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Santi's Quadratic Function Toolkit: A simple library for common tasks regarding quadratic functions.


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Santi's Quadratic Function Toolkit

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  • 🚀 Lightweight and fast
  • 👴 ES3-compliant
  • 💻 Portable between the browser and Node.js

What's this?

This is a small library that allows you to calculate things like the vertex or roots of a quadratic function. Quadratic equations can be solved using the latter.


  • Via NPM: npm install @santi100a/quadratic-function
  • Via Yarn: yarn add @santi100a/quadratic-function
  • Via PNPM: pnpm install @santi100a/quadratic-function


  • QuadraticFunction.vertex(): { x: number, y: number }; Returns an object containing the coordinates of the highest or lowest point the function will reach.
  • QuadraticFunction.roots(): [number?, number?]; Calculates the real roots of the QuadraticFunction.
  • QuadraticFunction.evaluate(x: number): number; Evaluates the QuadraticFunction at x.
    Name Type Description Optional? Default
    x number The value at which to evaluate the function. Yes N/A


import QuadraticFunction = require('@santi100a/quadratic-function'); // TypeScript
const QuadraticFunction = require('@santi100a/quadratic-function'); // CommonJS
import QuadraticFunction from '@santi100a/quadratic-function'; // ESM

const fn = new QuadraticFunction(1, -1, -1);
fn.evaluate(12); // => 131
fn.evaluate(0); // => -1
fn.vertex(); // => { x: 0.5, y: -1.25 }
fn.roots(); // => [ (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2, (1 - sqrt(5)) / 2 ]


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