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Releases: samvera-deprecated/orcid


28 Oct 13:15
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2014-10-27: Adjusting Rails versions to be less restrictive [Jeremy Friesen]

2014-10-27: Loosening Rails version [Jeremy Friesen]


27 Oct 16:08
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Focus on making sure the entire test suite can run against the current Orcid Sandbox.

2014-10-27: Bumping to version 0.8.3 [Jeremy Friesen]

2014-10-27: Tidying up README [Jeremy Friesen]

2014-10-27: Updating to account for Poodle! [Jeremy Friesen]

2014-10-27: Updating tests based on interaction with Orcid [Jeremy Friesen]

2014-10-24: Updating documentation [Jeremy Friesen]

2014-10-24: Making adjustments based on Poodle vulnerability [Jeremy Friesen]

2014-10-16: Attempting to work through Orcid integration [Jeremy Friesen]

2014-10-08: Restoring dependency on Rails [Jeremy Friesen]

2014-10-08: Tinkering with requirements for gemspecs [Jeremy Friesen]

2014-10-08: Adding spec:jenkins task [Jeremy Friesen]

2014-10-08: Adding explicit execjs gem [Jeremy Friesen]

2014-10-07: Adding therubyracer as an option for development [Jeremy Friesen]

2014-09-26: Adding more robust claim the orcid spec [Jeremy Friesen]

2014-09-24: Updating to reflect tweaks in Orcid services [Jeremy Friesen]


27 Oct 16:07
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2014-09-24: Bumping to version 0.8.2 [Jeremy Friesen]

2014-09-24: Removing comma separation for scopes [Jeremy Friesen]

2014-09-24: Updating specs to run with Rspec 2->3 bridge [Jeremy Friesen]

2014-06-05: Modifying hound to not be so brutal on specs [Jeremy Friesen]

2014-05-23: Appeasing [Jeremy Friesen]

2014-05-23: Adding Code Climate badge [Jeremy Friesen]

2014-05-23: Renaming options to collaborators [Jeremy Friesen]

Orcid v0.8.1 - tidying up internals

23 May 15:25
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2014-05-15: Introducing ProfileRequestCoordinator [Jeremy Friesen]

Responsible for converting an Orcid::ProfileRequest into an

The Orcid::ProfileRequest object was doing too many things (i.e.
persisting the profile request then handling the remote interaction

I'm trying to tease apart the offline coordinator for the profile
request. Basically separating the persistence of the initial request
to processing that persisted request.

Also, this pull request includes adjusting Orcid exceptions

I want to provide a base error from which Orcid errors are built
from. That way, someone could feasibly rescue an Orcid::BaseError
exception and handle in a uniform manner.

2014-05-21: Updating README to declare no Hydra dependencies [Jeremy Friesen]

2014-05-21: Expanding code coverage [Jeremy Friesen]

2014-05-21: Adjusting collaborators for ProfileConnection [Jeremy Friesen]

Moving the questionable dependency injection from the save method to
the instantiation process.

Also moving the specs for ProfileConnection to run faster (i.e I
don't need to load the entire Rails ecosystem).

2014-05-20: Improving on code coverage [Jeremy Friesen]

* Adding additional test for query parameter
* Adding spec to make sure I am querying works
   The code coverage indicated that I was not yet hitting the remote
   work service.
* The ProfileQueryService was missing a few points in the code
   coverage. These changes address that and remove some of the
   dependency injection in the specs.

2014-05-19: Adding additional badges [Jeremy Friesen]

* API Docs badge
* Contributing Guidelines
* APACHE2 License

2014-05-20: Teasing apart when coveralls runs [Jeremy Friesen]

I noticed that if Simplecov was running and Coveralls was also
configured within the same block, that the Simplecov ./coverage
directory was not being updated.

This is an effort to tease that apart.

2014-05-20: Adding Coveralls support [Jeremy Friesen]

I want to make sure that code coverage information is clearly

More available at

2014-05-19: Extracting response parser collaborators [Jeremy Friesen]

2014-05-19: Extracting explicit Orcid::Profile collaborators [Jeremy Friesen]

2014-05-19: Fixing the build for the XmlParser [Jeremy Friesen]

2014-05-19: Adding some @todos for ProfileStatus [Jeremy Friesen]

2014-05-19: Tweaking configuration options [Jeremy Friesen]

Extracting default_template as a method to improve clarity

2014-05-19: Adding mailmap for author disambiguation [Jeremy Friesen]

Some of the authors on the project have commits under two different
identities. Making sure those authors are counted as one.

2014-05-15: Updating gemspec metadata [Jeremy Friesen]

2014-05-15: Adding feature descriptions to the README [Jeremy Friesen]

v0.8.0 - Preparation for ORCID Outreach Meeting 2014

15 May 20:58
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In preparation for the ORCID Outreach Meeting on May 2014 the following changes have been made.

This release focuses on the Profile Request/Creation workflow . Both @jeremyf and @danhorst are working on the Sufia Orcid reference implementation to present these changes.

The API is stabilizing as we prepare for v1.0.0.

2014-05-15: Fixing singular Rails resource behavior [Jeremy Friesen]
2014-05-14: Capturing Orcid Profile Request error [Jeremy Friesen]
2014-05-14: Adding explicit pathing to partial rendering [Jeremy Friesen]
2014-05-14: Adding CONTRIBUTING guidelines [Jeremy Friesen]
2014-05-13: Conditional rendering for orcid profile connecter [Jeremy Friesen]
2014-05-14: Adding helper method for Orcid URI [Jeremy Friesen]
2014-05-13: Creating Orcid::ProfileStatus [Jeremy Friesen]
2014-05-13: Tidying up ORCID internationalization [Jeremy Friesen]
2014-05-13: Tweaking Travis badge to projecthydra-labs [Jeremy Friesen]
2014-05-13: Capturing predictable exceptions from Orcid [Jeremy Friesen]
2014-05-13: Updating travis badge to new repo location [Dan Brubaker Horst]
2014-05-13: Adding error handling for "weird" search results [Jeremy Friesen]
2014-05-13: Querying ProfileConnection#digital_object_ids [Jeremy Friesen]


09 May 20:17
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  • Removing byebug as a development dependency [Jeremy Friesen]
  • Updating orcid_connector for internationalization [Jeremy Friesen]
  • Saying our object behaves like ActiveModel [Jeremy Friesen]