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Simple material parameter estimator tool using Mitsuba 3 and Dr.Jit.

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Material Optimizer (GUI)


Saip Can Hasbay, 01428723, University of Vienna, or



  • Please refer to requirements.txt for required python packages


  1. Clone this repository

  2. (optional) Create a virtual environment:

    1. Create:
      • python -m venv c:\path\to\myenv (e.g. python -m venv cloned_repository_root\myenv)
    2. Activate your virtual environment:
      • Windows: path_to_your_venv\Scripts\activate (e.g. myenv\Scripts\activate)
      • Linux: source path_to_your_venv\bin\activate (e.g. source myenv\bin\activate)
  3. Install dependencies

    1. (optional): Make sure pip is updated
      • python -m pip install --upgrade pip
    • pip install -r requirements.txt


  • If a virtual environment is in use, make sure to activate it (see Installation 2.2)
  • Run either through terminal:
    • python
  • Or IDE to your liking
    • e.g. vscode: Click to run icon on top right corner of

Optional data

  • To retrieve additional mitsuba-data (e.g. test scenes provided from the mitsuba team), then run the following:
    • git submodule update --init --recursive


  • Change mitsuba version by modifiying the mitsuba row in the requirements.txt file and following the installation steps.

  • On Visual Studio Code we suggests using the Python extension by Microsoft.

  • You can check the availability of CUDA with the following command:

    • nvcc --version
    • Which should respond with something like this:
      nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver
      Copyright (c) 2005-2022 NVIDIA Corporation
      Built on Wed_Jun__8_16:49:14_PDT_2022
      Cuda compilation tools, release 11.7, V11.7.99
      Build cuda_11.7.r11.7/compiler.31442593_0
  • If CUDA is not available in your system, or you receive an error similar to this:

      AttributeError: jit_init_thread_state(): the CUDA backend is inactive because it has not been initialized via jit_init(), or because the CUDA driver library ("") could not be found! Set the DRJIT_LIBCUDA_PATH environment variable to specify its path.
    • Linux: You might fix the problem with adding the following lines (if CUDA is indeed installed in your system) to your .bashrc file:
      # cuda path
      export PATH="/usr/local/cuda-12.0/bin:$PATH" # set according to cuda version
      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/wsl/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    • Otherwise you might navigate to the ./src/ file and replace the mitsuba variant as demonstrated below. Although at the moment we don't support LLVM (CPU) variant of mitsuba, it still might help to run the application.
        # set mitsuba variant: NVIDIA CUDA
        # mi.set_variant(CUDA_AD_RGB) # replace this line with
        mi.set_variant('llvm_ad_rgb') # with this
  • Dr.Jit Cache location: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\drjit\

  • Automatic UML Model generation. See also.

    • pyreverse -o svg --colorized -p MaterialOptimizer . (make sure "." refers to this repository location)
  • Beware that under linux you may need to change some path/s in provided Mitsuba XML files. For example, the file under scenes/material-preview/translucent-principled-bsdf/scene-init-bunny.xml, beginning for line 80:

      <shape type="ply">
          <string name="filename" value="scenes\material-preview\meshes\bunny.ply"/> # change this
          <string name="filename" value="scenes/material-preview/meshes/bunny.ply"/> # with this
      	<transform name="to_world">
      		<scale value="13"/>
      		<rotate z="1" angle="130"/>
      		<rotate y="1" angle="70"/>
      		<rotate x="1" angle="-50"/>
      		<rotate z="1" angle="-50"/>
      		<rotate y="1" angle="-2"/>
      		<rotate x="1" angle="12"/>
      		<translate x="0.3" y="0.0" z="-0.5"/>
          <ref id="object_bsdf"/>
  • Under videos directory you may find simple optimization examples.

Known Issues

  • After closing material-optimizer sometimes Dr.Jit warns about leaked variables. For example:
    drjit-autodiff: variable leak detected (4 variables remain in use)!
     - variable a1154237 (1 references)
     - variable a1154245 (1 references)
     - variable a1154246 (1 references)
     - variable a1154244 (1 references)
    • Unfortunately the problem still persists, since programatically clearning cache for Dr.Jit is not possible. Further analysis necessary.
  • On mitsuba version 3.1.1 during optimization mitsuba - thus material-optimizer - might crash with the following error message:
    Critical Dr.Jit compiler failure: jit_optix_compile(): optixModuleGetCompilationState() indicates that the compilation did not complete succesfully. The module's compilation state is: 0x2363
    • The problem seems to be known and will be fixed in the upcoming versions. See Also