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CSV Exporter

Alisha Evans edited this page Jul 29, 2022 · 7 revisions


The Bulkrax exporter will use the same field mappings that were established in the import.

  • If the exporter is configured to export only metadata or works that have no attached files, a CSV alone will be generated
  • If the exporter is configured to export metadata and files, a zip file will be generated. Inside this zip file will be a csv with the metadata and a "files" folder. Inside the "files" folder are uniquely named files that correlate to the file_# values in the csv.

The exported CSV should look similar to the imported one (if this data was imported) with a few exceptions:

  • If we previously imported a CSV that had headers with multiple values that were (;) or (|) separated, they will now be numerated headers
  • If the works were imported with remote files (file_url_# or remote_files), those will now be listed under file_#

Include Generated Metadata

See how to configure generated metadata here.

Although configurable, the idea of this option is to export fields that are not set by a user, but is instead generated and set by the system. Export these configured fields by selecting the checkbox, include generated metadata?, in the exporter form.

Currently this setting is not capable of round tripping. This setting work for CSV exports only.

Include Thumbnails

If include_thumbnails? is checked on the exporter form, a user will see a thumbnail_file column in the exported CSV that references a file found in the files directory, of the exported zip.

Currently this setting is not capable of round tripping.

Round Tripping

The concept of round tripping is that we can export a CSV, then import the same CSV (or zip) without the files being duplicated, If data was changed on the re-imported CSV, like the title, that will be updated though.

To verify this we can export a CSV, then import that exported CSV and see that we have the same amount of works as before.

Downloadable files

A download of the zip file that was created on export is accessible from the index and exporter show pages.

  • A CSV containing the applicable models, and their metadata, and files, if applicable, according to the exporter options.