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{% include navigation.html %}


5.5 and 5.6


The tech talk and the video discuss many differnt kinds of software licences that are available for us to use. The creative commons license is very strict with what you can do with your code whereas the Open Source MIT license is more lenient and easier to use. There are specific licences you need to use dpeneing on what your code will look like. My team has decided to use the creative commone license. By making our code a public resource, we hope for our website to continue helping other students launch their websites in the future.


PII that I have seen on projects in CSP would be the databases where we need to input our names and emails to make an entry. My feelins about PII and exposure are very mixed. On one hand, PII helps future employers understand your online persona and what kind of person you are. It also helps with promoting yourself. However, PII also causes lots of opportunities for dangerous scenarios through hacking, viruses, and phishing. Some bad passwords would be "password" or "p@ssword123". Something that is very simple and easily guessable like your name or your pet's name would also be bad. A password that would be good would include a mixture of letters, numbers, and special characters. It should also be something as random as possible so that it's not easily guessed. Another step that is used to assist in authentication would be security questions. Security questions are used to confirm authenticity of the user. Symmetric encryption is when only one key is used to encrypt and decrypt data wheras asymmetric encryption is when multiple keys are used for encryption and decryption which makes the data more secure. An example of encryption we used in deployment would be when we had to login to VNCViewer with specific credentials. A phisinh scheme I learned about the hard way was when I recieved a DM on instagram from one of my friends. Turns out their account got hacked and the hacker sent a blast message with a link. Unknowingly, I clicked on the link which led to my own account being hacked. From then on, I was very cautious about the links I clicked. Other techniques of phishing would be corrupted download links where you might think you're downloading a credible file but are actually downloading a virus.

5.3 and 5.4


No, I don't believe the owner of the computer thinks it was intentinal. Rather, he seems playful about it and doesn't seem to be taking it seriously. I think this happened from a lack of sufficient human testing. It seems as though the testing was very limited if the computer only recognized a white person and not a black person. The lack of diversity that was considered while testing the camera likely had this effect on the outcome. This is most definetly harmful and exclusive since darker skinned people are not able to experience the same features of the computer as light skinned people are. The error should definelty be corrected since it is currently harming a group of people. Something that should be done to produce a better outcome is to initiate better testing that is considerate about diveristy.


A crowdsource idea that can be implemented within CompSci would be to create a place for asking questions. Due to the numerous students, eventually a student's question might be answered before they even ask it since someone else might've already provided the answer. A crowdsource in Del Norte would be very helpful. An idea that could be implemented would be to create a place where students can give advice on what classes to take. This would be very helpful since many students experience anxiety when it comes to picking classes. My final project would be better with crowdsourcing since it could implement many different kinds of people's opinions on what to bring on an emergency evacuation.

5.1 and 5.2


Three benficial effects of computing would be the intorspective knowledge a person can receive from the various perspectives the encounter, the different tools and skills that we have to acquire, and lastly the trial and error we have to go through to be successful. These are all various benefits of computing. However, some harmful effects of computing would be the many predators that lurk online that usually make victims out of kids. Practicing and knowing how to be safe online is a neccessary skill that everyone needs to know how to carry through. Dopamine issues are a very real problem in this generation. I can attest to this fact since I have chosen to spend tme on my phone for many hours at a time when I should've been doing homework or studying for a test. Something that is impacting my own success in high school would be lack of motivation with my classes.


Someone can empower themselves in a digital world by making sure they know how to navigate safely. Someone that is empowered can help someone that is not empowered by teaching them the correct way to navigate the online world. Something we can do at DNHS would be to have a course on online safety. Red tape blocking is not digital empowerment since it prevents people from making the choice to navigate away themselves. There are such barriers at Del Norte in the form of restricting websites. Elsewhere also there are many restrictions in a day to day life on the online world.