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SLDeepAssay: A package for maximum likelihood estimation from serial dilution assays with partial deep sequencing

Sarah C. Lotspeich and Brian D. Richardson


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# Install the package
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                         ref = "main")
# Then load it

The SLDeepAssay package contains parallel functions designed to analyze (or generate) assay data the quantitative viral outgrowth assay (QVOA) and the ultra deep sequencing assay of the outgrowth virus (UDSA). The methods implemented here are described in the described in the paper, “Quantifying the HIV reservoir with dilution assays and deep viral sequencing,” published in Biometrics (2024) at

A common naming convention used throughout is to use the suffixes _sd and _md to denote functions for single- and multiple-dilution assay data, respectively.

Data Simulation

We begin by demonstrating how to simulate assay data from a single dilution level using the simulate_assay_sd() function.

There are 3 required arguments,

  • M: the total number of wells (a scalar),
  • tau: the mean counts of infected cells per well with each DVL (a vector of with all elements $>0$)
  • q: the proportion of p24-positive wells to be deep sequenced (a scalar between $0$ and $1$),

and 8 optional arguments,

  • u: the total number of wells (a scalar),
  • sens_QVOA, spec_QVOA: the sensitivity and specificity of the QVOA,respectively (scalars between 0 and 1, inclusive). Defaults are 1, which correspond to perfect assays.
  • sens_UDSA, spec_UDSA: the sensitivity and specificity of the UDSA,respectively (scalars between 0 and 1, inclusive). Defaults are 1, which correspond to perfect assays.
  • sequence_all: Logical, if sequence_all = FALSE (the default), then only p24-positive wells are considered for UDSA. If sequence_all = TRUE and q = 1, then all wells will undergo UDSA.
  • k: overdispersion parameter (a positive scalar). Default is k = Inf, which corresponds to no overdispersion.
  • remove_undetected: a logical indicator for whether DVL that are not detected in any wells should be deleted (TRUE) or not (FALSE).

The function returns a list containing two versions of the simulated data, corresponding to the quantitative viral outgrowth assay (QVOA) ($any_DVL) and Ultra Deep Sequencing Assay of the Outgrowth Virus (UDSA) ($DVL_specific) measures.

For demonstration, we simulate a single-dilution assay of M = 12 total wells (each with u = 1 million cells in it), with n = 6 underlying DVLs, and assume that q = 0.5 (i.e., 50%) of p24-positive wells will undergo deep sequencing. We also assume that both assays have perfect sensitivity and specificity and that cell counts are not overdispersed. Lastly, if we want to simulate data where the overall IUPM = 0.5, we set tau = rep(0.5 / 6, 6) (or any other way to distribute a total mass of 0.5 across the 6 DVL).

assay_sd = simulate_assay_sd(M = 12, 
                          tau = rep(0.5 / 6, 6), 
                          q = 0.5, 
                          remove_undetected = TRUE)
## $any_DVL
##  [1] 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
## $DVL_specific
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12]
## [1,]    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0     0    NA
## [2,]    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0     0    NA

A few things to notice here…

  • assay$any_DVL is a vector containing indicators for each well, where 1 indicates that the well tested positive for at least one DVL in the QVOA.
  • assay$DVL_specific only has 2 rows when we set n = 6. Where did they go? Since remove_undetected = TRUE here, the other 4 rows were deleted because they must not have been detected in either of the 2 p24-positive and deep sequenced wells. (We will confirm this in a moment.)
  • assay$DVL_specific has columns of NA values at the end. This isn’t an error! The wells represented by columns 10–12 are the $M_P - m$ p24-positive but not deep sequenced wells. They are correctly captured as being infected with some DVL in assay$any_DVL, though.

The remove_undetected option

Now what if I leave the seed the same, but instead set remove_undetected = FALSE?

assay_sd2 = simulate_assay_sd(M = 12,
                          tau = rep(0.5 / 6, 6), 
                          q = 0.5, 
                          remove_undetected = FALSE)
## $any_DVL
##  [1] 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
## $DVL_specific
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12]
## [1,]    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0     0    NA
## [2,]    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0     0    NA
## [3,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0     0    NA
## [4,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0     0    NA
## [5,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0     0    NA
## [6,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0     0    NA

Notice that assay$any_DVL is the same as before, which makes sense since we used the same random number seed. However, assay$DVL_specific now has all n = 6 rows, even though rows 1–2 and 4–5 contain all 0s.

