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Matthew Letter committed Feb 7, 2018
1 parent c13e864 commit 99bd8bb
Showing 1 changed file with 116 additions and 105 deletions.
221 changes: 116 additions & 105 deletions agent/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,31 +24,35 @@
from urlparse import urlparse

def getType(value):
return int
except ValueError:
return str
return int
except ValueError:
return str

def _isNumeric(j):
Check if the input object is a numerical value, i.e. a float
:param j: object
:return: boolean
x = float(j)
except ValueError:
return False
return True
x = float(j)
except ValueError:
return False
return True

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--output-directory", help="Output directory containing hdf5 files.")
parser.add_argument("--id-column", default=None, help="Inputs file id column name.")
parser.add_argument("--inputs-file", default=None, help="The name of the delimited text file containing input data.")
parser.add_argument("--inputs-file-delimiter", default=None, help="Field delimiter. By default, fields will be delimited with any whitespace except a newline.")
parser.add_argument("--parallel-jobs", "-j", default=multiprocessing.cpu_count(), type=int, help="Number of parallel jobs to run. Default: %(default)s")
parser.add_argument("--inputs-file-delimiter", default=None,
help="Field delimiter. By default, fields will be delimited with any whitespace except a newline.")
parser.add_argument("--parallel-jobs", "-j", default=multiprocessing.cpu_count(), type=int,
help="Number of parallel jobs to run. Default: %(default)s")
parser.add_argument("--force", action="store_true", help="Overwrite existing data.")
arguments = parser.parse_args()

Expand All @@ -59,15 +63,15 @@ def _isNumeric(j):
log.handlers[0].setFormatter(logging.Formatter("[%(asctime)s] - [%(levelname)s] : %(message)s"))

if arguments.force:
shutil.rmtree(arguments.output_directory, ignore_errors=True)
shutil.rmtree(arguments.output_directory, ignore_errors=True)
if os.path.exists(arguments.output_directory):
raise Exception("Destination directory %s already exists. Use --force to overwrite." % arguments.output_directory)
raise Exception("Destination directory %s already exists. Use --force to overwrite." % arguments.output_directory)

if arguments.inputs_file is None:
raise Exception("Inputs file is a required argument. Use --inputs-file to include inputs file.")
raise Exception("Inputs file is a required argument. Use --inputs-file to include inputs file.")
if not os.path.isfile(arguments.inputs_file):
raise Exception("Inputs file could not be found. Check its path and verify permissions.")
raise Exception("Inputs file could not be found. Check its path and verify permissions.")

Ingest the input file and reorganizes the data into objects:
Expand All @@ -84,37 +88,39 @@ def _isNumeric(j):
""""Converting %s", arguments.inputs_file)
with open(arguments.inputs_file, "r") as stream:
rows = [row.split(arguments.inputs_file_delimiter) for row in stream]
rows = [row.split(arguments.inputs_file_delimiter) for row in stream]

column_names = [name.strip() for name in rows[0]]
column_types = ["string" for name in column_names]
rows = rows[1:] # removes first row (header)
rows = rows[1:] # removes first row (header)
row_count = len(rows)

columns = zip(*rows) # this is the data only - no headers, now a list of tuples: [(index1, index2, ...), (voltage1, voltage2, ...) ...]
columns = zip(
*rows) # this is the data only - no headers, now a list of tuples: [(index1, index2, ...), (voltage1, voltage2, ...) ...]

if arguments.id_column is not None:
if column_names[0] != arguments.id_column:
raise Exception("The first column in %s must be %s, got %s instead." % (arguments.inputs_file, arguments.id_column, column_names[0]))
columns[0] = numpy.array(columns[0], dtype="int64") # repack the index col as numpy array
if column_names[0] != arguments.id_column:
raise Exception("The first column in %s must be %s, got %s instead." % (
arguments.inputs_file, arguments.id_column, column_names[0]))
columns[0] = numpy.array(columns[0], dtype="int64") # repack the index col as numpy array
# if the ID column isn't specified, creates one and prepend it to the columns
column_names = ["%eval_id"] + column_names
columns = [numpy.array(range(0, row_count), dtype="int64")] + columns
# if the ID column isn't specified, creates one and prepend it to the columns
column_names = ["%eval_id"] + column_names
columns = [numpy.array(range(0, row_count), dtype="int64")] + columns

column_types[0] = "int64"

for index in range(1, len(columns)): # repack data cols as numpy arrays
if _isNumeric(columns[index][0]):
columns[index] = numpy.array(columns[index], dtype="float64")
column_types[index] = "float64"
stringType = "S" + str(len(columns[index][0])) # using length of first string for whole column
columns[index] = numpy.array(columns[index], dtype=stringType)
column_types[index] = "string"
if _isNumeric(columns[index][0]):
columns[index] = numpy.array(columns[index], dtype="float64")
column_types[index] = "float64"
stringType = "S" + str(len(columns[index][0])) # using length of first string for whole column
columns[index] = numpy.array(columns[index], dtype=stringType)
column_types[index] = "string"

dimensions is a list with one dictionary with the following keys/value pair: name="row"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,14 +155,14 @@ def _isNumeric(j):
represent the data for each of the columns.
with h5py.File(os.path.join(arguments.output_directory, "inputs.hdf5"), "w") as file:
arrayset = slycat.hdf5.start_arrayset(file)
array = arrayset.start_array(0, dimensions, attributes)
for attribute, column in enumerate(columns):
array.set_data(attribute, slice(0, column.shape[0]), column)
arrayset = slycat.hdf5.start_arrayset(file)
array = arrayset.start_array(0, dimensions, attributes)
for attribute, column in enumerate(columns):
array.set_data(attribute, slice(0, column.shape[0]), column)

