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truncate table public."Appointment" CASCADE;
truncate table public."Doctor" CASCADE;
truncate table public."DoctorSpecialList" CASCADE;

INSERT INTO public."DoctorSpecialList" ("Name", "Description") VALUES ('Cardiologist', 'Specializes in heart diseases and cardiovascular health.');
INSERT INTO public."DoctorSpecialList" ("Name", "Description") VALUES ('Sicpholis', 'blah blah');
INSERT INTO public."DoctorSpecialList" ("Name", "Description") VALUES ('Dermatologist', 'Focuses on skin, hair, and nail-related issues.');
INSERT INTO public."DoctorSpecialList" ("Name", "Description") VALUES ('Gastroenterologist', 'Deals with the digestive system and its disorders.');
INSERT INTO public."DoctorSpecialList" ("Name", "Description") VALUES ('Neurologist', 'Specializes in the nervous system and its disorders.');
INSERT INTO public."DoctorSpecialList" ("Name", "Description") VALUES ('Oncologist', 'Focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.');
INSERT INTO public."DoctorSpecialList" ("Name", "Description") VALUES ('Orthopedist', 'Specializes in bones, joints, and musculoskeletal system.');
INSERT INTO public."DoctorSpecialList" ("Name", "Description") VALUES ('Psychiatrist', 'Deals with mental health disorders and conditions.');
INSERT INTO public."DoctorSpecialList" ("Name", "Description") VALUES ('Endocrinologist', 'Focuses on hormone-related disorders and endocrine system.');
INSERT INTO public."DoctorSpecialList" ("Name", "Description") VALUES ('Ophthalmologist', 'Specializes in eye diseases and vision-related issues.');
INSERT INTO public."DoctorSpecialList" ("Name", "Description") VALUES ('Pulmonologist', 'Deals with respiratory system disorders and lung diseases.');
INSERT INTO public."DoctorSpecialList" ("Name", "Description") VALUES ('Urologist', 'Focuses on urinary tract disorders and male reproductive system.');
INSERT INTO public."DoctorSpecialList" ("Name", "Description") VALUES ('Rheumatologist', 'Specializes in autoimmune diseases and musculoskeletal disorders.');
INSERT INTO public."DoctorSpecialList" ("Name", "Description") VALUES ('Nephrologist', 'Deals with kidney diseases and renal system disorders.');
INSERT INTO public."DoctorSpecialList" ("Name", "Description") VALUES ('Infectious Disease Specialist', 'Focuses on infectious diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites.');
INSERT INTO public."DoctorSpecialList" ("Name", "Description") VALUES ('Allergist/Immunologist', 'Specializes in allergies, asthma, and immune system disorders.');
INSERT INTO public."DoctorSpecialList" ("Name", "Description") VALUES ('Hematologist', 'Focuses on blood disorders and conditions.');
INSERT INTO public."DoctorSpecialList" ("Name", "Description") VALUES ('Pediatrician', 'Specializes in the care of children, infants, and adolescents.');
INSERT INTO public."DoctorSpecialList" ("Name", "Description") VALUES ('Geriatrician', 'Deals with health care of elderly patients and age-related conditions.');
INSERT INTO public."DoctorSpecialList" ("Name", "Description") VALUES ('Obstetrician/Gynecologist (OB/GYN)', 'Focuses on women''s reproductive health.');

INSERT INTO public."Doctor" ("DoctorName", "Email", "MobileNumber", "SpecialistId", "StartDuty", "EndDuty")
('Dr. Emily Smith', '', '5551234567', 47, '09:00', '17:00'),
('Dr. Michael Johnson', '', '5552345678', 48, '10:00', '18:00'),
('Dr. Jessica Brown', '', '5553456789', 49, '08:30', '16:30'),
('Dr. Christopher Davis', '', '5554567890', 50, '07:00', '15:00'),
('Dr. Sarah Miller', '', '5555678901', 51, '12:00', '20:00'),
('Dr. Matthew Wilson', '', '5556789012', 52, '11:00', '19:00'),
('Dr. Ashley Garcia', '', '5557890123', 53, '08:00', '16:00'),
('Dr. Daniel Rodriguez', '', '5558901234', 54, '09:30', '17:30'),
('Dr. Elizabeth Martinez', '', '5559012345', 55, '07:30', '15:30'),
('Dr. William Hernandez', '', '5550123456', 56, '13:00', '21:00'),
('Dr. Olivia Lopez', '', '5551234567', 57, '08:00', '16:00'),
('Dr. Ethan Gonzalez', '', '5552345678', 58, '10:00', '18:00'),
('Dr. Mia Perez', '', '5553456789', 59, '09:00', '17:00'),
('Dr. James Torres', '', '5554567890', 60, '08:30', '16:30'),
('Dr. Sophia Rivera', '', '5555678901', 61, '11:00', '19:00'),
('Dr. Jacob Moore', '', '5556789012', 62, '07:00', '15:00'),
('Dr. Emma King', '', '5557890123', 63, '12:00', '20:00'),
('Dr. Benjamin Lee', '', '5558901234', 64, '08:00', '16:00'),
('Dr. Mia Hill', '', '5559012345', 65, '09:30', '17:30'),
('Dr. Lucas Clark', '', '5550123456', 66, '07:30', '15:30'),
('Dr. Isabella Scott', '', '5551234567', 67, '13:00', '21:00'),
('Dr. Alexander Green', '', '5552345678', 68, '08:00', '16:00'),
('Dr. Ava Adams', '', '5553456789', 47, '10:00', '18:00'),
('Dr. Noah Baker', '', '5554567890', 48, '09:00', '17:00'),
('Dr. Grace Hall', '', '5555678901', 49, '08:30', '16:30'),
('Dr. Samuel Young', '', '5556789012', 50, '11:00', '19:00'),
('Dr. Lily Ward', '', '5557890123', 51, '07:00', '15:00'),
('Dr. Logan Morgan', '', '5558901234', 52, '12:00', '20:00'),
('Dr. Aiden Cooper', '', '5559012345', 53, '08:00', '16:00'),
('Dr. Zoey Coleman', '', '5550123456', 54, '09:30', '17:30'),
('Dr. Christopher Diaz', '', '5551234567', 55, '07:30', '15:30'),
('Dr. Natalie Richardson', '', '5552345678', 56, '13:00', '21:00'),
('Dr. Leo Wood', '', '5553456789', 57, '08:00', '16:00'),
('Dr. Victoria Stewart', '', '5554567890', 58, '10:00', '18:00'),
('Dr. Dylan Griffin', '', '5555678901', 59, '09:00', '17:00'),
('Dr. Zoe Cooper', '', '5556789012', 60, '08:30', '16:30'),
('Dr. Gabriel Diaz', '', '5557890123', 61, '11:00', '19:00'),