Multiple dilution levels

Now if we instead want to simulate assay data from multiple dilution levels, we can use the simulate_assay_md() function. There are still 4 required arguments, but now they are

  • M: the total number of wells at each dilution level (a vector of length D)
  • tau: DVL-specific IUPMs (a vector of length ). (Note: All elements in must be > 0.)
  • q: proportions of p24-positive wells that underwent UDSA at each dilution level (a vector of length D), and
  • u: a vector of dilution levels (in millions of cells per well).

The 2 optional arguments k and remove_undetected are the same as with the simulate_assay_sd() function. The function simulate_assay_md_imperfect() function has additional arguments sens_QVOA, spec_QVOA, sens_UDSA, spec_UDSA to generate data at multiple dilution levels from imperfect assays.

For demonstration, we simulate a multiple-dilution assay with 3 dilution levels, M = c(8, 10, 12) total wells in the 3 dilution levels (u = c(0.25, 0.5, 1) million cells), with n = 6 underlying DVLs, and assume that q = c(0, 0.5, 1) (i.e., 0% of positive wells in the first dilution level undergo deep sequencing, 50% of positive wellls at the second, etc.). We again assume that both assays have perfect sensitivity and specificity, that cell counts are not overdispersed, and that the true IUPM is 0.5, split evenly among the 6 DVLs.

assay_md = simulate_assay_md(M = c(8, 10, 12), 
                          tau = rep(0.5 / 6, 6), 
                          q = c(0, 0.5, 1), 
                          u = c(0.25, 0.5, 1),
                          remove_undetected = TRUE)
##      u  M n MN MP m   q Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4
## 1 0.25  8 4  7  1 0 0.0  0  0  0  0
## 2 0.50 10 4  8  2 1 0.5  0  0  0  1
## 3 1.00 12 4  9  3 3 1.0  2  1  2  0

Note that, in the multiple dilution setting, a data frame with summary data of the simulated results is returned. This summary contains one row per dilution level and the following columns: M (total number of wells), n (number of DVLs, MN (number of p24-negative wells), m (number of deep sequenced wells), Y1,…, Yn (counts of wells positive for DVL i, (i = 1,…,n), and u (dilution levels, in millions of cells per well).


Now that we have our assay data, we turn to the primary purpose of the SLDeepAssay package: to efficiently estimate the number of infectious cells per million using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). We can obtain point estimates, standard errors, and confidence intervals all with a single call to the fit_SLDeepAssay_sd() function. There are two ways to supply the assay data for estimation.

Supplying full assay data

The first argument assay expects a matrix like the one simulate_assay_sd() returned in assay$DVL_specific above. If this is supplied, then the only other required argument is u, which is the dilution level in millions of cells per well. Then, you can skip parameters M, MP, m, and Y (they will be discussed in the next section), and all that is left are optional arguments:

  • corrected: a logical indicator for whether the bias-corrected MLE should be returned (TRUE) or not (FALSE),
  • maxit: the maximum number of iterations allowed to find the MLE,

The maxit parameter is passed to the optim() function, which is used to find the MLE inside of simulate_assay_sd(). Recall that data were simulated for wells with 1 million cells per well, so u = 1 and the MLE can be interpreted as the infectious units per million (IUPM).

We now estimate the IUPM based on the single dilution data assay_sd generated above, leaving all optional arguments at their defaults.

res_sd = fit_SLDeepAssay_sd(assay= assay_sd$DVL_specific, 
                            u = 1)
## $mle
## [1] 0.273577
## $se
## [1] 0.1581683
## $ci
## [1] 0.08809639 0.84957352
## $mle_bc
## [1] 0.2410677
## $ci_bc
## [1] 0.06662735 0.87221920

Finally, we interpret the output as follows.

  • res$mle is the uncorrected MLE.
  • res$se is the estimated standard error (assumed to be the same for both the bias corrected and uncorrected MLE).
  • res$ci is the 95% confidence interval (CI) for the uncorrected MLE.
  • res$mle_bc is the bias-corrected MLE.
  • res$ci_bc is the 95% CI for the bias-corrected MLE.

Supplying summarized assay data

Instead of supplying the raw assay data in the argument assay, we can supply summary data using the following parameters: - M: the total number of wells (a scalar), - MP: the total number of p24-positive wells (a scalar), - m: the total number of wells deep sequenced (a scalar between 0 and MP), - Y: he numbers of wells (without missing data) that were infected with each DVL (a vector of length n)

As expected, the two methods to supply the same information to fit_SLDeepAssay_sd() give the same results.

M <- ncol(assay_sd$DVL_specific)
MP <- sum(colSums(assay_sd$DVL_specific) > 0, na.rm = TRUE)
m <- MP - sum($DVL_specific)))
Y <- rowSums(assay_sd$DVL_specific, na.rm = TRUE)

res_sd = fit_SLDeepAssay_sd(assay = NULL, 
                            M = M,
                            MP = MP,
                            m = m,
                            Y = Y,
                            u = 1)
## $mle
## [1] 0.273577
## $se
## [1] 0.1585768
## $ci
## [1] 0.08783896 0.85206342
## $mle_bc
## [1] 0.2278709
## $ci_bc
## [1] 0.05825487 0.89134397

Multiple Dilutions

We can similarly estimate the IUPM using the simulated multiple dilution level data set assay_md using the function fit_SLDeepAssay_md().

As in the single dilution case, there are two options to pass assay data to fit_SLDeepAssay_md(). The first is to use summary data of the form output by simulate_assay_md(), making this option easy to use with simulated data.

The second is to supply the following two parameters:

  • assay: a list of data frames with assay data from each dilution level.
  • u: vector of dilution levels, in millions of cells per well.

This second option may be easier to use in practice, when raw data are collected from real assays at multiple dilution levels. Below is an example of using the summary data method. Note that the output simulate_assay_md() is of the same format as that from simulate_assay_sd().

res_md <- fit_SLDeepAssay_md(assay_summary = assay_md)
## $mle
## [1] 0.4495328
## $se
## [1] 0.1594212
## $ci
## [1] 0.2243332 0.9008019
## $mle_bc
## [1] 0.4352598
## $ci_bc
## [1] 0.2123156 0.8923091

Testing for Overdisperion

As described in the accompanying paper, we may be concerned with infectious cell counts being overdispersed, i.e., following a negative binomial distribution as opposed to a Poisson. When data are available from multiple dilution levels, we can test the null hypothesis of no overdispersion via a likelihood ratio test with the function lrt_SLDeepAssay_md().

The arguments for lrt_SLDeepAssay_md() are the same as those for fit_SLDeepAssay_md(), along with three additional optional arguments needed to maximize the negative binomial likelihood. The defaults for these arguments tend to work well in most cases.

  • lb Lower-bound on the IUPM (passed to ). Default is lb = 1E-6.
  • ub Upper-bound on the IUPM (passed to ). Default is ub = Inf.
  • k0 initial value for the dispersion parameter k in optimization procedure. A value of k = Inf corresponds to no overdispersion. Default is k = 1.
lrt_res <- lrt_SLDeepAssay_md(assay_summary = assay_md)

## $mle
## [1] 0.4495329
## $mle_bc
## [1] 0.4352599
## $mle_negbin
## [1] 0.4495329
## $mle_gamma
## [1] 0
## $lrt_stat
## [1] 0

Imperfect Assays

Here we simulate data assuming imperfect assay, by providing sensitivities and specificities of the assays of 90%.

assay_imp <- simulate_assay_sd(M = 24,
                               tau = rep(0.5 / 6, 6),
                               q = 1,
                               sens_QVOA = 0.9,
                               spec_QVOA = 0.9,
                               sens_UDSA = 0.9,
                               spec_UDSA = 0.9)

Then we can analyze these data (i) naively assuming that the assays have perfect sensitivity and (ii) assuming they have 90% sensitivity and specificity.

The naive fit uses the original fit_SLDeepAssay_sd() function. Note that the estimated IUPM and corresponding confidence interval are far from the true IUPM of 0.5.

# naive fit (assuming perfect assays)
res_imp1 <- fit_SLDeepAssay_sd(assay = assay_imp$DVL_specific)

## $mle
## [1] 1.971558
## $se
## [1] 0.3979641
## $ci
## [1] 1.327371 2.928375
## $mle_bc
## [1] 1.856905
## $ci_bc
## [1] 1.220011 2.826283

The fit_SLDeepAssay_sd_imperfect() function estimates the IUPM under given values for the sensitivities and specificities of the assays. Note that this function, unlike fit_SLDeepAssay_sd() requires QVOA and UDSA data, which are stored in assay_imp$any_DVL and assay_imp$DVL_specific, respectively.

With the sensitivites and specificities correctly adjusted for, the estimated IUPM is much closer to 0.5, and the 95% confidence interval contains the true value.

# fit accounting for imperfect assays
res_imp2 <- fit_SLDeepAssay_sd_imperfect(assay_QVOA = assay_imp$any_DVL,
                                         assay_UDSA = assay_imp$DVL_specific,
                                         sens_QVOA = 0.9,
                                         spec_QVOA = 0.9,
                                         sens_UDSA = 0.9,
                                         spec_UDSA = 0.9)

## $mle
## [1] 0.6238332
## $se
## [1] 0.2251968
## $ci
## [1] 0.307464 1.265735
## $convergence
## [1] 0
## $message


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