def process_timeseries(timeseries_path, timeseries_name, timeseries_index, eval_id):
Read in the input file from a timeseries run and process the data into a HDF5
file for the given timeseries name and index. The generated file structure is
as follows:
Expand All @@ -182,78 +188,83 @@ def process_timeseries(timeseries_path, timeseries_name, timeseries_index, eval_
:param timeseries_index:
:param eval_id:
t_add_index_column = None
t_column_names = None
t_column_types = None
t_delimiter = None

url = urlparse(timeseries_path)
path = url.path # strips scheme and network location from timeseries_path

with log_lock:"Reading %s", path)

with open("%s" % path, "r") as stream:
line = stream.readline()
# detect delimiter
sniffer = csv.Sniffer()
dialect = sniffer.sniff(line)
t_delimiter = dialect.delimiter

t_column_names = [name.strip() for name in line.split(t_delimiter)]
t_first_row = [val.strip() for val in stream.readline().split(t_delimiter)]

# check if an index column is present or flag it otherwise
# if isinstance(t_first_row[0], float):
if getType(t_first_row[0]) is not int:
t_add_index_column = True
t_column_names = ["Index"] + t_column_names # always add index column
t_column_names[0] = "Index"

t_column_types = ["float64" for name in t_column_names]
t_column_names[1] = "TIME"

# pull data from file and add an index column if flagged earlier...
data = numpy.loadtxt("%s" % path, comments="End", skiprows=1, delimiter=t_delimiter)
if t_add_index_column is True:
data = numpy.insert(data, 0, range(len(data)), axis=1)

timeseries_dir = os.path.join(arguments.output_directory, timeseries_name)
if not os.path.exists(timeseries_dir):

hdf5_path = os.path.join(timeseries_dir, "timeseries-%s.hdf5" % timeseries_index)
with log_lock:"Writing %s", hdf5_path)
with h5py.File(hdf5_path, "w") as file:
arrayset = slycat.hdf5.start_arrayset(file)
dimensions = [dict(name="row", end=data.shape[0])]
attributes = [dict(name=name, type=type) for name, type in zip(t_column_names, t_column_types)[1:]] # leaves out the index column
array = arrayset.start_array(0, dimensions, attributes)
for attribute, column in enumerate(data.T[1:]):
array.set_data(attribute, slice(0, column.shape[0]), column)
except IOError, err:
log.error("Failed reading %s: %s", path, err)
log.error("Unexpected error reading %s", path)
t_add_index_column = None
t_column_names = None
t_column_types = None
t_delimiter = None

url = urlparse(timeseries_path)
path = url.path # strips scheme and network location from timeseries_path

with log_lock:"Reading %s", path)

with open("%s" % path, "r") as stream:
line = stream.readline()
# detect delimiter
sniffer = csv.Sniffer()
dialect = sniffer.sniff(line)
t_delimiter = dialect.delimiter

t_column_names = [name.strip() for name in line.split(t_delimiter)]
t_first_five_rows = [val.strip() for val in stream.readline().split(t_delimiter) for _ in xrange(5)]

# check if an index column is present or flag it otherwise
# if isinstance(t_first_row[0], float):
t_add_index_column = False
for _ in xrange(5):
if getType(t_first_five_rows[_][0]) is not int:
t_add_index_column = True
t_column_names = ["Index"] + t_column_names # always add index column
t_column_names[0] = "Index"

t_column_types = ["float64" for _ in t_column_names]
t_column_names[1] = "TIME"

# pull data from file and add an index column if flagged earlier...
data = numpy.loadtxt("%s" % path, comments="End", skiprows=1, delimiter=t_delimiter)
if t_add_index_column is True:
data = numpy.insert(data, 0, range(len(data)), axis=1)

timeseries_dir = os.path.join(arguments.output_directory, timeseries_name)
if not os.path.exists(timeseries_dir):

hdf5_path = os.path.join(timeseries_dir, "timeseries-%s.hdf5" % timeseries_index)
with log_lock:"Writing %s", hdf5_path)
with h5py.File(hdf5_path, "w") as file:
arrayset = slycat.hdf5.start_arrayset(file)
dimensions = [dict(name="row", end=data.shape[0])]
attributes = [dict(name=name, type=type) for name, type in
zip(t_column_names, t_column_types)[1:]] # leaves out the index column
array = arrayset.start_array(0, dimensions, attributes)
for attribute, column in enumerate(data.T[1:]):
array.set_data(attribute, slice(0, column.shape[0]), column)
except IOError, err:
log.error("Failed reading %s: %s", path, err)
log.error("Unexpected error reading %s", path)

def convert_timeseries(timeseries_index, eval_id, row):
Iterate over the data for the input row and checks for file paths. If file
extension is valid, run process_timeseries method.
:param timeseries_index: 0-based index
:param eval_id: ID from ID column
:param row: row data
for i, val in enumerate(row):
if column_types[i] is "string":
val = val.strip()
file_ext = val[len(val) - 3:]
if file_ext == "csv" or file_ext == "dat" or file_ext == "txt" or file_ext == "prn":# TODO add or file_ext == "prn"
process_timeseries(val, column_names[i], timeseries_index, eval_id)
for i, val in enumerate(row):
if column_types[i] is "string":
val = val.strip()
file_ext = val[len(val) - 3:]
if file_ext == "csv" or file_ext == "dat" or file_ext == "txt" or file_ext == "prn": # TODO add or file_ext == "prn"
process_timeseries(val, column_names[i], timeseries_index, eval_id)

with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(arguments.parallel_jobs) as pool:
results = list(, range(row_count), columns[0], rows))
results = list(, range(row_count), columns[0], rows))

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