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React JavaScript Firebase Google Cloud Docker Kubernetes Spring

Trading Pit

Trading Pit is a stock simulator app built with a microservices architecture using Docker and Kubernetes for containerization and orchestration. It offers real-time market data and customizable portfolios, allowing users to practice trading and gain insights into market performance. The simulator can offer various features, such as customizable portfolios, real-time news updates, and analytics dashboards that show users their trading performance over time. The app is ideal for both novice and experienced traders.



Tech Stack

  • Docker and Kubernetes for containerization and orchestration
  • GitHub for version control and collaboration
  • ReactJS for building the app's frontend
  • Firebase for authentication, real-time database, and push notifications
  • Google Cloud AMD Instances for AI model training.

Getting Started

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd stock-trading-app

Install Docker and Kubernetes. You can follow the official documentation to install Docker and Kubernetes on your local machine.

Create a Firebase project and obtain the configuration keys:

  • Go to the Firebase console
  • Create a new project and follow the instructions to add Firebase to your app
  • In the Firebase console, go to "Project settings" and click on the "Service accounts" tab
  • Click on "Generate new private key" and download the JSON file
  • Rename the JSON file to firebase-config.json and copy it to the backend folder of the app.

Build the Docker images and run the containers:

  docker-compose build
  docker-compose up

Access the app on http://localhost:8080

To stop the app, use the following command:

  docker-compose down 

Run the Docker image in a container

  docker pull sasikirannallapu/kltrades
  docker run -p 80:443 sasikirannallapu/kltrades


  • Light/dark mode toggle
  • Live preview
  • Fullscreen mode
  • Cross platform



Stock simulator app built with a microservices architecture using Docker and Kubernetes







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Contributors 4

