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Coursera : Deep Learning Specialization by Andrew Ng

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Deep Learning Specialization on Coursera

Master Deep Learning, and Break into AI


This repo contains all my work for this specialization. All the code base and images, are taken from Deep Learning Specialization on Coursera.

In five courses, you will learn the foundations of Deep Learning, understand how to build neural networks, and learn how to lead successful machine learning projects. You will learn about Convolutional networks, RNNs, LSTM, Adam, Dropout, BatchNorm, Xavier/He initialization, and more. You will work on case studies from healthcare, autonomous driving, sign language reading, music generation, and natural language processing. You will master not only the theory, but also see how it is applied in industry. You will practice all these ideas in Python and in TensorFlow, which we will teach.

Course Certificate

Deep Learning Specialization Certificate

Research Papers Referenced

1. Neural Networks and Deep Learning



Lectures / Notes

  • Week 1 --> Introduction, NN, Why Deep learning
  • Week 2 --> Logistic regression, Gradient Descent, Derivatives, Vectorization, Python Broadcasting
  • Week 3 --> NN, Activation function, Backpropagate, Random Initialization
  • Week 4 --> Deep L-layer Neural network, Matrix dimension right, Why Deep representation, Building blocks of NN, Parameters vs Hyperparameters, Relationship with brain

Module 1 Certificate

2. Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization



Lectures / Notes

  • Week 1 --> Train/Dev/Test set, Bias/Variance, Regularization, Why regularization, Dropout, Normalizing inputs, vanishing/exploding gradients, Gradient checking
  • Week 2 --> Mini-batch, Exponentially weighted average, GD with momentum, RMSProp, Adam optimizer, Learning rate decay, Local optima problem, Plateaus problem
  • Week 3 --> Tuning process, Picking hyperparameter, Normalizing activations, Softmax regression, Deep learning programming framework

Module 2 Certificate

3. Structuring Machine Learning Projects


Lectures / Notes

  • Week 1 --> Why ML Strategy?, Orthogonalization, Single number evaluation metric, Satisficing and optimizing metrics, Train/dev/test distribution, Human level performance, Avoidable bias
  • Week 2 --> Error analysis, Incorrectly labeled data, Data augmentation, Transfer learning, Multitask learning, End-to-End Deep learning

Module 3 Certificate

4. Convolutional Neural Networks



Lectures / Notes

  • Week 1 --> Computer vision, Edge detection, Padding, Strided convolution, Convolutions over volume, Pooling layers, CNN, Why CNN?
  • Week 2 --> LeNet-5, AlexNet, VGG-16, ResNets, 1x1 convolutions, InceptionNet, Data augmentation
  • Week 3 --> Object localization, Landmark detection, Object detection, Sliding window, Bounding box prediction, Intersection over union(IOU), Non-max suppression, Anchor box, YOLO algorithm
  • Week 4 --> Face recognition, One-shot learning, Siamese network, Neural style transfer

Module 4 Certificate

5. Sequence Models



Lectures / Notes

  • Week 1 --> RNN, Notation, Vanishing gradient, GRU, LSTM, Bidirectional RNN, Deep RNN
  • Week 2 --> Word representation, Word embedding, Cosine similarity, Word2Vec, Negetive sampling, GloVe words, Debiasing word
  • Week 3 --> Beam search, Error analysis in Beam search, Bleu score, Attention model, Speech recognition

Module 5 Certificate


Coursera : Deep Learning Specialization by Andrew Ng



