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SpydrPick: mutual information based detection of pairs of genomic loci co-evolving under a shared selective pressure.


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SpydrPick is a command line tool for performing 'direct coupling analysis' of aligned categorical datasets. It constructs a coupling graph based on thresholded node-pair Mutual Information (MI) scoring, followed by pruning of edges that represent indirect couplings using the ARACNE algorithm.

Using SpydrPick

What does it do?

A typical run of SpydrPick will perform the following steps: 1) parse an input alignment, 2) apply default position filtering rules, 3) determine sample weights designed to correct for population structure, 4) estimate an MI threshold in order to save a pre-defined number of top ranking pairs, 5) evaluate all pairwise position-position MI values, 6) estimate outlier and extreme outlier thresholds (the threshold of likely significant signal) based on the data, 7) apply the ARACNE post-processing step to the MI graph, and finally 9) output lists of the strongest edges (links) found.

Basic usage

Use SpydrPick -h or SpydrPick --help to get a list of available command line options.

To run SpydrPick with default settings use:

SpydrPick -v <name of input genome alignment file>

where the input alignment should be in FASTA format. Five distinct categories are currently supported: nucleotide symbols A, C, G and T are mapped as distinct categories, whereas all other symbols map to a single gap category. The FASTA parser is currently case-insensitive, i.e. lower-case and upper-case letters map to the same categories.

The default settings are designed to be overall reasonable and can usually be left as they are. Notable exceptions are the linkage disequilibrium (LD) threshold distance option --ld-threshold=<int:distance> and whether the alignment represents a circular (default) or a linear chromosome/genome (add --linear-genome). The level and reach of LD depends on factors such as the recombination characteristics of the organism under study. For bacterial genomes typical values of --ld-threshold are in the 500-20000 bp range. The outlier and extreme outlier thresholds calculated by SpydrPick (and reported in the console output) are affected by these options as is, consequently, the contents of the outlier listing; the MI and ARACNE steps are not affected per se. It is in general safer to err to longer, more conservative distance estimates here, as this will have less of an impact on outlier and extreme outlier thresholds than too short distance cutoffs.

Advanced usage

Default filtering will extract positions with more than 1 allele (not counting gaps), where the second most frequent will be of at least 1% frequency, and with at most 15% gap frequency. The primary aim of position filtering is to reduce the computational effort required in the subsequent analysis stage, by focusing analysis on the subset of positions where detectable signal is more likely to exist; columns with highly skewed allele distributions are non-informative in the information theoretical sense. The default criteria are usually very effective at reducing the number of positions included in the subsequent computations, with little or no effect on SpydrPick's ability to find relevant associations. Note though that empirical sensitivity power analysis using simulated genomes (see supplementary information for 10.1093/nar/gkz656) suggests that the default minor allele frequency threshold is quite conservative, given the typical samples sizes and sample diversity of current (anno 2019) bacterial genomics data, and it should in most cases be perfectly safe with a moderately stricter threshold of up to 5% without risk of missing any otherwise detectable signal at the MI stage (caveat utilitor though). The filtering criteria can be changed with the --maf-threshold=<float:[0,1]> and --gap-threshold=<float:[0,1]> command line options, or disabled entirely with the --no-filter-alignment flag.

If the input alignment comes prefiltered, or the columns have non-unity stride for some other reason, the --mappings-list=<string:filename> option can be used to inform SpydrPick of the actual position indices. This will enable correct distances for LD threshold evaluations and will ensure that position indices are correct in the output. --mappings-list expects a file containing a white-space delimited list of indices the same size as the number of data columns in the input and matching each column in order from left to right. If the input genome is not linear and the full genome was not supplied as input then the correct genome size should be specified using the --genome-size=<int:size> option. Input and output indexing bases can be controlled separately using the --input-indexing-base=<int:base> and --output-indexing-base=<int:base> options.

SpydrPick will by default attempt to correct for population structure by assigning weights across samples in the input alignment. This weighting can be modified by specifying with --sample-reweighting-threshold=<float:[0,1]> the threshold sequence identity for when two samples/sequences are considered to be equal. Weighting can be turned off altogether with the --no-sample-reweighting option -- all samples will then have equal (=1) weight. SpyderPick can also use sample weights supplied by the user with the --sample-weights=<string:filename> option. --sample-weights expects a file containing a white-space delimited list of values the same size as the number of samples in the input and matching each sequence from top to bottom as they appear in the input alignment.

SpydrPick will by default return enough top ranking position pairs that these with certainty encompass all statistically significant interactions. However, an arbitrary number of top MI values can be requested using the --mi-values=<int:#edges> option.