('Dr. Layla Richardson', '', '5558901234', 62, '07:00', '15:00'),
('Dr. Nolan Hill', '', '5559012345', 63, '12:00', '20:00'),
('Dr. Penelope Young', '', '5550123456', 64, '08:00', '16:00'),
('Dr. Elijah Bell', '', '5551234567', 65, '09:30', '17:30'),
('Dr. Clara Baker', '', '5552345678', 66, '08:00', '16:00'),
('Dr. Grayson Perez', '', '5553456789', 67, '10:00', '18:00'),
('Dr. Ariana Hughes', '', '5554567890', 68, '09:00', '17:00'),
('Dr. Lincoln Turner', '', '5555678901', 47, '08:30', '16:30'),
('Dr. Madelyn Cox', '', '5556789012', 48, '11:00', '19:00'),
('Dr. Oliver Ross', '', '5557890123', 49, '07:00', '15:00'),
('Dr. Eva Ward', '', '5558901234', 50, '12:00', '20:00'),
('Dr. Xavier Brooks', '', '5559012345', 51, '08:00', '16:00'),
('Dr. Aurora Long', '', '5550123456', 52, '09:30', '17:30'),
('Dr. Cameron Foster', '', '5551234567', 53, '07:30', '15:30'),
('Dr. Hailey Powell', '', '5552345678', 54, '13:00', '21:00'),
('Dr. Jasper Russell', '', '5553456789', 55, '08:00', '16:00'),
('Dr. Annabelle Price', '', '5554567890', 56, '10:00', '18:00'),
('Dr. Tristan Hughes', '', '5555678901', 57, '09:00', '17:00'),
('Dr. Lily Foster', '', '5556789012', 58, '08:30', '16:30'),
('Dr. Elijah Shaw', '', '5557890123', 59, '11:00', '19:00'),
('Dr. Stella Martinez', '', '5558901234', 60, '07:00', '15:00'),
('Dr. Roman Nelson', '', '5559012345', 61, '12:00', '20:00'),
('Dr. Ivy Brooks', '', '5550123456', 62, '08:00', '16:00'),
('Dr. Alexander Rodriguez', '', '5551234567', 63, '09:30', '17:30'),
('Dr. Sofia Nguyen', '', '5552345678', 64, '08:00', '16:00'),
('Dr. Ethan Carter', '', '5553456789', 65, '10:00', '18:00'),
('Dr. Maya Kim', '', '5554567890', 66, '09:00', '17:00'),
('Dr. Liam Mitchell', '', '5555678901', 67, '08:30', '16:30'),
('Dr. Zoe Hall', '', '5556789012', 68, '11:00', '19:00');

INSERT INTO public."Patient" ("Name", "Gender", "PhoneNumber", "Email", "BloodType", "BirthDate", "Address")
('Emma Johnson', 'F', '5551112222', '', 'A+', '1990-05-15', '123 Maple Street'),
('Liam Smith', 'M', '5552223333', '', 'O-', '1985-09-22', '456 Oak Avenue'),
('Olivia Brown', 'F', '5553334444', '', 'B+', '1992-11-03', '789 Elm Road'),
('Noah Davis', 'M', '5554445555', '', 'AB-', '1994-07-18', '1010 Pine Lane'),
('Ava Wilson', 'F', '5555556666', '', 'A-', '1988-03-30', '1313 Cedar Court'),
('Isabella Taylor', 'F', '5556667777', '', 'O+', '1996-02-08', '1515 Birch Street'),
('Mason Martinez', 'M', '5557778888', '', 'B-', '1998-12-12', '1717 Willow Avenue'),
('Sophia Anderson', 'F', '5558889999', '', 'AB+', '1993-06-25', '1919 Maple Road'),
('Logan Thomas', 'M', '5559990000', '', 'A-', '1991-08-04', '2020 Oak Lane'),
('Ella Hernandez', 'F', '5550001111', '', 'O+', '1997-04-09', '2222 Elm Street'),
('Oliver Nelson', 'M', '5551112222', '', 'A+', '1989-10-12', '2424 Pine Avenue'),
('Charlotte White', 'F', '5552223333', '', 'B+', '1995-01-28', '2626 Cedar Road'),
('William Adams', 'M', '5553334444', '', 'AB-', '1999-09-01', '2828 Birch Lane'),
('Amelia Rodriguez', 'F', '5554445555', '', 'A-', '1990-07-15', '3030 Willow Street'),
('Ethan Garcia', 'M', '5555556666', '', 'O+', '1992-05-20', '3232 Maple Avenue'),
('Avery Martinez', 'F', '5556667777', '', 'B-', '1998-11-24', '3434 Oak Lane'),
('Benjamin Scott', 'M', '5557778888', '', 'AB+', '1994-03-17', '3636 Pine Road'),
('Mia Clark', 'F', '5558889999', '', 'A-', '1996-08-07', '3838 Cedar Street'),
('Alexander Hall', 'M', '5559990000', '', 'O-', '1993-12-30', '4040 Willow Avenue'),
('Harper Adams', 'F', '5550001111', '', 'B+', '1997-01-14', '4242 Birch Lane'),
('James Baker', 'M', '5551112222', '', 'AB-', '1991-06-28', '4444 Elm Road'),
('Evelyn Gonzalez', 'F', '5552223333', '', 'A+', '1987-09-09', '4646 Oak Street'),
('Michael Turner', 'M', '5553334444', '', 'O+', '1995-02-03', '4848 Pine Avenue'),
('Ella Lee', 'F', '5554445555', '', 'B-', '1999-05-26', '5050 Cedar Road'),
('Lucas Wright', 'M', '5555556666', '', 'AB+', '1992-10-19', '5252 Willow Street'),
('Scarlett King', 'F', '5556667777', '', 'A-', '1998-07-23', '5454 Birch Lane'),
('Jack Harris', 'M', '5557778888', '', 'O-', '1990-04-12', '5656 Elm Avenue'),
('Grace Campbell', 'F', '5558889999', '', 'B+', '1996-11-06', '5858 Oak Road'),
('Henry Young', 'M', '5559990000', '', 'AB-', '1993-08-30', '6060 Pine Street'),
('Madison Flores', 'F', '5550001111', '', 'A+', '1988-12-13', '6262 Cedar Lane'),
('Jackson Lewis', 'M', '5551112222', '', 'O+', '1994-02-26', '6464 Willow Avenue'),
('Aria Martinez', 'F', '5552223333', '', 'B-', '1991-05-10', '6666 Birch Road'),
('Elijah Hill', 'M', '5553334444', '', 'AB+', '1997-09-03', '6868 Elm Street'),
('Aurora Thompson', 'F', '5554445555', '', 'A-', '1995-03-18', '7070 Oak Avenue'),
('Carter Walker', 'M', '5555556666', '', 'O-', '1989-07-21', '7272 Pine Road'),
('Violet Perez', 'F', '5556667777', '', 'B+', '1992-12-04', '7474 Cedar Street'),
('Leo Cooper', 'M', '5557778888', '', 'AB-', '1998-06-17', '7676 Willow Lane'),
('Penelope Mitchell', 'F', '5558889999', '', 'A+', '1993-11-30', '7878 Birch Avenue'),
('Wyatt Carter', 'M', '5559990000', '', 'O+', '1990-04-14', '8080 Elm Road'),
('Eleanor Foster', 'F', '5550001111', '', 'B-', '1996-08-27', '8282 Oak Lane'),
('Luke Sanchez', 'M', '5551112222', '', 'AB+', '1999-01-10', '8484 Pine Street'),
('Hannah Ross', 'F', '5552223333', '', 'A-', '1994-05-23', '8686 Cedar Road'),
('Gabriel Morris', 'M', '5553334444', '', 'O-', '1988-09-06', '8888 Willow Street'),
('Evelyn Rivera', 'F', '5554445555', '', 'B+', '1995-02-19', '9090 Birch Avenue'),
('Christopher Bell', 'M', '5555556666', '', 'AB-', '1991-06-02', '9292 Elm Lane'),
('Savannah Woods', 'F', '5556667777', '', 'A+', '1997-10-15', '9494 Oak Road'),
