in source code

If you want to disable some test, change the settings in the pyproject.toml file

Running unit tests locally

The execution of the unit tests depends on the mongo_tests container being running, don't forget to execute it first with the command docker-compose up -d mongo_tests

docker-compose up -d mongo_tests

make test



Running unit tests through docker

Note: still need to adjust configuration error in the connection between the flask test container and the test mongo

docker-compose up -d mongo_tests
docker-compose run --rm unit-tests

Formatting python files and imports

make fmt

Running security checks

make sec-check

Agility in development

Running flask on your local machine

In production mode

docker-compose up -d mongo
make runserver

Alternative development modes

make devserver

make debugserver

Automating commands with Git Hooks

Running unit tests after every commit

make activate-commit-checks


Formatting commit messages with branch name

make activate-commit-msg-fmt


Disabling installed automations from githooks

make deactivate-git-hooks


Add new python library

The dependency management is done through the python-poetry tool that chooses the subversions, in order to find a middle ground so that all the necessary libraries can coexist and at the same time have a constant evolution, avoiding security vulnerabilities.

To add a new required library, do the following:

1.) Locate it in the repository

2.) Get the current version

3.) Declare it in the dependencies file pyproject.toml as a current version or higher.

Example if it is version 1.0.0 of the xpto library, declare it as:

xpto = "^1.0.0"

4.) Rebuild the requiments.txt files

make build-requirements

The above command performs the following operations:

  • Create a separate virtualenv (only for managing poetry)
  • Run poetry install
  • Export requirements.txt files

If you want this reconstruction to be done in your local virtualenv just run the command: make build-requirements-local

5.) Rebuild your local virtualenv

To install the new requirements files you can run:

In production mode:

make install


In development mode:

make install-dev