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ULKA_Project (Round 2)

main belt asteroid finding campaign by International Asteroid Search Campaign (IASC)

Team Members

S. Karunasekara, S. Gunarathna, P. Kanatthage, A. Karunarathna & S. Mayadunne (ULKA, Sri Lanka)

Useful links

  1. Image set folder:
  2. Discoveries & Observations update:
  3. Minor planet center report spec:
  4. Astrometrica FAQ:
  5. Minor Planet DB Search:

Naming Convention

Since we are some what experiance in this we don't need to rename the discovery after naming it from ULK0001.

  • Since this is our 2nd time let's use ULK1*** as our naming convention. 1st digit represents the campaign. (note - first time we used ULK0***).

  • Form second digit lets identify ourselfs,

    # Member Convention
    1 Sankha ULK11**
    2 Sithum ULK12**
    3 Pulasthi ULK13**
    4 Amila ULK14**
    5 Sama ULK15**
  • Remaining two digits should represent the new moving object number let's go from 01 to 99.

  • Please keep track of your object count, don't repeat yourself.

  • Ex: Amila's 1st discovery in this campain should be named as: ULK1401
    Sithum's 5th discovery in this campain should be named as: ULK1205

Project Structure

PS2/PS1 folders

each folder statring with ps2/ps1 is a set of images we recieved. inside the folder there are images and the palaminary reports submitted by each member of the group.


If ps2 images yet to be committed to the reposotory, please upload your MPC report files to this folder. under following format, <imagesetname>_<yourname>.txt

exapmple: ps2-20181101_3_set020_sithum.txt


MPC reports that are currenlty processing in order to submit.


MPC reports already submitted for the evaluation.

  • ps1-20190220_4_set107.txt

  • ps1-20190220_4_set109.txt

  • ps1-20190220_4_set110.txt

  • ps1-20190220_4_set111.txt

  • ps1-20190220_4_set112.txt

  • ps1-20190220_4_set113.txt

  • ps1-20190220_4_set115.txt

  • ps1-20190220_6_set106.txt

  • ps1-20190220_6_set107.txt

  • ps1-20190220_6_set109.txt

  • ps1-20190220_6_set110.txt

  • ps1-20190220_6_set111.txt

  • ps1-20190220_6_set112.txt

  • ps1-20190220_6_set113.txt

  • ps1-20190220_6_set115.txt

  • ps1-20190220_9_set153.txt

  • ps1-20190220_9_set154.txt

  • ps1-20190220_9_set155.txt

  • ps1-20190220_9_set156.txt

  • ps1-20190220_9_set157.txt

Asteroids Found
