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Compiler written in Rust for my programming language called OogaBooga.


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Compiler written in Rust for my programming language called OogaBooga.


The purpose of this project is to learn how compiler works and to get better at understanding assembly code. Also, this is my first Rust program, I just jumped straight into making a compiler with it, so don't expect super high quality code. For the sake of learning I will not be using any dependencies which would aid me in parsing the source code (RegEx, other parsers...).


GNU/Linux x86_64


  • nasm = assembler
  • ld = linker
  • rust = language im working in
  • cargo = for compiling rust projects

About OogaBooga

OogaBooga syntax is similar to C. There are no function types, only labels.

Data types

num 	= signed int
bool 	= boolean (yes or no)
str 	= string
chr 	= char

I/O commands

say	= prints to screen
eat	= takes input and saves it to a variable


num x;			= declaration

bool a = yes;		= initialization

x = value;		= assignment

if condition [...]	= if statement

while condition [...]	= while loop

ret value;		= return statement


Square brackets [] are used for function and statement body 
and greater than and less than signs <> for parameters.

Program structure

main [
	# your code here

	ret 0;


  1. Read in the file
  2. Write lexer that takes code and returns list of lexemes (tokens)
  3. Define Abstract syntax tree (AST)
  4. Write parser that takes tokens and returns AST (and also throws compile errors)
  5. Generate code for given AST in assembly (x86_64)
  6. Write assembly to file
  7. Use NASM to convert assembly to an object file and ld -m elf_x86_64 to executable


Lexer recognizes tokens from supplied file and assigns them their type. Ex. say < "Ooga Booga"; is consisted from tokens: Print, Lc, Str, Semicolon.


Parser separates the function body and recognizes which type of statements are inside it. Its goal is to group tokens from Lexer into statements. Ex. [Print, Lc, Str, Semicolon] should be recognized as a print statement. This is where I implemented checking for compile errors.

Abstract Syntax Tree

AST (for short) is a way of representing structure of source code written in programming language. To implement it I simply created struct Node which holds information about a single statement (its type, tokens, value). Then I created a vector which holds all Nodes which is my AST created from supplied source code.

Code generation

The program goes through AST (vector of Nodes) and for each statement generates its equivalent assembly code.


Before generating assembly code we need to make sure that the program exits correctly. For that purpose I'm prepending this piece of code.

global _start
section .text

    call main;
    mov rdi, rax;
    mov rax, 60;

First we define a global directive _start which is needed for linker (ld) to know where the program starts. Then we define start of section .text which is used to store code. Then in function _start we call main and once it finishes we make a syscall to exit the program (exit is called by placing 60 in rax register and exit status in rdi).


$ ./oogabooga -h
OogaBooga compiler v1.0
usage: oogabooga <input file> [-asm] [-obj] [-o <output file>]
optional arguments:
    -h              display help
    -asm            output assembly file
    -obj            output object file
    -o              output file (the default is a.out)

Program output

$ ./oogabooga examples/ -asm

Raw code:

main [
	num a;
	a = 1;
	num b = 2;
	say < "Ooga Booga!";
	say < "Hello World!";

	ret 0;

Assembly x86-64:

global _start

section .text

    call main;
    mov rdi, rax;
    mov rax, 60;

    push rbp;
    mov rbp,rsp;
    mov dword [rbp-4],1;
    mov dword [rbp-8],2;
    mov rax,1;
    mov rdi,1;
    mov rsi,msg0;
    mov rdx, msg0len;
    mov rax,1;
    mov rdi,1;
    mov rsi,msg1;
    mov rdx, msg1len;
    mov eax,0;
    pop rbp;

section .rodata
    msg0: db "Ooga Booga!",10
    msg0len equ $-msg0
    msg1: db "Hello World!",10
    msg1len equ $-msg1

Executing the code

To execute the program run:

$ ./a.out

For program in examples/ you should get output:

Ooga Booga!
Hello World!


Compiler written in Rust for my programming language called OogaBooga.







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