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Learning x86-64 Assembly with NASM

This repository will record my learning to write x86 assembly language using NASM.

I will try to document all the resources I use so that anyone can follow along.

I should note that I have completed a college course in computer architecture, where I learned the basics of the 32-bit x86 instruction set.

OS: Debian GNU/Linux bookworm 12.5 x86_64

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600

Table of Contents

  1. Resources
  2. What is x86-64
  3. Data Type Sizes
  4. GAS Suffixes
  5. Instructions
  6. Registers
  7. System Calls
  8. What is NASM
  9. Installing NASM
  10. Assembling Programs
  11. NASM Program Structure
  12. Sections
  13. Functions
  14. Using objdump to View Executable Instructions
  15. Debugging with gdb


x86-64 Assembly Language Programming with Ubuntu


AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual Volumes 1-5

Linux System Call Table

NASM Tutorial

Endianness Explained

Data Structure Alignment and Endianness

Stack Frame explanation

x86_64 Linux Assembly YouTube Playlist

x86-64 Machine-Level Programming Paper

x86-64-ABI PDF

Using FPU registers for floating point calculations

NASM Forum

What is x86-64

  • the dominant instruction format
  • 64-bit version of the Intel instruction set
  • maintains full backward compatibility with IA32
  • developed by AMD
  • supported by AMD (AMD64) and Intel (Intel64)
  • Sometimes referred to as x64
  • Complex Instruction Set Computing (CISC) CPU design
    • include wide variety of instructions
    • varying instructions sizes
    • wide range of addressing modes
    • in contrast to Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC)
  • 16 general-purpose registers

Data Type Sizes

C type Processor type GAS suffix x86-64 Size (Bytes)
char Byte b 1
short Word w 2
int Double Word l 4
unsigned Double word l 4
long int Quad word q 8
unsigned long Quad word q 8
char * Quad word q 8
float Single precision s 4
double Double precision d 8
long double Extended precision t 16

GAS Suffixes

GAS - GNU Assembler

word - The natural size with which a processor is handling data (the register size)

  • x86_64 is an extension of 32-bit x86
  • 32-bit x86 extended 16-bit architecture.
  • 16-bit architecture had word of 2 bytes (16 bits) so x86_64 also uses word of 2 bytes for backward compatibility
GAS Suffix Type Size (Bytes)
b Byte 1
w Word 2
l Double Word 4
q Quad word 8
s Single precision 4
d Double precision 8
t Extended precision 16


  • brackets [ ] indicate a memory address

Data movement instructions

Primarily used for transferring data between registers, memory, and stack.

Instruction Syntax Description Example
mov mov dest, src Moves data from the source operand to the destination operand. mov eax, ebx
movsx movsx dest, src Moves a byte or word from the source to the destination and sign-extends it to a larger size. movsx rax, al
movzx movzx dest, src Moves a byte or word from the source to the destination and zero-extends it to a larger size. movzx rax, al
movsxd movsxd dest, src Moves a double word from the source to the destination and sign-extends it to a quad word. movsxd rax, eax
lea lea D, [S] Load effective address of S into D. lea rdx, [rax]

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions

Perform arithmetic and bitwise operations.

Instruction Syntax Description Example
add add op, op Adds the second operand to the first. add eax, ebx
sub sub op, op Subtracts the second operand from the first. sub eax, ebx
imul imul D, S Multiplies D by S, storing result in D. imul rdx, rax
idiv idiv op Divides the accumulator (AX, EAX, or RAX) by the operand, storing the quotient in the accumulator and the remainder in DX, EDX, or RDX. idiv ebx
inc inc op Increments the operand by 1. inc eax
dec dec op Decrements the operand by 1. dec eax
neg neg D Negates D. neg rax
not not D Computes the bitwise complement of D. not rax
and and op, op Performs a bitwise AND on the operands. and eax, ebx
or or op, op Performs a bitwise OR on the operands. or eax, ebx
xor xor op, op Performs a bitwise XOR on the operands. xor eax, ebx

Shift and Rotate Instructions

Manipulate bits by shifting or rotating them.

Instruction Syntax Description Example
sal sal D, k Performs left shift on D by k bits. (Same as shl) sal rax, 2
shl shl D, k Performs left shift on D by k bits. shl rax, 2
sar sar D, k Performs arithmetic right shift on D by k bits. sar rax, 2
shr shr D, k Performs logical right shift on D by k bits. shr rax, 2

Control Flow Instructions

Used for system-level operations and stack management.

Instruction Syntax Description Example
syscall syscall Triggers a system call handled by the OS kernel. syscall
push push src Pushes the operand onto the stack. push rax
pop pop dest Pops the top of the stack into the destination. pop rax

Comparison Instructions

Set the flags in the FLAGS register based on the result of the comparison.

Instruction Syntax Description Example
cmp cmp op1, op2 Compares two operands by subtracting op2 from op1. cmp eax, ebx
test test op1, op2 Logically ANDs two operands and sets the flags. test eax, eax

Conditional Jump Instructions

Perform jumps based on the state of the flags.

Instruction Syntax Description Example
je je label Jump if equal (zero flag set). je equal_label
jne jne label Jump if not equal (zero flag clear). jne notequal_label
jg jg label Jump if greater (signed). jg greater_label
jge jge label Jump if greater or equal (signed). jge greatereq_label
jl jl label Jump if less (signed). jl less_label
jle jle label Jump if less or equal (signed). jle lesseq_label

NASM Pseudo-Instructions

Pseudo-instructions are things which, though not real x86 machine instructions, are used in the instruction field anyway because that's the most convenient place to put them. (NASM Docs)

.data section

Instruction Syntax Description Example
db db value[, ...] Defines one or more bytes. db 'hello', 0x55
dw dw value[, ...] Defines one or more word (2 bytes). dw 0x1234, 'a', 'ab'
dd dd value[, ...] Defines one or more double word (4 bytes). dd 0x12345678, 1.234567e20
dq dq value[, ...] Defines one or more quad word (8 bytes). dq 0x123456789abcdef0, 1.234567e20
dt dt value[, ...] Defines one ten-byte floating point number. dt 1.234567e20

Terminating strings

  • Must append 0 to terminate strings.


Defining strings without terminating them

 str1:   db      'string 1'
 str2:   db      'string 2'
 str3:   db      'string 3'

Then when viewing str1 in gdb, all strings where printed because there is no break between them (Did not terminate).

0x402000 <str1>:	"string 1string 2string 3,"

Now when added 0 to terminate strings.

str1:   db      'string 1', 0
str2:   db      'string 2', 0
str3:   db      'string 3', 0

And when viewing in gdb

0x402000 <str1>:	"string 1"

.bss section

Instruction Reservation Size
resb 8-bit variable(s)
resw 16-bit variable(s)
resd 32-bit variable(s)
resq 64-bit variable(s)
resdq 128-bit variable(s)


Label instruction Element Qty Comment
bArr resb 10 ; 10 element byte array
wArr resw 50 ; 50 element word array
dArr resd 100 ; 100 element double array
qArr resq 200 ; 200 element quad array


  • register - a temporary storage or working location built into the CPU
  • Computations are typically performed by the CPU using registers
  • Program counter is named rip
    • Program counter is a register that indicates where a computer is in its program sequence
    • points to next instruction to be executed

Registers Table

16 integer registers (64 bits wide)

