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Some Image Processing and Computational Photography: Convolution and Filtering

The following problems appeared as an assignment in the coursera course Computational Photography (by Georgia Tech university). The following descriptions of the problems are taken directly from the assignments' descriptions.


In this article, we shall be playing around with images, filters, and convolution. We will begin by building a function that performs convolution. We will then experiment with constructing and applying a variety of filters. Finally, we will see one example of how these ideas can be used to create interesting effects in our photos, by finding and coloring edges in our images.


In this section, let's apply a few filters to some images. Filtering basically means replacing each pixel of an image by the linear combination of its neighbors. We need to understand the following concepts in this context:

  1. Kernel (mask) for a filter: defines which neighbors to be considered and what weights are to be given.
  2. Cross-Correleation vs. Convolution: determines how the kernel is going to be applied on the neighboring pixels to compute the linear combination.


The following figure describes the basic concepts of cross-correlation and convolution. Basically convolution flips the kernel before applying it to an image.

Cross-Correlation vs. Convolution

The following figures show a custom kernel applied on an impulse response image changes the image both with cross-correlation and convolution.

The impulse response image is shown below:

The below figure shows a 3x3 custom kernel to be applied on the above impulse response image.

The following figure shows the output images after applying cross-correlation and convolution with the above kernel on the above impulse response image. As can be seen, convolution produces the desired output.

The following figures show the application of the same kernel on some grayscale images and the output images after convolution.

Now let's apply the following 5x5 flat box2 kernel shown below.

The 5x5 Box2 Kernel Matrix

The following figures show the application of the box kernel above on some grayscale images and the output images after convolution. on some images and notice how the output images are blurred.

The following figures show the application of the box kernels of different size on the grayscale image lena and the output images after convolution. As expected, the blur effect increases as the size of the box kernel increases.

Gaussian Filter

The following figure shows a 11x11 Gaussian Kernel generated by taking outer product of the densities of two 1D i.i.d. Gaussians with mean 0 and s.d. 3.

Here is how the impulse response image (enlarged) looks like after the application of the above Gaussian Filer.


The next figure shows the effect of Gaussian filtering / smoothing (blur) on some images.

The following figure shows the 11x11 Gaussian Kernels generated with 1D i.i.d. Gaussians with different bandwidths s.d. values.

The following figures show the application of the Gaussian kernels of different bandwidth on the following grayscale image and the output images after filtering. As expected, the blur effect increases as the bandwidth of the Gaussian kernel increases.

Sharpen Filter

The following figure shows a 11x11 Sharpen Kernel generated by subtracting a gaussian kernel (with s.d. 3) from a scaled impulse response kernel with 2 at center.

The next figure shows the effect of Sharpen flitering on some images.

The following figures show the application of the Sharpen kernels of different bandwidth on the following grayscale image and the output images after filtering. As expected, the sharpen effect increases as the bandwidth of the Gaussian kernel increases.

Median filter

One last thing we shall do to get a feel for is nonlinear filtering. So far, we have been doing everything by multiplying the input image pixels by various coefficients and summing the results together. A median filter works in a very different way, by simply choosing a single value from the surrounding patch in the image.

The next figure shows the effect of Median flitering on some images. As expected, with a 11x11 mask, some of the images are getting quite blurred.

Drawing with edges

At a high level, we will be finding the intensity and orientation of the edges present in the image using convolutional filters, and then visualizing this information in an aesthetically pleasing way.

Image gradients and the sobel filter

The first thing it does is to find the gradient of the image. A gradient is a fancy way of saying “rate of change”. In order to find the edges in our image, we are going to look for places where pixels are rapidly changing in intensity. There are a variety of ways for doing this, and one of the most standard is through the use of Sobel filters, which have the following kernels:

The following figure shows the basic concepts about image gradients.

If we think about the x sobel filter being placed on a strong vertical edge:

Considering the yellow location, the values on the right side of the kernel get mapped to brighter, and thus larger, values. The values on the left side of the kernel get mapped to darker pixels which are close to zero. The response in this position will be large and positive.

Compare this with the application of the kernel to a relatively flat area, like the blue location. The values on both sides are about equal, so we end up with a response that is close to zero. Thus, the x-direction sobel filter gives a strong response for vertical edges. Similarly, the y-direction sobel filter gives a strong response for horizontal edges.

The steps for edge detection:

  1. Convert the image to grayscale.
  2. Blur the image with a gaussian kernel. The purpose of this is to remove noise from the image, so that we find responses only to significant edges, instead of small local changes that might be caused by our sensor or other factors.
  3. Apply the two sobel filters to the image.

Edge orientations and magnitudes

Now we have the rate at which the image is changing in the x and y directions, but it makes more sense to talk about images in terms of edges, and their orientations and intensities. As we will see, we can use some trigonometry to transform between these two representations.

First, let’s see how our sobel filters respond to edges at different orientations from the following figures:

The red arrow on the right shows the relative intensities of the response from the x and y sobel filter. We see that as we rotate the edge, the intensity of the response slowly shifts from the x to the y direction. We can also consider what would happen if the edge got less intense:

Mapping to color

We now have the magnitude and orientation of the edge present at every pixel. However, this is still not really in a form that we can examine visually. The angle varies from 0 to 180, and we don’t know the scale of the magnitude. What we have to do is to figure out a way to transform this information to some sort of color values to place in each pixel.

The edge orientations can be pooled into four bins edges that are roughly horizontal, edges that are roughly vertical, and edges at 45 degrees to the left and to the right. Each of these bins are assigned a color (vertical is yellow, etc). Then the magnitude is used to dictate the intensity of the edge. For example a roughly vertical edge of moderate intensity would be set to a medium yellow color, or the value (0, 100, 100).

The following figures show some of the edges extracted from some of the images previously used as inputs and color-mapped using sobel filter: