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Dan edited this page Sep 28, 2018 · 1 revision

To do:

  • Transition from "portscan", "dns", "web", etc. modules to "passive" and "active" modules. This will make it easier to organize modules and will create more implicit organization.
  • Create a shodan module for early external reconnaissance. Will be implemented as a passive module.
  • Create an eyewitness automation module. Maybe create a command to open eyewitness reports in firefox?
  • Use requests or selenium to create a module which reads HTTP responses and parses them into the database. This module will also be able to print requests/responses the same way the current show command does for portscan info.
  • needs to be refactored. Database queries like show and run will be easier to implement in future modules. Areas to focus on right now are probably get, set, show, and run. Eventually init as well, once more modules get implemented and they need a table in the database.
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