  • rsp holds a pointer to the top stack element
    • should not be used for data or other uses
  • rbp is used as a base pointer during function calls
    • should not be used for data or other uses
  • when the lower bit portion of a 64-bit register is set, the upper bits are unaffected
Full 64 bits Lowest 32-bits Lowest 16-bits Highest 8-bits Lowest 8-bits Notes
rax eax ax ah al Return value
rbx ebx bx bh bl Callee saved
rcx ecx cx ch cl 4th argument
rdx edx dx dh dl 3rd argument
rsi esi si sil 2nd argument
rdi edi di dil 1st argument
rbp ebp bp bpl Callee saved
rsp esp sp spl Stack pointer
r8 r8d r8w r8b 5th argument
r9 r9d r9w r9b 6th argument
r10 r10d r10w r10b Callee saved
r11 r11d r11w r11b Used for linking
r12 r12d r12w r12b Unused for C
r13 r13d r13w r13b Callee saved
r14 r14d r14w r14b Callee saved
r15 r15d r15w r15b Callee saved

16 XMM registers (128 bits wide)

  • used to support 64-bit and 32-bit floating-point operations and Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) instructions

  • SIMD instructions allow a single instruction to be applied simultaneously to multiple data items

    • significant performance increase
  • more recent X86-64 processors support 256-bit XMM registers

128 bits

Flags Register

  • rFlags is used for status and CPU control information
    • updated by the CPU after each instruction
    • not directly accessible by programs
Name Symbol Bit Use
Carry CF 0 indicate if the previous operation resulted in a carry
Parity PF 2 indicate if the last byte has an even number of 1's
Adjust AF 4 support Binary Coded Decimal operations
Zero ZF 6 indicate if the previous operation resulted in a zero result
Sign SF 7 indicate if the result of the previous operation resulted in a 1 in the most significant bit (indicating negative in the context of signed data)
Direction DF 10 specify the direction (increment or decrement) for some string operations
Overflow OF 11 indicate if the previous operation resulted in an overflow

System Calls

  • System calls are when program requests service from kernel.

  • Each syscall has an ID

  • See Linux System Call Table for list of all Linux system calls with their IDs and arguments

  • Registers for system call ID and arguments:

Argument Register
ID rax
1 rdi
2 rsi
3 rdx
4 r10
5 r8
6 r9

File Descriptors (fd)

Integer Description
0 Standard Input
1 Standard Output
2 Standard Error

Common syscalls

# syscall rax rdi rsi rdx r10 r8 r9
0 read 0 unsigned int fd char *buf size_t count - - -
1 write 1 unsigned int fd const char *buf size_t count - - -
60 exit 60 int error_code - - - - -

Argument register overview

Argument type Registers
Integer/pointer arguments 1-6 RDI, RSI, RDX, RCX, R8, R9
Floating point arguments 1-8 XMM0 - XMM7
Excess arguments Stack
Static chain pointer R10

What is NASM

NASM - The Netwide Assembler

  • An x86 and x86_64 assembler
    • reads an assembly language input file and converts the code into a machine language binary file (object file)
    • variable names and labels are converted into appropriate addresses
  • Syntax is designed to be simple and easy to understand
  • Supports all currently known x86 architectural extensions
  • 2-clause BSD license

Installing NASM

sudo apt install nasm

Assembling Programs

Example program to compile


	section .data
msg:	db	"Enter your name: "	; 17 bytes
hello_msg: db	"Hello, "		; 7 bytes
name:	db	15			; 15 bytes

	section	.text
	global _start

_start:	; Prompt user for name
	mov rax, 1
	mov rdi, 1
	mov rsi, msg
	mov rdx, 17

	; Get name from user
	mov rax, 0
	mov rdi, 0
	mov rsi, name
	mov rdx, 15

	; Say hello to user
	mov rax, 1
	mov rdi, 1
	mov rsi, hello_msg
	mov rdx, 7

	mov rax, 1
	mov rdi, 1
	mov rsi, name
	mov rdx, 15

	; Exit program
	mov rax, 60
	mov rdi, 0

Assembling with nasm and ld

nasm -f elf64 print_hello.asm
ld -g print_hello.o -o print_hello
  • -f elf64 - format the object code file in elf64 format (ELF64 (x86-64) (Linux, most Unix variants))

  • ld - The GNU linker

    • combines one or more object files into a single executable file

To link more than one object file into one executable:

  • functions not in the current source file must be declared as extern
  • global variables can be accessed using extern
ld -g -o example main.o funcs.o

