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jasonbelt committed May 27, 2023
1 parent dc35712 commit e5d7049
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Showing 337 changed files with 6,218 additions and 40,559 deletions.
370 changes: 370 additions & 0 deletions bin/report.cmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
::/*#! 2> /dev/null #
@ 2>/dev/null # 2>nul & echo off & goto BOF #
if [ -z ${SIREUM_HOME} ]; then #
echo "Please set SIREUM_HOME env var" #
exit -1 #
fi #
exec ${SIREUM_HOME}/bin/sireum slang run "$0" "$@" #
if not defined SIREUM_HOME (
echo Please set SIREUM_HOME env var
exit /B -1
%SIREUM_HOME%\\bin\\sireum.bat slang run "%0" %*
exit /B %errorlevel%
// #Sireum

import org.sireum._

val homeBin = Os.slashDir
val home = homeBin.up

val sireumBin = Os.path(Os.env("SIREUM_HOME").get) / "bin"
val sireum = sireumBin / (if(Os.isWin) "sireum.bat" else "sireum")

@datatype class Container(val project: String,
val packageName: String,
val objectName: String,

val prettyName: String,
val tag: String
) {
def dscPrefix: String = {
return s"$project-$tag"

@datatype class TContainer(val node: String,
val server: String,
val basePackage: String,
val projRoot: Os.Path,
val timeouts: ISZ[Z],
val containers: ISZ[Container])

val isolette = "isolette" ~> TContainer(
home / "isolette" / "hamr" / "slang",
ISZ(1, 5, 30, 360),
//ISZ(1, 5, 30),
Container("isolette", "isolette.Monitor", "Manage_Alarm_impl_thermostat_monitor_temperature_manage_alarm",
"Manage Alarm", "ma"),
Container("isolette", "isolette.Monitor", "Manage_Monitor_Interface_impl_thermostat_monitor_temperature_manage_monitor_interface",
"Manage Monitor Interface", "mmi"),
Container("isolette", "isolette.Monitor", "Manage_Monitor_Mode_impl_thermostat_monitor_temperature_manage_monitor_mode",
"Manage Monitor Mode", "mmm"),

Container("isolette", "isolette.Regulate", "Manage_Heat_Source_impl_thermostat_regulate_temperature_manage_heat_source",
"Manage Heat Source", "mhs"),
Container("isolette", "isolette.Regulate", "Manage_Heat_Source_impl_thermostat_regulate_temperature_manage_heat_source",
"Manage Regulator Interface", "mri"),
Container("isolette", "isolette.Regulate", "Manage_Regulator_Mode_impl_thermostat_regulate_temperature_manage_regulator_mode",
"Manage Regulator Mode", "mrm")

val rts = "rts" ~> TContainer(
home / "rts" / "hamr" / "slang",
ISZ(1, 5, 30, 360),
Container("rts", "RTS.Actuation", "Actuator_i_actuationSubsystem_saturationActuatorUnit_saturationActuator_actuator",
"Saturation Actuator", "saturationActuator"),

Container("rts", "RTS.Actuation", "Actuator_i_actuationSubsystem_tempPressureActuatorUnit_tempPressureActuator_actuator",
"TempPressure Actuator Unit", "tempPressureActuator"),

Container("rts", "RTS.Actuation", "CoincidenceLogic_i_actuationSubsystem_actuationUnit1_pressureLogic_coincidenceLogic",
"Actuation Unit 1 Pressure Logic", "au1-pressureLogic"),
Container("rts", "RTS.Actuation", "CoincidenceLogic_i_actuationSubsystem_actuationUnit1_saturationLogic_coincidenceLogic",
"Actuation Unit 1 Saturation Logic", "au1-saturationLogic"),
Container("rts", "RTS.Actuation", "CoincidenceLogic_i_actuationSubsystem_actuationUnit1_temperatureLogic_coincidenceLogic",
"Actuation Unit 1 Temperature Logic", "au1-temperatureLogic"),

Container("rts", "RTS.Actuation", "CoincidenceLogic_i_actuationSubsystem_actuationUnit2_pressureLogic_coincidenceLogic",
"Actuation Unit 2 Pressure Logic", "au2-pressureLogic"),
Container("rts", "RTS.Actuation", "CoincidenceLogic_i_actuationSubsystem_actuationUnit2_saturationLogic_coincidenceLogic",
"Actuation Unit 2 Saturation Logic", "au2-saturationLogic"),
Container("rts", "RTS.Actuation", "CoincidenceLogic_i_actuationSubsystem_actuationUnit2_temperatureLogic_coincidenceLogic",
"Actuation Unit 2 Temperature Logic", "au2-temperatureLogic"),

Container("rts", "RTS.Actuation", "OrLogic_i_actuationSubsystem_actuationUnit1_tempPressureTripOut_orLogic",
"Actuation Unit 1 TempPressureTripOut or Logic", "au1-tempPressureTripOut"),
Container("rts", "RTS.Actuation", "OrLogic_i_actuationSubsystem_actuationUnit2_tempPressureTripOut_orLogic",
"Actuation Unit 2 TempPressureTripOut or Logic", "au2-tempPressureTripOut"),

Container("rts", "RTS.Actuation", "OrLogic_i_actuationSubsystem_saturationActuatorUnit_actuateSaturationActuator_orLogic",
"Actuate Saturation Actuator", "actuateSaturationActuator"),

Container("rts", "RTS.Actuation", "OrLogic_i_actuationSubsystem_tempPressureActuatorUnit_actuateTempPressureActuator_orLogic",
"Actuate TempPressure Actuator", "actuateTempPressureActuator")

val tc = "tc" ~> TContainer(
home / "temp_control" / "periodic" / "hamr" / "slang",
ISZ(1, 5, 30, 360),
Container("tc", "tc.CoolingFan", "FanPeriodic_p_tcproc_fan",
"Cooling Fan", "fan"),

Container("tc", "tc.TempControlSoftwareSystem", "OperatorInterfacePeriodic_p_tcproc_operatorInterface",
"Operator Interface", "operator-interface"),

Container("tc", "tc.TempControlSoftwareSystem", "TempControlPeriodic_p_tcproc_tempControl",
"Temperature Controller", "temp-control"),

Container("tc", "tc.TempSensor", "TempSensorPeriodic_p_tcproc_tempSensor",
"Temperature Sensor", "temp-sensor")

val projects: Map[String, TContainer] = Map.empty[String, TContainer] ++ ISZ(isolette, rts, tc)

def getProj(): (String, TContainer) = {
if (Os.cliArgs.size == 1) {
println(s"Must specify a project: ${projects.keys}")
val proj: TContainer = projects.get(Os.cliArgs(1)) match {
case Some(p) => p
case x => halt(s"$x is not a valid project: ${projects.keys}")
return (Os.cliArgs(1), proj)

def getTimeout(tcontainer: TContainer): String = {
if (Os.cliArgs.size != 3) {
println(s"Must supply a timeout: ${tcontainer.timeouts}")
else {
val to = Os.cliArgs(2)
if (!ops.ISZOps(tcontainer.timeouts).contains(Z(to).get)) {
println(s"Must choose from: ${tcontainer.timeouts}")
return to

def test(): Unit = {

val (project, tcontainer) = getProj()

val timeout = getTimeout(tcontainer)

val jar = tcontainer.projRoot / "out" / project / "assemble" / s"${project}.jar"
val slangCheckLoc = tcontainer.projRoot / "src" / "main" / "data" / tcontainer.basePackage / "SlangCheckRandom.scala"

val jobName = s"DSC_${project}_Begin"

val jenkinsUser: String = Os.env("jenkins_user") match {
case Some(u) => u
case _ => halt("Must set jenkins_user environment variable")

val jenkinsToken: String = Os.env("jenkins_token") match {
case Some(t) => t
case _ => halt("Must set jenkins_token environment variable")

if (!jar.exists) {
println("Replacing for loops with whiles ...")
slangCheckLoc.writeOver(ops.StringOps("for(i <- 0 to 100)", "while (true)"))

println("Assembling ...")
proc"sireum proyek assemble --include-sources --include-tests -n ${project} .".at(tcontainer.projRoot).console.runCheck()

println("Reverting back to for loops ...")
proc"git checkout ${slangCheckLoc.value}".at(tcontainer.projRoot).console.runCheck()

def upload(server: String): Unit = {
println(s"Uploading ${jar} to $server ...")
proc"ssh santos_jenkins@${server} mkdir -p dsc/${project}".console.runCheck()
proc"scp ${jar.value} santos_jenkins@${server}:dsc/${project}/${}".console.runCheck()


for (c <- tcontainer.containers) {
//val (runner_simple_name, timeout, runner_class_name) = l
val runner_class_name = s"${c.packageName}.${c.objectName}_GumboX_SlangCheck_TestRunner"
proc"curl${jobName}/buildWithParameters --user ${jenkinsUser}:${jenkinsToken} --data RUNNER_CLASS_NAME=${runner_class_name} --data RUNNER_SIMPLE_NAME=${c.dscPrefix} --data TIMEOUT=${timeout}".console.runCheck()

def fetch(): Unit = {

val (project, tcontainer) = getProj()

val timeout = getTimeout(tcontainer)

val timeoutDir = s"/opt/santos/jenkins/dsc-jacoco/${project}/timeout_${timeout}"
val zipPrefix = s"${project}_timeout_${timeout}"

for (c <- tcontainer.containers) {
val dscPrefix = s"${timeoutDir}/${c.dscPrefix}-${tcontainer.node}-dsc-tested"
def ffetch(ext: String): Z = {
val temp = Os.temp()
proc"scp santos_jenkins@${tcontainer.server}:${dscPrefix}.${ext} ${temp.value}".console.runCheck()
return temp.readLines.size
val passing = ffetch("passing")
val failing = ffetch("failing")
val unsat = ffetch("unsat")
val ttemp = Os.temp()
proc"scp ${ttemp.value} santos_jenkins@${tcontainer.server}:${dscPrefix}.results".console.runCheck()

