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1.1.2 "Wow It REALLY Works!"

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@sapphirecat sapphirecat released this 20 Apr 23:52
· 1 commit to main since this release

Potentially incompatible changes:

  1. Built with Go 1.18.1 using GOAMD64=v2.
  2. Response to the "version" command is closer to the release version number than before. It's still not strictly correct, unfortunately.

Other improvements:

  1. Missing "append" and "prepend" commands are accepted.
  2. CLI flag -verbose and env var DYNACACHE_VERBOSE (uint8) for controlling the logging level.
  3. Idle clients will be disconnected during normal operation.
  4. Graceful server shutdown happens within a bounded time limit.
  5. Repeated signals will cause an immediate shutdown.