Use -l FILENAME.lst to genearate a list file

  • can be useful for debugging

Assembling with nasm and gcc

  • Better when using c standard library
  • Note: To assemble print_hello.asm program above with gcc, you must replace _start label with main
nasm -f elf64 print_hello.asm
gcc -no-pie print_hello.o -o print_hello

NASM program structure

Programs are made of two types of sections:

  • Directives
    • instructions to the assembler
    • not translated into instructions for the CPU
    • Ex: global directive makes symbols public, allowing them to be visible to the linker and other modules
  • Sections
    • .data section
    • .bss section
    • .text section

Each line in a program can be made of the following:

  • Label
  • Instruction
  • Operands
label:    instruction operands        ; comment


  • All assembly programs have the following sections:
    • .data - initialized data is declared and defined
    • .bss - uninitialized data is declared
    • .text - Main program


  • Stack Dynamic Local Variables - local variables are created by allocating space on the stack and assigning these stack locations to the variables

    • If function with a large number of local variables is never called, the memory for the local variables is never allocated (helps overall performance of program)
  • statically declared variables - assigned memory locations for the entire execution of the program

    • uses memory even if the associated function is not being executed
    • no additional run-time overhead
  global <procName>
  ; function body
  • call - transfers control to the named function
    • Saves address of what line to return to when function is complete
    • Stores rip (instruction pointer) in stack (rsp)
  • ret - returns control back to the calling routine
    • Pops top of stack (instruction to return to) to rip register
  • within the function the stack must not be corrupted
    • any items pushed must be popped

Passing arguments to and/or from a function

  • Placing values in register

  • Globally defined

  • Putting values and/or addresses on stack

  • function prologue - code at the beginning of a function

    • helps save program state
    • This includes storing registers whos value is preserved ("Callee saved") accross functions calls
  • function epilogue - code at the end of a function

    • restores the program state

Parameter Passing

  • First six integer arguments are passed in registers

    • additional arguments are passed on the stack
  • Arguments passed on the stack should be pushed in reverse order

    • Stack is FIFO so you want first argument to be pushed last to pop it first
  • floating-point arguments are passed in registers xmm0 to xmm7

  • when the function is completed, calling routine is responsible for clearing the arguments from the stack

    • stack pointer, rsp, is adjusted as necessary to clear arguments off the stack
    • adding [(number of arguments) * 8] to the rsp
  • Values are returned in A register

Return Value Size Register
byte al
word ax
double-word eax
quadword rax
floating-point xmm0

Using objdump to view executable instructions

  • assembler converts each assembly language instruction into a set of 1's and 0's that the CPU knows to be that instruction
  • one-to-one correspondence between assembly language instructions and binary machine language
  • means executable file can be converted back into human readable assembly language
    • missing comments, variable names, and label names

You can use the objdump disassembler command to view the assembly instructions in an object file.


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
  int x, y, sum;
  x = 5;
  printf("Enter an integer for y: ");
  scanf("%d", &y);
  sum = x + y;
  printf("%d\n", sum);

  return 0;
gcc add.c
objdump -d a.out -M intel
  • -d - disassemble
  • -M - --disassembler-options=OPT Pass text OPT on to the disassembler
The following i386/x86-64 specific disassembler options are supported for use
with the -M switch (multiple options should be separated by commas):
  x86-64      Disassemble in 64bit mode
  i386        Disassemble in 32bit mode
  i8086       Disassemble in 16bit mode
  att         Display instruction in AT&T syntax
  intel       Display instruction in Intel syntax
              Display instruction in AT&T mnemonic
              Display instruction in Intel mnemonic
  addr64      Assume 64bit address size
  addr32      Assume 32bit address size
  addr16      Assume 16bit address size
  data32      Assume 32bit data size
  data16      Assume 16bit data size
  suffix      Always display instruction suffix in AT&T syntax
  amd64       Display instruction in AMD64 ISA
  intel64     Display instruction in Intel64 ISA

