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pairs ordered by weight
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sarabander committed Jun 20, 2014
1 parent d853280 commit eee4269
Showing 1 changed file with 49 additions and 0 deletions.
49 changes: 49 additions & 0 deletions 3.5/3.70.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@

;; Takes two streams of pairs and a weight function
(define (merge-weighted weight s1 s2)
(cond ((stream-null? s1) s2)
((stream-null? s2) s1)
(let ((s1car (stream-car s1))
(s2car (stream-car s2)))
(cond ((<= (weight s1car) (weight s2car))
(merge-weighted weight (stream-cdr s1) s2)))
(merge-weighted weight s1 (stream-cdr s2)))))))))

(define (weighted-pairs weight s t)
(list (stream-car s) (stream-car t))
(stream-map (lambda (x)
(list (stream-car s) x))
(stream-cdr t))
(weighted-pairs weight (stream-cdr s) (stream-cdr t)))))

; 1.
(print-n (weighted-pairs (λ (p) (+ (first p) (second p)))
; (1 1), (1 2), (1 3), (2 2), (1 4), (2 3), (1 5), (2 4), (3 3), (1 6), (2 5), (3 4), (1 7), (2 6), (3 5), (4 4), (1 8), (2 7), (3 6), (4 5), (1 9), (2 8), (3 7), (4 6), (5 5), (1 10), (2 9), (3 8), (4 7), (5 6), (1 11), ...

; 2.
(let ((not-divisible-by-2-3-5
(λ (x) (not (or (divisible? x 2)
(divisible? x 3)
(divisible? x 5)))))
(λ (p) (let ((i (first p)) (j (second p)))
(+ (* 2 i) (* 3 j) (* 5 i j))))))
(let ((our-stream-of-pairs
(weighted-pairs weight-fn
(stream-filter not-divisible-by-2-3-5 integers)
(stream-filter not-divisible-by-2-3-5 integers))))
(print-n our-stream-of-pairs 44)))
; (1 1), (1 7), (1 11), (1 13), (1 17), (1 19), (1 23), (1 29), (1 31), (7 7), (1 37), (1 41), (1 43), (1 47), (1 49), (1 53), (7 11), (1 59), (1 61), (7 13), (1 67), (1 71), (1 73), (1 77), (1 79), (7 17), (11 11), (1 83), (1 89), (1 91), (7 19), (11 13), (1 97), (1 101), (1 103), (1 107), (1 109), (7 23), (1 113), (13 13), (1 119), (1 121), (11 17), (1 127), ...

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