('Jonathan Ward', 'M', '5557778888', '', 'O+', '1992-04-28', '9696 Pine Street'),
('Addison Powell', 'F', '5558889999', '', 'B-', '1998-12-11', '9898 Cedar Avenue'),
('David Perry', 'M', '5559990000', '', 'AB+', '1993-07-24', '123 Hillside Drive'),
('Chloe Long', 'F', '5550001111', '', 'A-', '1989-11-07', '456 Valley Road'),
('Jaxon Butler', 'M', '5551112222', '', 'O+', '1995-03-20', '789 Mountain Lane'),
('Natalie Barnes', 'F', '5552223333', '', 'B+', '1991-08-02', '101 Oakwood Avenue'),
('Gabriel Howard', 'M', '5553334444', '', 'AB-', '1997-12-15', '202 Forest Drive'),
('Zoe Coleman', 'F', '5554445555', '', 'A+', '1992-06-28', '303 Brookside Lane'),
('Anthony Patterson', 'M', '5555556666', '', 'O-', '1998-10-11', '404 River Street'),
('Audrey Simmons', 'F', '5556667777', '', 'B-', '1994-02-24', '505 Lakeview Drive'),
('Dominic Simmons', 'M', '5557778888', '', 'AB+', '1990-07-08', '606 Meadow Lane'),
('Maya Price', 'F', '5558889999', '', 'A-', '1996-11-21', '707 Pinecrest Avenue'),
('Nathan Howard', 'M', '5559990000', '', 'O+', '1991-05-04', '808 Cherry Lane'),
('Sofia Webb', 'F', '5550001111', '', 'B+', '1997-09-17', '909 Elm Street'),
('Caleb Owens', 'M', '5551112222', '', 'AB-', '1993-01-30', '1010 Forest Avenue'),
('Zoey Elliott', 'F', '5552223333', '', 'A+', '1988-06-12', '1111 Maple Drive'),
('Joseph Hopkins', 'M', '5553334444', '', 'O-', '1994-10-25', '1212 Pine Lane'),
('Madison Wallace', 'F', '5554445555', '', 'B-', '1999-04-08', '1313 Willow Road'),
('Aaron Hart', 'M', '5555556666', '', 'AB+', '1992-08-21', '1414 Birch Lane'),
('Aubrey Woods', 'F', '5556667777', '', 'A-', '1998-12-04', '1515 Cedar Street'),
('Thomas Hunt', 'M', '5557778888', '', 'O+', '1993-03-17', '1616 Elm Avenue'),
('Brooklyn Foster', 'F', '5558889999', '', 'B+', '1990-07-30', '1717 Oak Road'),
('Eli Cole', 'M', '5559990000', '', 'AB-', '1996-11-12', '1818 Pine Street'),
('Aaliyah Morgan', 'F', '5550001111', '', 'A+', '1991-05-03', '1920 Maple Lane'),
('Evan Andrews', 'M', '5551112222', '', 'O-', '1997-09-16', '2020 Cedar Avenue'),
('Lillian Fisher', 'F', '5552223333', '', 'B-', '1993-02-28', '2121 Elm Street'),
('Alexander Fisher', 'M', '5553334444', '', 'AB+', '1988-07-13', '2222 Oak Lane'),
('Addison Harrison', 'F', '5554445555', '', 'A-', '1995-11-26', '2323 Pine Road'),
('David Daniels', 'M', '5555556666', '', 'O+', '1990-04-09', '2424 Cedar Avenue'),
('Leah Gordon', 'F', '5556667777', '', 'B+', '1996-08-22', '2525 Willow Lane'),
('Joseph Garcia', 'M', '5557778888', '', 'AB-', '1992-01-05', '2626 Birch Street'),
('Lucy Burns', 'F', '5558889999', '', 'A+', '1998-05-18', '2727 Elm Road'),
('Connor Hernandez', 'M', '5559990000', '', 'O-', '1993-10-31', '2828 Oak Avenue'),
('Sarah Hayes', 'F', '5550001111', '', 'B-', '1989-03-14', '2929 Pine Lane'),
('Jeremiah Weaver', 'M', '5551112222', '', 'AB+', '1995-07-27', '3030 Cedar Street'),
('Madelyn Mcdonald', 'F', '5552223333', '', 'A-', '1991-12-10', '3131 Willow Lane'),
('Jordan Boyd', 'M', '5553334444', '', 'O+', '1997-04-23', '3232 Birch Avenue'),
('Gabriella Carpenter', 'F', '5554445555', '', 'B+', '1992-09-06', '3333 Elm Road'),
('Nicholas Mills', 'M', '5555556666', '', 'AB-', '1998-01-19', '3434 Oak Street'),
('Aubrey Wallace', 'F', '5556667777', '', 'A+', '1993-05-02', '3535 Pine Lane'),
('Levi Cole', 'M', '5557778888', '', 'O-', '1988-08-15', '3636 Cedar Avenue'),
('Ariana Jennings', 'F', '5558889999', '', 'B-', '1994-12-28', '3737 Willow Road'),
('Dominic Castillo', 'M', '5559990000', '', 'AB+', '1990-06-11', '3838 Birch Lane'),
('Valentina Sandoval', 'F', '5550001111', '', 'A-', '1996-10-24', '3939 Elm Street'),
('Adam Mendoza', 'M', '5551112222', '', 'O+', '1991-02-07', '4040 Oak Avenue'),
('Mariah Ramsey', 'F', '5552223333', '', 'B+', '1997-06-20', '4141 Pine Road'),
('Cooper Reed', 'M', '5553334444', '', 'AB-', '1992-11-03', '4242 Cedar Lane'),
('Luna Snyder', 'F', '5554445555', '', 'A+', '1998-03-16', '4343 Willow Street'),
('Henry Hunt', 'M', '5555556666', '', 'O-', '1993-07-29', '4444 Birch Avenue'),
('Willow Reid', 'F', '5556667777', '', 'B-', '1989-12-12', '4545 Elm Road'),
('Tristan Shelton', 'M', '5557778888', '', 'AB+', '1995-04-25', '4646 Oak Lane'),
('Delilah Goodman', 'F', '5558889999', '', 'A-', '1991-09-08', '4747 Pine Street'),
('Bentley Maldonado', 'M', '5559990000', '', 'O+', '1996-01-21', '4848 Cedar Avenue'),
('Nova Marsh', 'F', '5550001111', '', 'B+', '1992-05-04', '4949 Willow Lane'),
('Asher Hurley', 'M', '5551112222', '', 'AB-', '1998-09-17', '5050 Birch Road'),
('Adeline Gregory', 'F', '5552223333', '', 'A+', '1993-01-30', '5151 Elm Street'),
('Emmett Watts', 'M', '5553334444', '', 'O-', '1989-06-12', '5252 Oak Avenue'),
('Isabel Leonard', 'F', '5554445555', '', 'B-', '1995-10-25', '5353 Pine Lane'),
('Kai Bridges', 'M', '5555556666', '', 'AB+', '1990-03-10', '5454 Cedar Road'),
('Raelynn Mccoy', 'F', '5556667777', '', 'A-', '1996-07-23', '5555 Willow Street'),
('Emmanuel Wolf', 'M', '5557778888', '', 'AB+', '1992-11-05', '5656 Birch Lane'),
('Adalyn Tucker', 'F', '5558889999', '', 'A-', '1998-04-18', '5757 Elm Road'),
('Brayden Kim', 'M', '5559990000', '', 'O+', '1993-08-01', '5858 Oak Lane'),
('Sarah Quinn', 'F', '5550001111', '', 'B+', '1989-12-14', '5959 Pine Avenue'),
('Theodore Baird', 'M', '5551112222', '', 'AB-', '1995-04-27', '6060 Cedar Road'),
('Camila Stanton', 'F', '5552223333', '', 'A+', '1991-09-10', '6161 Willow Lane'),
('Levi Dalton', 'M', '5553334444', '', 'O-', '1997-01-23', '6262 Birch Street'),
('Alice Delgado', 'F', '5554445555', '', 'B-', '1992-06-06', '6363 Elm Avenue'),
('Hunter Mathis', 'M', '5555556666', '', 'AB+', '1998-10-19', '6464 Oak Road'),
