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Repository files navigation

  1. Install Git and Delphi 10.4.2 Sydney

  2. Clone this repository into any place in your disk:

    git clone

  3. Open Delphi IDE Options and create Environment variable with name SAS and set its value with full path to the sas.requires folder.

  4. Set the Library path (navigate to the end of the path, add path separator ; and add the following line):


    Library path can be found in:

    • Tools - Options - Language - Delphi - Library (don't forget to set platform: Windows 32-bit)

  5. Install 3 design-time packages: Graphics32, Toolbar2000 and TBX.

    • for Graphics32 open GR32.groupproj file (or the corresponding GR32_R.dproj and GR32_D.dproj), select and Build GR32_R*.bpl, select and Install GR32_D*.bpl

      • Delphi 10.4: graphics32\Source\Packages\D104\GR32.groupproj (Build GR32_RD104.bpl, Install GR32_DD104.bpl)

    • for Toolbar2000:

      • open and Build Toolbar2000\Packages\TB2000_Run.dpk

      • open and Install Toolbar2000\Packages\TB2000_Dsgn.dpk

    • for TBX:

      • open and Build TBX\Packages\TBX_Run.dpk
      • open and Install TBX\Packages\TBX_Dsgn.dpk