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symbolic algebra
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sarabander committed Oct 14, 2011
1 parent 5762299 commit 94d6cd2
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Showing 5 changed files with 293 additions and 0 deletions.
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions 2.5/2.87.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@

;; Let our polynomial be structured as:
;; '(polynomial <variable> <term_1> <term_2> .. <term_n>)
;; where <variable> is the indeterminate, like 'x or 'y,
;; <term_1> <term_2> .. <term_n> are terms:
;; coeff[n] coeff[n-1] .. coeff[0] when dense,
;; (order coeff) (order coeff) .. when sparse.

;; Example polynomials:
(define poly1 '(polynomial x 5 -2 0 4 2))
(define poly2 '(polynomial y (4 5) (3 -2) (1 4) (0 2)))
(define poly3 '(polynomial y))
(define poly4 '(polynomial x 0 0 0))

(define (list-of-zeros? lst)
(eval (cons 'and
(map (λ (elem)
(and (number? elem)
(zero? elem)))

;; '=zero?' is installed to polynomial package in the file
;; generic-arithmetic/polynomials.scm:
(put '=zero? '(polynomial)
(λ (p) (list-of-zeros? (contents p))))

;; Tests
(list-of-zeros? '()) ; true
(list-of-zeros? '(3 -3 0)) ; false
(list-of-zeros? '(a b c)) ; false
(list-of-zeros? '(0 0 0)) ; true

(=zero? poly1) ; false
(=zero? poly2) ; false
(=zero? poly3) ; true
(=zero? poly4) ; true

;; Addition and multiplication tests

(add poly3 poly3) ; '(polynomial y)
(add poly2 poly2) ; '(polynomial y (4 10) (3 -4) (1 8) (0 4))
(add poly4 poly4) ; '(polynomial x 0 0 0)
(add poly1 poly4) ; '(polynomial x 5 -2 0 4 2)
(add poly1 poly1) ; '(polynomial x 10 -4 0 8 4)

(mul poly1 poly4) ; '(polynomial x)
(mul poly1 poly1)
; '(polynomial x (8 25) (7 -20) (6 4) (5 40) (4 4) (3 -8) (2 16) (1 16) (0 4))
(mul poly2 poly2)
; '(polynomial y (8 25) (7 -20) (6 4) (5 40) (4 4) (3 -8) (2 16) (1 16) (0 4))
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions 2.5/2.88.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@

;; Negation and subtraction are added to generic-arithmetic/polynomials.scm:

;; Negates all terms
(define (negate-termlist termlist)
(if (empty? termlist)
(let ((negator (if (list? (car termlist))
(λ (elem) (list (car elem) (- (cadr elem))))
(map negator termlist))))

(put 'neg '(polynomial)
(lambda (p)
(tag (cons (variable p)
(negate-termlist (contents p))))))

(put 'sub '(polynomial polynomial)
(lambda (p1 p2) (tag (add-poly p1 (contents (neg (tag p2)))))))

;; Tests
(neg poly1) ; '(polynomial x -5 2 0 -4 -2)
(neg poly2) ; '(polynomial y (4 -5) (3 2) (1 -4) (0 -2))
(neg poly3) ; remains the same
(neg poly4) ; remains the same

(sub poly1 poly1) ; '(polynomial x 0 0 0 0 0)
(sub poly2 poly2) ; '(polynomial y)
(sub poly3 poly2) ; '(polynomial y (4 -5) (3 2) (1 -4) (0 -2))
(sub poly4 poly1) ; '(polynomial x -5 2 0 -4 -2)
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions 2.5/2.89.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

;; The definitions in polynomial package are modified to recognize dense
;; polynomials. The termlist handling procedures are aware of dense
;; and sparse format. See generic-arithmetic/polynomials.scm.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions 2.5/2.90.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

;; The definitions in polynomial package are modified to recognize dense
;; polynomials. The termlist handling procedures are aware of dense
;; and sparse format. See generic-arithmetic/polynomials.scm.
203 changes: 203 additions & 0 deletions 2.5/2.91.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@

;; Definitions of div-poly, div-terms and division dispatcher for polynomials
;; are added to the file generic-arithmetic/polynomials.scm.

