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@sandeeppvn sandeeppvn released this 27 Dec 04:36
· 9 commits to prod since this release


Automate your job application process using AI, Google Sheets, and Email services.


Google Service Account Setup

Create a Google Service Account

  1. Go to Google Cloud Console
  2. Create a new project
  3. Go to the Service Accounts page
  4. Click on the Create Service Account button
  5. Enter a name for the service account
  6. Click on the Create button
  7. Click on the Create Key button
  8. Select the JSON key type option
  9. Click on the Create button
  10. A JSON file will be downloaded to your computer. Keep track of this file as it will be used later.
  11. To find the service account's email address, go to the IAM & Admin page, click on the service account, and copy the Service account ID value.

Enable Google Sheets API and Google Drive API

  1. Go to the APIs & Services page
  2. Click on the Enable APIs and Services button
  3. Search for Google Sheets API and click on the Enable button
  4. Search for Google Drive API and click on the Enable button

Google Sheets Setup

Create a Google Sheet from the Predefined Template

  1. Access the predefined Google Sheets template here: AIJobApply Google Sheets Template.
  2. Open the Google Sheets template and make a copy of it by clicking on File > Make a copy...
  3. Rename the copied Google Sheets template to whatever you want and remember the name as it will be used later.

Share the Google Sheets with the Service Account

  1. Open the Google Sheets that you just created
  2. Click on the Share button
  3. Paste the service account's email address that you copied earlier (see Create a Google Service Account) into the People field and click on the Send button. Ensure that the service account has Editor access.

Google Drive Setup

All the files will be stored in a Google Drive folder. The job folders will be created inside this folder.

  1. Create a new folder in Google Drive, name it whatever you want, and remember the name as it will be used later.
  2. Share the folder with the service account by right-clicking on the folder, clicking on Share, and pasting the service account's email address that you copied earlier (see Create a Google Service Account) into the People field and click on the Send button. Ensure that the service account has Editor access.

Email Setup

To send emails using the Gmail service.

  • If you are not using 2FA, you can use your regular Gmail password.

  • If you are using 2FA, you need to set up an App Password. Follow these steps to generate an App Password:

  1. Google Account: If you don't already have a Google account, sign up at Google.
  2. App Password: Navigate to the App Passwords section of your Google account.
  3. Generate Password: Select Mail and Other from the dropdown menus. Enter a name for the application and click Generate.

OpenAI Setup

To utilize the OpenAI GPT API for message generation, follow these steps to obtain an API key:

  1. OpenAI Account: If you don't already have an OpenAI account, sign up at OpenAI.
  2. API Access: Once logged in, navigate to the API section.
  3. Create an API Key: Follow the instructions to create a new API key.
  4. Keep track of the API key value

Selenium Webdriver Setup

To automate the job application process, Selenium Webdriver is used to interact with the web browser. The web browser used is Google Chrome. Follow these steps to set up Selenium Webdriver:

  1. Google Chrome: If you don't already have Google Chrome, download it here.
  2. ChromeDriver: Download the ChromeDriver here. Ensure that the ChromeDriver version matches your Google Chrome version.
  3. ChromeDriver Path: Keep track of the path to the ChromeDriver executable file as it will be used later.

Special MacOS Instructions

If you are using MacOS, you need to allow the ChromeDriver to run. Follow these steps:
Double-click on the ChromeDriver executable file. You will see a pop-up message saying that the ChromeDriver cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified. Follow these steps to allow the ChromeDriver to run:

  1. Open the System Preferences app
  2. Click on Security & Privacy
  3. Click on the General tab
  4. Click on the Allow Anyway button

AIJobApply Setup

To run the AIJobApply program, follow these steps:

  1. Based on your operating system, download the appropriate executable file from below.
  2. Double-click on the executable file to run the program.

For MacOS users, you may need to allow the program to run. Follow the steps similar to the Special MacOS Instructions above.