Deciphering SpydrPick output

The main SpydrPick output file *.spydrpick_couplings.?-based.*edges contains a white space delimited, descending order list of MI values and pairs of position indices (using 1-based indexing by default; control this with --output-indexing-base) numbered according to the columns (left to right) in the input alignment. The fields in the output are [pos1 pos2 genome_distance ARACNE MI].

Position pairs with MI values above the outlier threshold and further apart than --ld-threshold can be found also in the file titled *.outliers, along with some additional data. Here the output fields are [pos1, pos2, genome_distance, ARACNE, MI, MI_wo_gaps, gap_effect, extreme_outlier], where gap_effect is calculated as (1-MI_wo_gaps/MI)*100 and extreme_outlier indicates values that surpass the extreme_outlier_threshold. A high value of gap_effect warrants a closer look at the allele compositions of the positions involved, as the high MI value assigned to the edge appears to be gap-driven, indicating a possible alignment-associated artifact.

Plotting the results

The SpydrPick output can be visualized as a Manhattan plot. We provide an easy-to-use R script called gwes_plot.r to create such a plot.

To use gwes_plot.r, edit the data_full_filepath and (optionally) the outliers_full_filepath fields in the script file and run it in R.

Fill in the ld_dist field in order to mark the ld_threshold with a vertical line in the plot.

The plot file dimensions can be changed by modifying the values in section Plot sizes.

Installation details

The SpydrPick Conda package

An easy way to install SpydrPick is through conda, which is most easily accessed by first installing miniconda. SpydrPick can then be installed by running:

conda install spydrpick

If the package cannot be found you will need to add the necessary channels:

conda config --add channels defaults
conda config --add channels bioconda
conda config --add channels conda-forge

Building SpydrPick from source

In order to compile the SpydrPick binary, go to the build directory (create one if necessary; in-source builds are strongly discouraged) and give these commands:

cmake ..
make SpydrPick

This should set up the SpydrPick CMake project, compile the binary and place it into the build/bin directory. If not, then take a look at Compile-time dependencies and CMake configuration.

The SpydrPick binary will by default be statically linked, except for TBB that can only be linked dynamically. Installing SpydrPick to another location is as easy as copying the binary. Note that the TBB runtime library must be present on the host system.

Compile-time dependencies

SpydrPick is written in C++ and wrapped into a CMake project. It relies on several common external libraries. Your build environment must satisfy the following requirements and compile-time dependencies:

Configuring the environment for CMake

CMake locates and sets up the external dependencies on the local system using script files named Find<package>.cmake, which on linux systems are typically found in /usr/share/cmake/Modules or in the Modules subdirectory of custom CMake builds/installs; the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH environment variable may need to be set in order for CMake to locate all relevant Find*.cmake scripts.

The CMake script for locating Boost usually comes bundled with the CMake installation itself; however, this is not the case for TBB. If your system does not contain the FindTBB.cmake file and you get an error message like this then you can borrow the FindTBB.cmake script found over at Kitware's VTK project (save the file and point CMAKE_MODULE_PATH to the parent directory).

In addition to CMAKE_MODULE_PATH, the following (shell) environment variables may need to be set for CMake project configuration to work properly: CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER, BOOST_ROOT and TBB_ROOT.

In our experience even setting all of the above does not always guarantee success on all systems. If all else fails, one may try to pass one or all of the above to CMake during project initialization like this cmake .. -DTBB_ROOT=<path to tbb dir>.


SpydrPick was developed as part of an academic project, and builds on the same underlying library as SuperDCA. Please cite:

  • Johan Pensar, Santeri Puranen, Neil MacAlasdair, Juri Kuronen, Gerry Tonkin-Hill, Maiju Pesonen, Brian Arnold, Yingying Xu, Aleksi Sipola, Leonor Sanchez-Buso, John A Lees, Claire Chewapreecha, Stephen D Bentley, Simon R Harris, Julian Parkhill, Nicholas J Croucher, Jukka Corander. Genome-wide epistasis and co-selection study using mutual information. Nucleic Acids Research 2019, gkz656 doi: 10.1093/nar/gkz656

  • Santeri Puranen, Maiju Pesonen, Johan Pensar, Ying Ying Xu, John A. Lees, Stephen D. Bentley, Nicholas J. Croucher and Jukka Corander. SuperDCA for genome-wide epistasis analysis. Microbial Genomics 2018;4, doi: 10.1099/mgen.0.000184



SpydrPick: mutual information based detection of pairs of genomic loci co-evolving under a shared selective pressure.





