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A Laravel formatting utility package.

We often find ourselves converting request input to meet certain formats. We do it before validation, maybe after validation, or we do it in our mutators. This package was designed to ease that process and to keep our controller/model code cleaner. This package mostly uses laravel's helper methods on top of its own custom methods, there is also some formatting using the Carbon date library.


composer require collab-corp/formatter

Basic Use:

You can new up a formatter new Formatter('yourValue')->{someMethod}()->get();

In addition to calling get, it is also possible to get the results by casting the formatter to a string (string)Formatter::create('something')->{method}();

or call the static method create Formatter::create('yourValue')->{someMethod}()->get();

Here are a few examples using laravel's mutators :


use CollabCorp\Formatter\Formatter;
class SomeModel extends Model{

    public function getProductPriceAttribute(){
        //format our number to 2 decimal places or however many places you want
        return new Formatter($this->attributes['price'])->decimals(2)->get();

        //or can call static create
        return Formatter::create($this->attributes['price'])->decimals(2)->get();

    public function getPhoneNumberFormattedAttribute(){
        //format a 10 or 11 digit number to be in parenthesis x(xxx)xxx-xxxx
        return new Formatter($this->attributes['phone_number'])->phone()->get();



Method Chaining

These above examples are nothing special, you could do the same with a simple method/function call yourself. The real usefulness of this package is the ability to method chain and process many conversions on a input:

    //convert our phone number to a parenthesis format but first make sure to strip any non numeric characters off first
    $result = new Formatter($request->phone_number)

   //another example
   $result = new Formatter(2)
                       ->get(); // 12%

This makes it convienient to run multiple conversions/formatting for our value. It also makes it easier to keep code clean and having to combine multiple methods yourself. Take the above second example. Doing the method calls manually would look something like this:

    Str::finish(bcmul(bcadd(2, 2), 3), "%");

Yuck! right? Although this was a rather small example and not bad, imagine if you had to do 3 other conversions? Keep your code cleaner and more readable with method chaining :D

Request Input Formatting

Another useful feature of this package is processing request input to run multiple formatting methods on the request input.The workflow for this is very similiar to laravel validation, so it should feel very natural to you. Here's an example of having middleware automatically format/convert input before the request hits the controller:


    public function handle($request, Closure $next, $guard = null)

              //convert to parenthesis phone format after stripping all non numeric characters
              //format to 2 decimal places
               // trim off % signs,convert to decimal percent with 2 decimal places.
              // make this input slug friendly


          $convertedInput = Formatter::convert($formatters, $request->all());

          //replace existing request data with new converted data,

          return $next($request);

Very similiar to laravel validation right? When defining the formatters,use the name of the input in the request as the key and the value being the formatter(s) you want to run on that input. Seperate each method with a pipe character |. If the formatter method you want to call needs parameters then specify paramter input with a colon : then pass the parameters in a comma delimited list in the order that the method accepts them, refer to the methods section to see what methods require/accept parameters.

ex: add:2,2

Note: If the request value is a single dimensional array, the formatter method will be applied to every value on the array element. More complex arrays not tested/supported.


The above example is being explicit in its request keys, but you could also specify pattern input keys using asterisk to match input keys and process them if they match the pattern:


        '*phone'=>'onlyNumbers|phone', //run methods on any input thats name ends with phone
        'phone*'=>'onlyNumbers|phone', //run methods on any input thats name starts with phone
        '*phone*'=>'onlyNumbers|phone', //run methods on any input thats name has the word phone in it.

    $convertedInput = Formatter::convert($formatters, $request->all());

How it works

The formatter class simply uses PHP's magic method __call to call methods on other various formatter classes included in the package. If your application only needed to do certain type of conversions, then you could import only the needed class and use that. For example say you only needed to do some Math conversions, you could import the MathFormatter only:

Heres another middleware example:


    //Available formatters: DateFormatter,StringFormatter,MathFormatter
    public function handle($request, Closure $next, $guard = null)

        $convertedInput = MathFormatter::convert($formatters, $request->all());

        //replace existing request data with new converted data,

        return $next($request);


String Formatters:

Math Formatters

Date Formatters

Note: These simply are methods called using the Carbon Library. These are the only available methods on the Formatter:

  • ssn

    convert a 9 numeric value to a social security format:

  • phone

    convert a 10 or 11 numeric value to a parenthesis format:

  • truncate

    truncate off the specified number of characters of the value:

  • finish

    add the specified character to the end of the string if it doesnt already contain it:

  • start

    add the specified character to the start of the string if it doesnt already contain it:

  • prefix

    add the specified character to the start of the string:

  • suffix

    add the specified character to the end of the string:

    // 'foobarfoo'
  • camelCase

    convert value to camel case:

    Formatter::create('foo bar')->camelCase()->get();
  • snakeCase

    convert value to snake case:

    Formatter::create('foo bar')->snakeCase()->get();
  • titleCase

    convert value to snake case:

    //'Foo Bar'
    Formatter::create('foo bar')->titleCase()->get();
  • kebabCase

    convert value to kebab case:

    // 'foo-bar'
    Formatter::create('foo bar')->kebabCase()->get();
  • studlyCase

    convert value to kebab case:

    Formatter::create('foo bar')->studlyCase()->get();
  • slug

    convert value to a slug friendly string:

    Formatter::create('foo bar')->slug()->get();
  • plural

    convert value to its plural form:

  • limit

    limit the string the first n of characters:

  • encrypt

    encrypt the value:

    //'{some encrypted string}'
  • decrypt

    decrypt the value:

    //the original string
    Formatter::create('{some encrypted string}')->decrypt()->get();
  • bcrypt

    hash the value with bcrypt:

    //'{some hashed string result}'
  • replace

    replace the given character with the given replacement character, defaults to empty string for replacement:

    Formatter::create('foobar')->replace('foo', 'poo')->get();
  • onlyNumbers

    removes all characters that are not numbers from the value:

  • onlyLetters

    removes all characters that are not letters from the value:


  • decimals

    format a number to have the speficied number of decimal places:

  • add

    add a given number to the current numeric value.Automatically scales 0 decimal places unless specified as 2nd param:

  • subtract

    subtract a given number from the current numeric value. Automatically scales 0 decimal places unless specified as 2nd param:

  • divide

    divide a the current numerica value by a given number. Automatically scales 0 decimal places unless specified as 2nd param:

  • power

    raise the current value by a given power. Automatically scales 0 decimal places unless specified as 2nd param:

  • percentage

    convert the value to a decimal percentage. Automatically scales 2 decimal places unless specified as 2nd param:


  • toCarbon

    convert the value to a Carbon\Carbon instance:

    //Carbon instance "2030-12-22 00:00:00"
  • format

    convert the Carbon\Carbon instance to a specified date/time string:

    $formatter = Formatter::create("12/22/2030")->toCarbon();
    //"December 22, 2030 00:00:00"
    $formatter->format('F d, Y')->get();
  • setTimezone

    set the specified timezone on the Carbon instance:

    $formatter = Formatter::create("12/22/2030")->toCarbon();
    //Carbon instance with given timezone set "2030-12-22 00:00:00".
  • addYears

    add the given number of years to the Carbon instance:

    $formatter = Formatter::create("12/22/2030")->toCarbon();
    //Carbon instance "2032-12-22 00:00:00".
  • addMonths

    add the given number of months to the Carbon instance:

    $formatter = Formatter::create("12/22/2030")->toCarbon();
    //Carbon instance "2031-02-22 00:00:00".
  • addWeeks

    add the given number of weeks to the Carbon instance:

    $formatter = Formatter::create("12/22/2030")->toCarbon();
    //Carbon instance "2031-01-04 00:00:00".
  • addDays

    add the given number of days to the Carbon instance:

    $formatter = Formatter::create("12/22/2030")->toCarbon();
    //Carbon instance "2030-12-24 00:00:00".
  • addHours

    add the given number of hours to the Carbon instance:

    $formatter = Formatter::create("2030-12-22 02:02:02")->toCarbon();
    //Carbon instance "2030-12-22 04:02:02".
  • addMinutes

    add the given number of minutes to the Carbon instance:

    $formatter = Formatter::create("2030-12-22 02:02:02")->toCarbon();
    //Carbon instance "2030-12-22 02:04:02".
  • addSeconds

    add the given number of seconds to the Carbon instance:

    $formatter = Formatter::create("2030-12-22 02:02:02")->toCarbon();
    //Carbon instance "2030-12-22 02:02:04".
  • subYears

    sub the given number of years to the Carbon instance:

    $formatter = Formatter::create("12/22/2030")->toCarbon();
    //Carbon instance "2028-12-22 00:00:00".
  • subMonths

    subtract the given number of months to the Carbon instance:

    $formatter = Formatter::create("12/22/2030")->toCarbon();
    //Carbon instance "2030-10-22 00:00:00".
  • subWeeks

    subtract the given number of weeks to the Carbon instance:

    $formatter = Formatter::create("12/22/2030")->toCarbon();
    //Carbon instance "2030-12-08 00:00:00".
  • subDays

    subtract the given number of days to the Carbon instance:

    $formatter = Formatter::create("12/22/2030")->toCarbon();
    //Carbon instance "2030-12-20 00:00:00".
  • subHours

    subtract the given number of hours to the Carbon instance:

    $formatter = Formatter::create("2030-12-22 02:02:02")->toCarbon();
    //Carbon instance "2030-12-22 00:02:02".
  • subMinutes

    subtract the given number of minutes to the Carbon instance:

    $formatter = Formatter::create("2030-12-22 02:02:02")->toCarbon();
    //Carbon instance "2030-12-22 02:00:02".
  • subSeconds

    subtract the given number of seconds to the Carbon instance:

    $formatter = Formatter::create("2030-12-22 02:02:02")->toCarbon();
    //Carbon instance "2030-12-22 02:02:00".


Contributions are always welcome in the following matter.

  • Issue Tracker
  • Pull Requests
  • Collab Corp Slack(Will send invite)


The project is licensed under the MIT license.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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