;; Tests
(mul '(polynomial z (3 1)) '(polynomial z (2 1) (0 -1)))
; '(polynomial z (5 1) (3 -1))

(div '(polynomial z (5 1) (0 -1))
'(polynomial z (2 1) (0 -1)))
; '((polynomial z (3 1) (1 1)) (polynomial z (1 1) (0 -1)))

(div '(polynomial z)
'(polynomial z (2 1) (0 -1)))
; '((polynomial z) (polynomial z))

(div '(polynomial z (2 1) (0 -1))
'(polynomial z (5 1) (3 -1)))
; '((polynomial z) (polynomial z (2 1) (0 -1)))

(sub '(polynomial z (5 1) (0 -1))
(mul '(polynomial z (3 1))
'(polynomial z (2 1) (0 -1))))
; '(polynomial z (3 1) (0 -1))

(sort '((2 1) (5 -1) (3 4) (4 -5)) #:key car >) ; '((5 -1) (4 -5) (3 4) (2 1))
(sort '() #:key car >) ; '()

(div '(polynomial x (3 1) (2 -12) (0 -42))
'(polynomial x (1 1) (0 -3)))
; '((polynomial x (2 1) (1 -9) (0 -27)) (polynomial x (0 -123)))

(div '(polynomial x (3 3) (2 -2) (1 4) (0 -3))
'(polynomial x (2 1) (1 3) (0 3)))
; '((polynomial x (1 3) (0 -11)) (polynomial x (1 28) (0 30)))

;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

;; We should make the polynomials more readable. Let's write some
;; format conversion procedures.

;; Converts polynomial string looking like this: "4x^3 + x^2 - 5"
;; to internal representation: '(polynomial x (3 4) (2 1) (0 -5))
(define (mathpoly->listpoly variable polynomial)
(define (tag p) (attach-tag 'polynomial p))
(define (sort-termlist L) (sort L #:key car >))
(define (mathpoly->termlist)
(let ((poly-pattern (string-append "[\\+\\-]?\\s*\\d*/?\\d*"
(symbol->string variable)
(term-pattern (string-append "([\\+\\-]?)\\s*(\\d*/?\\d*)("
(symbol->string variable)
(map (λ (termparts)
(let ((coeff (if (equal? (third termparts) "")
(cond ((equal? (second termparts) "-") -1)
(else 1))
(string->number (string-append
(second termparts)
(third termparts)))))
(order (cond ((equal? (fourth termparts) "") 0)
((false? (fifth termparts)) 1)
(else (string->number (fifth termparts))))))
(list order coeff)))
(map (λ (term) (regexp-match (pregexp term-pattern) term))
(regexp-match* (pregexp poly-pattern) polynomial)))))
(tag (cons variable (sort-termlist (mathpoly->termlist)))))

;; Examples:
(mathpoly->listpoly 'x "12x^3 + x^2 - 5")
; '(polynomial x (3 12) (2 1) (0 -5))

(mathpoly->listpoly 's "s^5 - 16s^2 + 9s - 33")
; '(polynomial s (5 1) (2 -16) (1 9) (0 -33))

;; Converts polynomial looking like this: '(polynomial x (3 4) (2 1) (0 -5))
;; to conventional algebraic form: "4x³ + x² - 5"
(define (listpoly->mathpoly p)
(define (sort-termlist L) (sort L #:key car >))
(define (contents datum)
(if (pair? datum)
(cdr datum)
(if (number? datum)
(error "Bad tagged datum - CONTENTS" datum))))
(define (variable p) (car p))
(define (term-list p) (cdr p))
(define (order term) (car term))
(define (coeff term) (cadr term))
(let* ((content (contents p))
(var (symbol->string (variable content)))
(termlist (sort-termlist (term-list content))))
(let ((stringlist
(map (λ (term)
(let ((coeff-string (if (eq? (abs (coeff term)) 1)
(if (zero? (order term)) "1" "")
(abs (coeff term)))))
(sign-string (if (negative? (coeff term))
" - "
" + "))
(var-string (if (zero? (order term)) "" var))
(power-string (if (or (eq? (order term) 0)
(eq? (order term) 1))
(order term)))))
(list sign-string coeff-string var-string power-string)))
(if (empty? stringlist)
(let ((without-leading-plus
(cons (if (equal? (caar stringlist) " + ")
(cdar stringlist)
(cons "-" (cdar stringlist)))
(cdr stringlist))))
(apply string-append (apply append without-leading-plus)))))))

