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Gradle Kafka Connect


In my organization, several of us had varying versions of scripts (bash, python, ruby, etc...) to create and submit Kafka Connector Configurations. We often shared these via Slack or Teams and NOBODY seemed to be sure what the correct version of which connector was deployed where. (Having typed this into this document, the embarrassment I feel is indescribable.)

The first step of solving any problem is admitting there is one. So let's move on...

The goal of this plugin is to give users a way to manage Apache Kafka Connector configurations and submit the configurations to a given cluster via the Connect API.


  • Gradle 6.7+

  • Java 8+

  • jsonnet

    But why JSONNET? Because I preferred the templating engine of jsonnet to other tools to merge json documents. At the time of writing this plugin, I can find no adequate Java/Groovy API for jsonnet (with good reason, I suppose). There is a Scala API, but I did not feel like addressing the typical interop issues I have seen in my experience with Java calling Scala.

    Think of the things that are environment-specific with regards to a Kafka Connector - number of tasks, database names, hostnames, URLs, credentials (please don't commit these to your repo), etc... These belong in *.jsonnet files.

    The rest is boilerplate - such as the name of the connector, the key and value converters, tranforms and their params, etc... These would go in the *.libsonnet files that are referenced in *.jsonnet files using the import functionality.

    It's pretty simple to install on MOST platforms (brew, apt-get, yum, etc...).

    As for those concerned with "performance," this isn't some high-volume document processing system - it's a BUILD TOOL! However, I will an issue for in Github in the hopes to refactor this functionality. Stay tuned.

Tasks and Usage

Add to your project's build.gradle with a valid version number:

// ...some gradle stuffs...

plugins {
    // ...other gradle stuffs...
    id 'com.github.sandonjacobs.gradle-kafka-connect' version '*.*.*'
    // ...more gradle stuffs...

// ...even more gradle stuffs...

kafkaConnect {
  // BTW: using the defaults here to illustrate this closure...
  connectEndpoint = 'http://localhost:8083'
  sourceBase = 'src/main'
  connectorSourceName = 'connectors'
  // if you wanna ignore sourceBase and connectorSourceName with a directory at the root of the project...
  // connectorSourcePath = 'some-connectors'

// enough with the gradle stuffs...

Properties and Params

Property Name Description Default Value
connectEndpoint HTTP url (with port) to the root of the Kafka Connect API. http://localhost:8083
connectorSourceName Where are the connectors to be loaded from. connectors
sourceBase From root of project, the base of the connectorSourceName directory. src/main
connectorSourcePath This will override the use of connectorSourceName and sourceBase if set.


List the connectors that are running on a given cluster, using the Connectors API endpoint.


Parameter Description
connectorEndpoint override the connector configuration endpoint url.


Task Help

> ./gradlew help --task listConnectors

Default Usage

> ./gradlew listConnectors

Usage with Params

> ./gradlew listConnectors --connector-endpoint http://myconnect:8888


Parse, (jsonnet) merge, and (conditionally) submit the connectors from a project directory to a given cluster, using the Connectors API endpoint.


Parameter Description
connectorEndpoint override the connector configuration endpoint url.
connectorSubDir (optional) specify a subdirectory to run with. If provided, is appended to the connectorSourcePath, as defined in the getConnectorsPath() function.
jsonnet-tla-str-args Support for additional jsonnet args, maps to --tla-str <var>[=<val>].
jsonnet-ext-code-file Support for additional jsonnet ext code file inclusion, maps to --ext-code-file <var>[=<val>].
connector Optionally, specify the name of a SINGLE jsonnet file (minus the extension) to submit from the connectorSubDir.

Task Help

> ./gradlew help --task submitConnectors

Default Usage

> ./gradlew submitConnectors

Submit to an Alternate Endpoint

> ./gradlew submitConnectors --connector-endpoint http://myconnect:8888

Only Print the Configurations

> ./gradlew submitConnectors --print-only

Process the Configurations in a Provided Subdirectory

> ./gradlew submitConnectors --connector-subdir prod

Process ONLY the foo.jsonnet Configuration in a Provided Subdirectory

> ./gradlew submitConnectors --connector-subdir prod --connector foo

Note: If the file foo.jsonnet does not exist in the prod subdirectory, the task will fail!

Print Only the Configurations in a Provided Subdirectory

> ./gradlew submitConnectors --print-only --connector-subdir prod

Using ext-code-file

Given a jsonnet file named foo.jsonnet in the prod subdirectory. And that jsonnet file references a jsonnet extVar named env as follows:

local environmentVars = std.extVar('env');

Use this command to generate the connector foo with the environment info from qa.libsonnet

> ./gradlew submitConnectors --connector-subdir prod --connector foo --jsonnet-ext-code-file env=qa.libsonnet

Note: If the file qa.libsonnet does not exist in the prod subdirectory, the task will fail!

Print Only the Configurations in a Provided Subdirectory with tla-str Replacements

Suppose we have a connector that contains some value we want to bind late in the lifecycle - perhaps something only known by the CI/CD environment or an environment variable.

Utilize the tla-str functionality when defining the jsonnet templates and then use the jsonnet-tla-str-args parameter of this task to pass the values of those tla-str args to the template. If there are multiple key=value pairs (mapping to multiple arguments in the jsonnet tla function), add them as pipe-delimited pairs. Here's the example:

Suppose we have a template such as:

local lib = import '../base-tla.libsonnet';

function(value1, value2) {
  "name": "my name is",
  "config": lib.Config("sample-with-tla", value1, value2),

Add the top-level function lives in the base-tla.libsonnet file referenced above, as such:

  Config(name, value1, value2): {
      "name": name,
      "s3.region": "us-east-1",
      "something.of.value1": value1,
      "something.of.value2": value2,

Executing the task below will pass these values to the templates and functions, replacing the variables in the resulting json:

> ./gradlew submitConnectors --print-only --connector-subdir prod --jsonnet-tla-str-args='value1=the value|value2=something else'