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Sandro edited this page Jan 9, 2021 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the sandro730\Repetier-Firmware

Distortio Circle

Repository : DistortionCircular



For simplified the calculation of cpu i simplified it works this way.

( X - Xo ) + ( Y - Yo ) = r

I not execute the Square root.


Scaling/size issues in delta printers

Delta Diagonal Rodcorrection

New DELTA_DIAGONAL_ROD = measured_length_teoric / measured_length_real * Original DELTA_DIAGONAL_ROD

Delta Calibration

For calibrate the Printer Delta


Support call autoleveling-automatic-correction-distortion-correction

Test use the TEMP_GAIN

Temperatures recorded with multimeter probe

Set Host - Host - T.C.      - New T.C.
100      - 100  - 94/95     - 
150      - 149  - 141/142   - 
200      - 199  - 185/186   - 
220      - 218  - 200/201   - 
240      - 237  - 214/215   - 
250      - 247  - 222/223   - 
260      - 256  - 229/230   - 
270      - 265  - 244/245   - 
/* WIth value 1 you can adjust measured temperature */
/* into temp = measured * gain + bias.              */
/* Default is bias=0 and gain=1                     */
#define TEMP_GAIN 1

I set TEMP_GAIN 1 and it turned off the bed heating.