;; Makes a superscript string out of the given number
(define (number->superscript number)
(define uninums #hash((#\1 . "¹")
(#\2 . "²")
(#\3 . "³")
(#\4 . "")
(#\5 . "")
(#\6 . "")
(#\7 . "")
(#\8 . "")
(#\9 . "")
(#\0 . "")))
(apply string-append
(map (λ (digit) (hash-ref uninums digit))
(string->list (number->string number)))))

;; Examples:
(number->superscript 450) ; "⁴⁵⁰"

(listpoly->mathpoly '(polynomial x (3 -2) (2 -6) (1 4) (0 5)))
; "-2x³ - 6x² + 4x + 5"

(listpoly->mathpoly poly2)
; "5y⁴ - 2y³ + 4y + 2"

(listpoly->mathpoly '(polynomial z (6 4) (4 -8) (2 -24)))
; "4z⁶ - 8z⁴ - 24z²"

;; Divides polynomial p1 by p2. Both should be lists consisting of variable
;; as a symbol and algebraic notation as a string, like '(x "2x^4 + 5x^3 - 1").
;; Returns a list containing quotient and remainder in algebraic notation.
(define (divide p1 p2)
(let ((p1-internal (apply mathpoly->listpoly p1))
(p2-internal (apply mathpoly->listpoly p2)))
(let ((result (div p1-internal p2-internal)))
(list (listpoly->mathpoly (car result))
(listpoly->mathpoly (cadr result))))))

;; Tests
(divide '(x "x^3") '(x "x")) ; '("x²" "0")
(divide '(n "4n^5 - 2n^3 + 1") '(n "2n^2 + 2")) ; '("2n³ - 3n" "6n + 1")

(divide '(w "w^3 - 12w^2 -42") '(w "w - 3")) ; '("w² - 9w - 27" "-123")
(divide '(y "3y^3 - 2y^2 + 4y -3") '(y "y^2 + 3y + 3"))
; '("3y - 11" "28y + 30")
(divide '(s "s^3 - 1") '(s "s + 2")) ; '("s² - 2s + 4" "-9")
(divide '(x "x^4 + 4") '(x "x^2 - 5")) ; '("x² + 5" "29")
(divide '(z "z^3 - 3z^2 + 5z - 3") '(z "z - 1")) ; '("z² - 2z + 3" "0")
(divide '(p "p^3 - 4") '(p "2p + 5")) ; '("1/2p² - 5/4p + 25/8" "-157/8")
(divide '(k "2k^3 - 9k^2 + 15") '(k "2k - 5")) ; '("k² - 2k - 5" "-10")
(divide '(r "4r^4 + 3r^3 +2r +1") '(r "r^2 + r +2"))
; '("4r² - r - 7" "11r + 15")

;; And the book example:
(divide '(x "x^5 - 1") '(x "x^2 - 1")) ; '("x³ + x" "x - 1")

;; We define similar procedures for adding, subtracting and multiplying
;; by first factoring out a shared skeleton:
(define (algebraic-op op p1 p2)
(let ((p1-internal (apply mathpoly->listpoly p1))
(p2-internal (apply mathpoly->listpoly p2)))
(listpoly->mathpoly (op p1-internal p2-internal))))

;; and then making particular operations:
(define (addit p1 p2)
(algebraic-op add p1 p2))

(define (subit p1 p2)
(algebraic-op sub p1 p2))

(define (multiply p1 p2)
(algebraic-op mul p1 p2))

;; Tests
(multiply '(x "x + 1") '(x "x - 1")) ; "x² - 1"
(multiply '(x "x + 1") '(x "x + 1")) ; "x² + 2x + 1"
(multiply '(x "2x + 3") '(x "x^3 - 2x")) ; "2x⁴ + 3x³ - 4x² - 6x"

(addit '(x "2x + 3") '(x "x^3 - 2x")) ; "x³ + 3"
(addit '(x "x^4 -5x^3 +7") '(x "2x^3 + 4x -6")) ; "x⁴ - 3x³ + 4x + 1"

(subit '(x "x^5 -5x^3 +7") '(x "-x^5 - 9x^3 -5")) ; "2x⁵ + 4x³ + 12"
(subit '(x "6x + 2") '(x "6x + 3")) ; "-1"

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