('Layla Mueller', 'F', '5556667777', '', 'A-', '1993-02-01', '6565 Pine Lane'),
('Asher Stark', 'M', '5557778888', '', 'O+', '1988-06-14', '6666 Cedar Street'),
('Stella Mccormick', 'F', '5558889999', '', 'B+', '1994-11-27', '6767 Willow Avenue'),
('Roman Carson', 'M', '5559990000', '', 'AB-', '1990-05-10', '6868 Birch Lane'),
('Ariana Mccormick', 'F', '5550001111', '', 'A+', '1996-09-23', '6969 Elm Road'),
('Hudson Flynn', 'M', '5551112222', '', 'O-', '1991-03-06', '7070 Oak Lane'),
('Mila Farley', 'F', '5552223333', '', 'B-', '1997-07-19', '7171 Pine Street'),
('Grayson Strong', 'M', '5553334444', '', 'AB+', '1992-11-01', '7272 Cedar Avenue'),
('Aurora Cowan', 'F', '5554445555', '', 'A-', '1999-03-14', '7373 Willow Lane'),
('Lincoln Woodward', 'M', '5555556666', '', 'O+', '1994-07-27', '7474 Birch Road'),
('Aubrey Farmer', 'F', '5556667777', '', 'B+', '1989-12-10', '7575 Elm Street'),
('Elias Sellers', 'M', '5557778888', '', 'AB-', '1995-04-23', '7676 Oak Avenue'),
('Isla Wade', 'F', '5558889999', '', 'A+', '1991-08-06', '7777 Pine Lane'),
('Mateo Hodge', 'M', '5559990000', '', 'O-', '1997-12-19', '7878 Cedar Road'),
('Avery Livingston', 'F', '5550001111', '', 'B-', '1993-05-02', '7979 Willow Street'),
('Leo Bowers', 'M', '5551112222', '', 'AB+', '1988-09-15', '8080 Birch Lane'),
('Nova Potts', 'F', '5552223333', '', 'A-', '1994-01-28', '8181 Elm Avenue'),
('Micah Benton', 'M', '5553334444', '', 'O+', '1999-06-11', '8282 Oak Lane'),
('Elena Mayer', 'F', '5554445555', '', 'B+', '1992-10-24', '8383 Pine Road'),
('Ezra Serrano', 'M', '5555556666', '', 'AB-', '1998-02-07', '8484 Cedar Street'),
('Sadie Skinner', 'F', '5556667777', '', 'A+', '1993-06-20', '8585 Willow Lane'),
('Jayce Kane', 'M', '5557778888', '', 'O-', '1989-12-03', '8686 Birch Avenue'),
('Ivy Mcintosh', 'F', '5558889999', '', 'B-', '1995-04-16', '8787 Elm Road'),
('Emmett Mata', 'M', '5559990000', '', 'AB+', '1990-08-29', '8888 Oak Lane'),
('Isla Terrell', 'F', '5550001111', '', 'A-', '1996-12-12', '8989 Pine Street'),
('Connor Burnett', 'M', '5551112222', '', 'O+', '1992-05-25', '9090 Cedar Road'),
('Nora Dunlap', 'F', '5552223333', '', 'B+', '1997-10-08', '9191 Willow Avenue'),
('Jace Contreras', 'M', '5553334444', '', 'AB-', '1993-02-21', '9292 Birch Lane'),
('Paisley Mcintosh', 'F', '5554445555', '', 'A+', '1998-07-06', '9393 Elm Street');

INSERT INTO public."Appointment" ("PatientId", "DoctorId", "AppointmentDate", "RoomId", "TokenId", "Status", "IsCancel")
(5, 145, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month', 1, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(5, 146, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '1 day', 2, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(6, 147, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '2 days', 3, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(7, 148, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '3 days', 4, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(8, 149, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '4 days', 5, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(9, 150, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '5 days', 6, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(10, 151, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '6 days', 7, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(11, 152, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '7 days', 8, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(12, 153, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '8 days', 9, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(13, 154, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '9 days', 10, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(14, 155, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '10 days', 11, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(15, 156, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '11 days', 12, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(16, 157, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '12 days', 13, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(17, 158, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '13 days', 14, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(18, 159, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '14 days', 15, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(19, 160, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '15 days', 16, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(20, 161, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '16 days', 17, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(21, 162, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '17 days', 18, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(22, 163, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '18 days', 19, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(23, 164, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '19 days', 20, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(24, 165, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '20 days', 21, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(25, 166, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '21 days', 22, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(26, 167, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '22 days', 23, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(27, 168, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '23 days', 24, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(28, 169, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '24 days', 25, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(29, 170, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '25 days', 26, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(30, 171, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '26 days', 27, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(31, 172, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '27 days', 28, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(32, 173, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '28 days', 29, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(33, 174, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '29 days', 30, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(34, 175, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '30 days', 31, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(35, 176, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '31 days', 32, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(36, 177, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '32 days', 33, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(37, 178, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '33 days', 34, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(38, 179, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '34 days', 35, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(39, 180, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '35 days', 36, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(40, 181, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '36 days', 37, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(41, 182, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '37 days', 38, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(42, 183, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '38 days', 39, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false),
(43, 184, CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 month' + INTERVAL '39 days', 40, gen_random_uuid(), 'Pending', false);

INSERT INTO public."MedicalRecord" ("PatientID", "StartDate", "EndDate", "Diagnosis", "Note", "Treatment")
(5, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '1 month', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '1 month', 'Hypertension', 'High blood pressure due to poor diet and lack of exercise.', 'Prescription medication, dietary changes, and regular exercise.'),
(6, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '2 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '2 months', 'Type 2 Diabetes', 'Diabetes caused by obesity and unhealthy eating habits.', 'Insulin therapy, blood sugar monitoring, and lifestyle modifications.'),
(7, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '3 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '3 months', 'Migraine', 'Frequent migraines triggered by stress and lack of sleep.', 'Prescription medication, stress management techniques, and adequate sleep.'),
(8, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '4 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '4 months', 'Asthma', 'Chronic asthma exacerbated by environmental allergens.', 'Bronchodilators, corticosteroids, and avoiding triggers.'),
(9, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '5 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '5 months', 'Hyperthyroidism', 'Overactive thyroid gland leading to weight loss and rapid heartbeat.', 'Antithyroid medication, radioactive iodine therapy, and beta blockers.'),
(10, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '6 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '6 months', 'Arthritis', 'Degenerative joint disease causing stiffness and pain in the joints.', 'Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy, and joint injections.'),
(11, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '7 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '7 months', 'Depression', 'Persistent feelings of sadness and loss of interest in daily activities.', 'Antidepressant medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes.'),
(12, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '8 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '8 months', 'Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)', 'Chronic acid reflux leading to heartburn and esophageal irritation.', 'Proton pump inhibitors, dietary modifications, and elevating the head while sleeping.'),
(13, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '9 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '9 months', 'Osteoporosis', 'Weak and brittle bones due to calcium deficiency and lack of exercise.', 'Calcium supplements, vitamin D supplementation, and weight-bearing exercises.'),
(14, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '10 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '10 months', 'Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)', 'Progressive lung disease caused by smoking and exposure to air pollutants.', 'Bronchodilators, inhaled corticosteroids, and oxygen therapy.'),
(15, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '11 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '11 months', 'Gastritis', 'Inflammation of the stomach lining due to infection or long-term use of NSAIDs.', 'Antacids, proton pump inhibitors, and dietary changes.'),
(16, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '12 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '12 months', 'Anxiety Disorder', 'Excessive worry and fear leading to physical and psychological symptoms.', 'Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), therapy, and relaxation techniques.'),
