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Version 1.0.0 First release of envdost

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@sarojregmi200 sarojregmi200 released this 01 Jul 12:21
· 4 commits to main since this release


Envdost is a cli tool written in go, that lets you manage you env files or config files in general with ease.

Features :

  • Ability to create projects.
  • Ability to pull and push env files to the projects.
  • Work with multiple files and multiple projects.
  • Ability to open files in reference mode.

Problems solved by envdost :

We all go through the problem of having to store secrets and credentials. Most of us use some thirdparty solution, password manager and some of us tend to store those files in plain text somewhere in our own computer. It is not big of a problem until your computer gets compromised, or gets infected by virus. And it is not a good idea to store our credential files or secrets in google drive or any social media as well, Since it can be compromised very easily.

what to do?
Solution is simple just use service such as 1password, password manager to store those files, keys and passphrases.

where does envdost comes into play?
As the solution is simple we as a human being search for more simpler and convinent way of storing information, and when it comes to important information such environment variables and ssh keys it is no different. We don't usually push our config files to our version control due to the possible security issues. It is where env dost comes into play.

How does it make our job of storing and sharing env variables easier?
Envdost uses one password cli to securely store your environment variables in the different vaults called projects. You can save your file in just 3 steps:

  1. Create a project using envdost create [Project Name]
  2. Select project using envdost set [Project Name]
  3. Parse and upload env files in one password using envdost push [File Name]

It is this easy to safely store the files. Since it uses one password cli to perform this operations, you can use even use your faceid, or fingerprint to authenticate.
look at the main readme file to see the full command and the usage of envdost.

About the release:

This is the first release of envdost so, it can contain bugs and some unknown error messages, if you encounter any then feel free to create an issue. Any suggestion and recommendations are also appriciated.

The full device compatibility testing with different auth method testing is yet to be done, so some errors might be expected.
This build's test is only verified in windows operating system without finger print and faceid. So, make sure to report a issue if something doesnot work.