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PIPE 5.0.0 Beta 1

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This release aims to re-write the back-end code of PIPE in order to make it more stable for successive releases.

It has been split into two modules:

  • pipe-core - contains pure classes to build and edit Petri nets. Examples of usage can be seen in the unit tests. Amongst other things it contains:
    • models package for the different objects that make up a Petri net

    • dsl package for creating Petri nets with a more readable syntax:

      PetriNet petriNet = APetriNet.with( AToken.called("Default").withColor(Color.RED))
              .with("5", "Default").tokens());    
    • io package for reading and writing Petri nets

  • pipe-gui - contains Swing code for the main UI and modules.

This release has disabled use of the modules due to the underlying data structure changing and is meant only for creating Petri nets and animating them. Please report any bugs you find in the tool on the issues page.