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Defining a New Model and Attaching it to the Valkyrie Demo App

cam156 edited this page Sep 7, 2017 · 1 revision

Define the Model:

  • It must be a Valkyrie::Resource
  • It should include: title, id, a_member_of (to be part of collections)
  • To allow for files & file management it must include: member_ids, viewing_direction, viewing_hint, thumbnail_id, representative_id
    • Seems to be using book file manager: this may need to be extracted

Define the Controller:

  • It must include Valkyrie::ControllerConcerns::ModelControllerBehavior
  • It must define a resource_class

Define a ChangeSet:

  • It must be a Valkyrie::ChangeSet
  • It should define fields
  • It must include :a_member_of (defined the field to be an array of ids which is needed for the collection membership to work)

Define views:

  • Defaults are in app/views/records
    • you may override in app/views/songs

Define routes:

  • Copied Book Routes (removed append actions)

Add to work list:

  • app/views/shared/_add_works.html.erb

Issues Found:

  • Do we care that File Nodes are being displayed in the catalog search results?