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Kibana BoxPlot Visualization Plugin

This is a BoxPlot diagram visType for Kibana, version 4.4.1.

This plugin is based on the exceptional D3 library, by @mbostock D3 Gallery (Thanks!).

And also on this sample code.

If you really liked this and feel like making a donation : Contribute!


##Installation Steps

(Theses are optional, you can just copy the kbn_boxplot_violin_vis folder into KIBANA_HOME/src/plugins) and run kibana.

git clone 
cd kbn_boxplot_violin_vis
npm install
npm run build
cp -R build/kbn_boxplot_violin_vis/ KIBANA_HOME/installedPlugins

** Note that in NTFS file systems, file paths that exceed 260 characters will fail with cp, you have to use ROBOCOPY:

robocopy /S build/kbn_boxplot_violin_vis KIBANA_FOLDER_PATH/installedPlugins/kbn_boxplot_violin_vis

** Also note that if npm run build fails, with a rsync.js error, it is likelly that you don't have RSYNC.EXE installed in your system, and also that you don't have it on your PATH environment variable.

Install it from and run:

set PATH=%PATH%;{rsync installation directory}\bin

##How does it work

In order to work this plugins needs a simple Schema configuration:

  • One Count Parameters
  • Two levels of aggregattion (these will separate each dataset for each boxplot).

Also, there are some options:

  • Show Violin
  • Show BoxPlot
  • Show Percentage
  • Show Value
  • Line Color
  • Box Color
  • Box Width (10 - 200 px)
  • Y Axis Line Color
  • Y Axis Text Color
  • Y Axis Infer Domain (This will use ALL data to infer lower and upper limits for the domain)
  • Y Axis Lower Bound Domain
  • Y Axis Upper Bound Domain


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