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Terraform Project

Deploy a high availablle insfrustructure solution on aws using terraform, making use of variables, modules, aws SES and lambda,
we are also triggering the terraform code from a jenkins docker based pipeline.

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Open playground-2 video to see it live :D

playgroung-1 task

First : configure remote backend and configure state locking using s3 and dynamo db


1- create vpc
2- create internet gateway
3- 2 public subnets and 2 private subnets , seperated in two AZ's , every Az has one public and one private
4- create public route table
5- create public route
6- attach public route table to subnets
7- create nat gateway
8- create private route table
9- create private route table
10- attach it to private subnets


7- create security group which allow ssh from
8- create security group that allow ssh and port 3000 from vpc cidr only
7- create ec2(bastion) in public subnet with security group from 7
8- create ec2(application) private subnet with security group from 8

playgroung-2 task


it deploys in the region of your choise:
1- mandatory to enter 4 subnets configs , 2 public , 2 private
2- two of your ec2 will be placed in your public subnets , the other two in the private subnets
3- an ssh key will be created fot both public ec2 , and another one for the private
4- security groups
5- 2 natgateways
6- internet gateway
7- 2 elastix ip addresses

Lab2 Break Down

1-create two workspaces dev and prod
2-create two variable definition files(.tfvars) for the two environments
3-separate network resources into network module
4-apply your code to create two environments one in us-east-1 and us-east-2
5-run local-exec provisioner to print the public_ip of bastion ec2
6- upload infrastructure code on github project
7-create jenkins image with terraform installed inside it
8- create pipeline that takes env-param to apply terraform code on certain env
9-verify your email in ses service
10- create lambda function to send email
11-create trigger to detect changes in state file and send the email


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