(17, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '13 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '13 months', 'Hypothyroidism', 'Underactive thyroid gland causing fatigue, weight gain, and cold sensitivity.', 'Thyroid hormone replacement therapy, dietary changes, and regular exercise.'),
(18, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '14 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '14 months', 'Peptic Ulcer Disease', 'Open sores in the lining of the stomach or duodenum due to H. pylori infection or NSAID use.', 'Antibiotics, proton pump inhibitors, and avoiding NSAIDs.'),
(19, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '15 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '15 months', 'Chronic Kidney Disease', 'Progressive loss of kidney function due to diabetes or high blood pressure.', 'Blood pressure control, diabetes management, and dialysis or kidney transplant.'),
(20, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '16 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '16 months', 'Rheumatoid Arthritis', 'Autoimmune disorder causing joint inflammation and deformity.', 'Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), biologic agents, and physical therapy.'),
(21, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '17 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '17 months', 'Allergic Rhinitis', 'Inflammation of the nasal passages due to allergens such as pollen or pet dander.', 'Antihistamines, nasal corticosteroids, and allergen avoidance.'),
(22, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '18 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '18 months', 'Coronary Artery Disease', 'Narrowing of the coronary arteries due to plaque buildup.', 'Lifestyle changes, medications (such as statins and antiplatelet drugs), and possible interventions (such as angioplasty or bypass surgery).'),
(23, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '19 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '19 months', 'Crohn Disease', 'Inflammatory bowel disease causing abdominal pain, diarrhea, and weight loss.', 'Anti-inflammatory medications, immunosuppressants, and dietary changes.'),
(24, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '20 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '20 months', 'Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)', 'Bacterial infection in the urinary tract causing pain and frequent urination.', 'Antibiotics, increased fluid intake, and urinary analgesics.'),
(25, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '21 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '21 months', 'Stroke', 'Blockage or rupture of blood vessels in the brain leading to neurological deficits.', 'Thrombolytic therapy, antiplatelet agents, and rehabilitation.'),
(26, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '22 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '22 months', 'Hepatitis B', 'Viral infection causing inflammation of the liver.', 'Antiviral medications, rest, and avoiding alcohol and certain medications.'),
(27, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '23 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '23 months', 'Gout', 'Type of arthritis characterized by sudden and severe joint pain.', 'Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), colchicine, and dietary changes.'),
(28, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '24 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '24 months', 'Obesity', 'Excessive body weight leading to various health complications.', 'Caloric restriction, increased physical activity, and behavioral therapy.'),
(29, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '25 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '25 months', 'Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)', 'Narrowing of arteries in the legs due to plaque buildup.', 'Lifestyle modifications, medications (such as antiplatelet agents), and possible interventions (such as angioplasty).'),
(30, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '26 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '26 months', 'Schizophrenia', 'Chronic mental disorder characterized by distorted thinking and perception.', 'Antipsychotic medications, therapy, and social support.'),
(31, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '27 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '27 months', 'Chronic Hepatitis C', 'Long-term viral infection causing liver inflammation and damage.', 'Antiviral therapy, liver transplantation, and lifestyle changes.'),
(32, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '28 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '28 months', 'Multiple Sclerosis (MS)', 'Autoimmune disease affecting the central nervous system.', 'Disease-modifying therapies, symptom management medications, and rehabilitation.'),
(33, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '29 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '29 months', 'Celiac Disease', 'Autoimmune disorder triggered by gluten ingestion, damaging the small intestine.', 'Gluten-free diet, nutritional supplements, and monitoring for complications.'),
(34, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '30 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '30 months', 'Parkinson Disease', 'Neurodegenerative disorder causing tremors, stiffness, and impaired movement.', 'Dopamine agonists, levodopa, and physical therapy.'),