Ouput of running objdump -d a.out -M intel

// Rest of output
    114a:	48 89 e5             	mov    rbp,rsp
    114d:	48 83 ec 10          	sub    rsp,0x10
    1151:	c7 45 fc 05 00 00 00 	mov    DWORD PTR [rbp-0x4],0x5
    1158:	48 8d 05 a5 0e 00 00 	lea    rax,[rip+0xea5]        # 2004 <_IO_stdin_used+0x4>
    115f:	48 89 c7             	mov    rdi,rax
    1162:	b8 00 00 00 00       	mov    eax,0x0
    1167:	e8 c4 fe ff ff       	call   1030 <printf@plt>
    116c:	48 8d 45 f4          	lea    rax,[rbp-0xc]
    1170:	48 89 c6             	mov    rsi,rax
    1173:	48 8d 05 a3 0e 00 00 	lea    rax,[rip+0xea3]        # 201d <_IO_stdin_used+0x1d>
    117a:	48 89 c7             	mov    rdi,rax
    117d:	b8 00 00 00 00       	mov    eax,0x0
    1182:	e8 b9 fe ff ff       	call   1040 <__isoc99_scanf@plt>
    1187:	8b 55 f4             	mov    edx,DWORD PTR [rbp-0xc]
    118a:	8b 45 fc             	mov    eax,DWORD PTR [rbp-0x4]
    118d:	01 d0                	add    eax,edx
    118f:	89 45 f8             	mov    DWORD PTR [rbp-0x8],eax
    1192:	8b 45 f8             	mov    eax,DWORD PTR [rbp-0x8]
    1195:	89 c6                	mov    esi,eax
    1197:	48 8d 05 82 0e 00 00 	lea    rax,[rip+0xe82]        # 2020 <_IO_stdin_used+0x20>
    119e:	48 89 c7             	mov    rdi,rax
    11a1:	b8 00 00 00 00       	mov    eax,0x0
    11a6:	e8 85 fe ff ff       	call   1030 <printf@plt>
    11ab:	b8 00 00 00 00       	mov    eax,0x0
    11b0:	c9                   	leave
    11b1:	c3                   	ret

// Rest of output

Debugging with gdb

Add -g when assembling code to include symbols in executable

nasm -f elf64 -g filename.asm
  • Start gdb with gdb
  • Enable tui to see code along with gdb debugger
  • Use info registers to print registers
    • info registers rax to print a specific register (replace rax with register)
GNU gdb (Debian 13.1-3) 13.1
Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu".
Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:

For help, type "help".
Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word".
(gdb) file a.out
Reading symbols from a.out...
(gdb) break 40
Breakpoint 1 at 0x401000: file menu.asm, line 40.
(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/santissj/Github/learn-nasm/asm/menu/a.out 

Breakpoint 1, _start () at menu.asm:40
40			mov	rax, 1
(gdb) info registers rax
rax            0x0                 0
(gdb) break 41
Breakpoint 2 at 0x401005: file menu.asm, line 41.
(gdb) c

Breakpoint 2, _start () at menu.asm:41
41			mov	rdi, 1
(gdb) info registers rax
rax            0x1                 1

Print integer value of a label

Integer x set to 5 using dd pseudo-instruction

        section .data
x:      dd      5

In gdb:

(gdb) info address x
Symbol "x" is at 0x402000 in a file compiled without debugging.
(gdb) x/d 0x402000
0x402000 <x>:	5
Command Description
x/<n><f><u> $<register> Examine contents of the stack.
x/<n><f><u> &<variable> Examine memory location of <variable>
  • n - Number of locations (1 is default)
  • f - Format
    • d - decimal (signed)
    • x - hex
    • u - decimal (unsigned)
    • c - character
    • s - string
    • f - floating-point
  • u - Unit size
    • b - byte (8 bits)
    • h - halfword (16 bits)
    • w - word (32 bits)
    • g - giant (64 bits)


Learning to write x86_64 assembly language