val cmd = s"\"cd $timeoutDir && zip -r ${zipPrefix}.zip . -x '*dump*'\""
proc"ssh santos_jenkins@${tcontainer.server} sh -c $cmd".echo.console.runCheck()
println(s"Downloading via: scp santos_jenkins@${tcontainer.server}:${timeoutDir}/${zipPrefix}.zip ${zipPrefix}.zip")

val resultsDir = s"public_html/dsc_results/${project}/results"
proc"ssh rm -rf ${resultsDir}/${zipPrefix}".console.runCheck()
proc"ssh mkdir -p ${resultsDir}".console.runCheck()
proc"scp santos_jenkins@${tcontainer.server}:${timeoutDir}/${zipPrefix}.zip${resultsDir}/${zipPrefix}.zip".echo.console.runCheck()
proc"ssh unzip ${resultsDir}/${zipPrefix}.zip -d ${resultsDir}/${zipPrefix}".console.runCheck()

def report(): Unit = {
for (e <- projects.entries) {
println(s"Generating report for ${e._1}")
var components: ISZ[ST] = ISZ()
for (p <- e._2.containers) {
var rows: ISZ[ST] = ISZ()
for (t <- e._2.timeouts) {
val timeoutPrefix = s"${p.project}_timeout_${t}"

val directoryPrefix = s"results/${timeoutPrefix}/"

val prefix = s"${p.dscPrefix}-${e._2.node}"

val jPrefix = s"${prefix}-jacoco.coverage"

val tr = Os.temp()
val dscResults = s"${p.project}/${directoryPrefix}/${prefix}-dsc-tested.results"
proc"scp$dscResults ${tr.value}".console.runCheck()
val trl = tr.readLines
val passing = Z(trl(0)).get
val failing = Z(trl(1)).get
val unsat = Z(trl(2)).get
val total = passing + failing + unsat

val csv = s"${directoryPrefix}/${jPrefix}.csv"
val metrics = s"${directoryPrefix}/${jPrefix}/${p.packageName}/index.source.html"
val ccov = s"${directoryPrefix}/${jPrefix}/${p.packageName}/${p.objectName}.scala.html"
val gcov = s"${directoryPrefix}/${jPrefix}/${p.packageName}/${p.objectName}_GumboX.scala.html"

rows = rows :+
| <td>${t}</td>
| <td>$total</td>
| <td>$passing</td>
| <td>$failing</td>
| <td>$unsat</td>
| <td><a href="$metrics">link</a></td>
| <td><a href="$ccov">link</a></td>
| <td><a href="$gcov">link</a></td>
| <td><a href="$csv">csv</a></td>
| <td><a href="results/${timeoutPrefix}.zip">zip</a></td>

components = components :+
|<table border=1>
| <tr>
| <th>Timeout (s)</th>
| <th>Total<br>Tests</th>
| <th>Passing<br>Tests</th>
| <th>Failing<br>Tests</th>
| <th>Unsat<br>Requires</th>
| <th>Package<br>Coverage</th>
| <th>Component<br>Coverage</th>
| <th>GumboX<br>Coverage</th>
| <th>csv<br>Coverage</th>
| <th>Zipped<br>Results</th>
| </tr>
| ${(rows, "\n")}

val projWebsite =
| <style>
| a { text-decoration: none; }
| table {
| border: collapse;
| table-layout: fixed;
| }
| th {
| background-color: #E5E4E2;
| padding-left: 5px;
| padding-right: 5px;
| }
| td {
| padding-left: 5px;
| padding-right: 5px;
| }
| tr:nth-child(odd) { background-color: #f2f2f2; }
| </style>
| <body>
| ${(components, "\n")}
| </body>

val f = Os.temp()

proc"scp ${f.value}${e._1}/${e._1}.html".console.runCheck()

val website =
| <body>
| ${(for (k <- projects.keys) yield s"<a href=\"${k}/${k}.html\">${k}</a>", "\n\n<p>")}
| </body>

val f = Os.temp()

proc"scp ${f.value}".console.runCheck()

if (Os.cliArgs.isEmpty) {
println("Choose an option (test | fetch | report)")

Os.cliArgs(0) match {
case string"test" => test()
case string"fetch" => fetch()
case string"report" => report()
case _ => halt("Not a valid option")
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion isolette/aadl/.project
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions isolette/aadl/bin/clean.cmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ val toKeep = ops.ISZOps(ISZ(
(slangDir / "bin" / "transpile-cust.cmd"),
(slangDir / "src" / "main" / "component"),
(slangDir / "src" / "test" / "bridge"),
(slangDir / "src" / "test" / "util" / "isolette" / "RecordUnsatPre.scala"),
(slangDir / "src" / "test" / "util" / "isolette" / "Reporter_Ext.scala"),

Expand Down

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