(35, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '31 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '31 months', 'Sleep Apnea', 'Breathing disorder characterized by interruptions in breathing during sleep.', 'Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy, lifestyle changes, and oral appliances.'),
(36, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '32 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '32 months', 'Ovarian Cancer', 'Cancerous growths in the ovaries, often diagnosed in later stages.', 'Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.'),
(37, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '33 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '33 months', 'Alzheimer Disease', 'Progressive neurological disorder leading to memory loss and cognitive decline.', 'Cholinesterase inhibitors, memantine, and supportive care.'),
(38, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '34 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '34 months', 'Endometriosis', 'Condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus.', 'Pain medication, hormone therapy, and surgery.'),
(39, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '35 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '35 months', 'Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)', 'Slow-growing cancer of the blood and bone marrow.', 'Watchful waiting, chemotherapy, and targeted therapy.'),
(40, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '36 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '36 months', 'Anemia', 'Deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin leading to fatigue and weakness.', 'Iron supplementation, vitamin B12 injections, and treatment of underlying cause.'),
(41, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '37 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '37 months', 'Diverticulitis', 'Inflammation or infection of small pouches in the digestive tract.', 'Antibiotics, clear liquid diet, and rest.'),
(42, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '38 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '38 months', 'Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)', 'Autoimmune disease affecting multiple organs and tissues.', 'Corticosteroids, immunosuppressants, and lifestyle adjustments.'),
(43, CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '39 months', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '39 months', 'Pancreatitis', 'Inflammation of the pancreas often caused by gallstones or alcohol consumption.', 'NPO (nothing by mouth), pain management, and addressing underlying cause.');


Chatgpt Ask

INSERT INTO public."Doctor" ("DoctorName", "Email", "MobileNumber", "SpecialistId", "StartDuty", "EndDuty") VALUES ('Dr. John Doee', '', '1234567890', 1, '08:00', '04:00');
pls generate real data and real time 100 rows (SpecialistId number range 47-68)


INSERT INTO public."Doctor" ("DoctorName", "Email", "MobileNumber", "SpecialistId", "StartDuty", "EndDuty")
('Dr. Emily Smith', '', '5551234567', 47, '09:00', '17:00'),
('Dr. Michael Johnson', '', '5552345678', 48, '10:00', '18:00'),
('Dr. Jessica Brown', '', '5553456789', 49, '08:30', '16:30'),
('Dr. Christopher Davis', '', '5554567890', 50, '07:00', '15:00'),
('Dr. Sarah Miller', '', '5555678901', 51, '12:00', '20:00'),
('Dr. Matthew Wilson', '', '5556789012', 52, '11:00', '19:00'),
('Dr. Ashley Garcia', '', '5557890123', 53, '08:00', '16:00'),
('Dr. Daniel Rodriguez', '', '5558901234', 54, '09:30', '17:30'),
('Dr. Elizabeth Martinez', '', '5559012345', 55, '07:30', '15:30'),
('Dr. William Hernandez', '', '5550123456', 56, '13:00', '21:00'),
('Dr. Olivia Lopez', '', '5551234567', 57, '08:00', '16:00'),
('Dr. Ethan Gonzalez', '', '5552345678', 58, '10:00', '18:00'),
('Dr. Mia Perez', '', '5553456789', 59, '09:00', '17:00'),
('Dr. James Torres', '', '5554567890', 60, '08:30', '16:30'),
('Dr. Sophia Rivera', '', '5555678901', 61, '11:00', '19:00'),
('Dr. Jacob Moore', '', '5556789012', 62, '07:00', '15:00'),
('Dr. Emma King', '', '5557890123', 63, '12:00', '20:00'),
('Dr. Benjamin Lee', '', '5558901234', 64, '08:00', '16:00'),
('Dr. Mia Hill', '', '5559012345', 65, '09:30', '17:30'),
('Dr. Lucas Clark', '', '5550123456', 66, '07:30', '15:30'),
('Dr. Isabella Scott', '', '5551234567', 67, '13:00', '21:00'),
('Dr. Alexander Green', '', '5552345678', 68, '08:00', '16:00'),
('Dr. Ava Adams', '', '5553456789', 47, '10:00', '18:00'),
('Dr. Noah Baker', '', '5554567890', 48, '09:00', '17:00'),
('Dr. Grace Hall', '', '5555678901', 49, '08:30', '16:30'),
('Dr. Samuel Young', '', '5556789012', 50, '11:00', '19:00'),
('Dr. Lily Ward', '', '5557890123', 51, '07:00', '15:00'),
('Dr. Logan Morgan', '', '5558901234', 52, '12:00', '20:00'),
('Dr. Aiden Cooper', '', '5559012345', 53, '08:00', '16:00'),
('Dr. Zoey Coleman', '', '5550123456', 54, '09:30', '17:30'),
('Dr. Christopher Diaz', '', '5551234567', 55, '07:30', '15:30'),
('Dr. Natalie Richardson', '', '5552345678', 56, '13:00', '21:00'),
('Dr. Leo Wood', '', '5553456789', 57, '08:00', '16:00'),
('Dr. Victoria Stewart', '', '5554567890', 58, '10:00', '18:00'),
('Dr. Dylan Griffin', '', '5555678901', 59, '09:00', '17:00'),
('Dr. Zoe Cooper', '', '5556789012', 60, '08:30', '16:30'),
('Dr. Gabriel Diaz', '', '5557890123', 61, '11:00', '19:00'),
('Dr. Layla Richardson', '', '5558901234', 62, '07:00', '15:00'),
('Dr. Nolan Hill', '', '5559012345', 63, '12:00', '20:00'),
('Dr. Penelope Young', '', '5550123456', 64, '08:00', '16:00'),
('Dr. Elijah Bell', '', '5551234567', 65, '09:30', '17:30'),
('Dr. Clara Baker', '', '5552345678', 66, '08:00', '16:00'),
('Dr. Grayson Perez', '', '5553456789', 67, '10:00', '18:00'),
('Dr. Ariana Hughes', '', '5554567890', 68, '09:00', '17:00'),
('Dr. Lincoln Turner', '', '5555678901', 47, '08:30', '16:30'),
('Dr. Madelyn Cox', '', '5556789012', 48, '11:00', '19:00'),
('Dr. Oliver Ross', '', '5557890123', 49, '07:00', '15:00'),
('Dr. Eva Ward', '', '5558901234', 50, '12:00', '20:00'),
('Dr. Xavier Brooks', '', '5559012345', 51, '08:00', '16:00'),
('Dr. Aurora Long', '', '5550123456', 52, '09:30', '17:30'),
('Dr. Cameron Foster', '', '5551234567', 53, '07:30', '15:30'),
('Dr. Hailey Powell', '', '5552345678', 54, '13:00', '21:00'),
('Dr. Jasper Russell', '', '5553456789', 55, '08:00', '16:00'),
('Dr. Annabelle Price', '', '5554567890', 56, '10:00', '18:00'),
('Dr. Tristan Hughes', '', '5555678901', 57, '09:00', '17:00'),
('Dr. Lily Foster', '', '5556789012', 58, '08:30', '16:30'),
('Dr. Elijah Shaw', '', '5557890123', 59, '11:00', '19:00'),
('Dr. Stella Martinez', '', '5558901234', 60, '07:00', '15:00'),
('Dr. Roman Nelson', '', '5559012345', 61, '12:00', '20:00'),
('Dr. Ivy Brooks', '', '5550123456', 62, '08:00', '16:00'),
('Dr. Alexander Rodriguez', '', '5551234567', 63, '09:30', '17:30'),
('Dr. Sofia Nguyen', '', '5552345678', 64, '08:00', '16:00'),
('Dr. Ethan Carter', '', '5553456789', 65, '10:00', '18:00'),
('Dr. Maya Kim', '', '5554567890', 66, '09:00', '17:00'),
('Dr. Liam Mitchell', '', '5555678901', 67, '08:30', '16:30'),
('Dr. Zoe Hall', '', '5556789012', 68, '11:00', '19:00');


Cardiologist - Specializes in heart diseases and cardiovascular health.
Dermatologist - Focuses on skin, hair, and nail-related issues.
Gastroenterologist - Deals with the digestive system and its disorders.
Neurologist - Specializes in the nervous system and its disorders.
Oncologist - Focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
Orthopedist - Specializes in bones, joints, and musculoskeletal system.
Psychiatrist - Deals with mental health disorders and conditions.
Endocrinologist - Focuses on hormone-related disorders and endocrine system.
Ophthalmologist - Specializes in eye diseases and vision-related issues.
Pulmonologist - Deals with respiratory system disorders and lung diseases.
Urologist - Focuses on urinary tract disorders and male reproductive system.
Rheumatologist - Specializes in autoimmune diseases and musculoskeletal disorders.
Nephrologist - Deals with kidney diseases and renal system disorders.
Infectious Disease Specialist - Focuses on infectious diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites.
Allergist/Immunologist - Specializes in allergies, asthma, and immune system disorders.
Hematologist - Focuses on blood disorders and conditions.
Pediatrician - Specializes in the care of children, infants, and adolescents.
Geriatrician - Deals with health care of elderly patients and age-related conditions.
Obstetrician/Gynecologist (OB/GYN) - Focuses on women's reproductive health.
Neonatologist - Specializes in the care of newborn infants, particularly those who are ill or premature.

pls split first - and covert json include name, description


  "specialties": [
      "name": "Cardiologist",
      "description": "Specializes in heart diseases and cardiovascular health."
      "name": "Dermatologist",
      "description": "Focuses on skin, hair, and nail-related issues."
      "name": "Gastroenterologist",
      "description": "Deals with the digestive system and its disorders."
      "name": "Neurologist",
      "description": "Specializes in the nervous system and its disorders."
      "name": "Oncologist",
      "description": "Focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of cancer."
      "name": "Orthopedist",
      "description": "Specializes in bones, joints, and musculoskeletal system."
      "name": "Psychiatrist",
      "description": "Deals with mental health disorders and conditions."
      "name": "Endocrinologist",
      "description": "Focuses on hormone-related disorders and endocrine system."
      "name": "Ophthalmologist",
      "description": "Specializes in eye diseases and vision-related issues."
      "name": "Pulmonologist",
      "description": "Deals with respiratory system disorders and lung diseases."
      "name": "Urologist",
      "description": "Focuses on urinary tract disorders and male reproductive system."
      "name": "Rheumatologist",
      "description": "Specializes in autoimmune diseases and musculoskeletal disorders."
      "name": "Nephrologist",
      "description": "Deals with kidney diseases and renal system disorders."
      "name": "Infectious Disease Specialist",
      "description": "Focuses on infectious diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites."
      "name": "Allergist/Immunologist",
      "description": "Specializes in allergies, asthma, and immune system disorders."
      "name": "Hematologist",
      "description": "Focuses on blood disorders and conditions."
      "name": "Pediatrician",
      "description": "Specializes in the care of children, infants, and adolescents."
      "name": "Geriatrician",
      "description": "Deals with health care of elderly patients and age-related conditions."
      "name": "Obstetrician/Gynecologist (OB/GYN)",
      "description": "Focuses on women's reproductive health."
      "name": "Neonatologist",
      "description": "Specializes in the care of newborn infants, particularly those who are ill or premature."

var Item = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<PatientModel>
    "id": 0,
    "name": "MgChit",
    "gender": "M",
    "phoneNumber": "09987654321",
    "email": "",
    "bloodType": "O",
    "birthDate": "2024-03-29T00:56:01.709+06:30",
    "address": "MDY"