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This project was bootstrapped with create-react-app.

Basic workflow

Initial setup

git clone
cd enveritas-frontend/
git checkout supply-chain-dashboard
cd projects/supply-chain-dashboard
yarn install

Development server

yarn start

Create feature branch

git checkout -b name-of-the-new-feature


API responses are modeled using the GraphQL schema language.

A GUI can be run by running yarn graphql (pointing to http://localhost:2999). This allows checking the validity of mocks against the schemas. Standard GraphQL queries are located in graphql/mocks and can be used in the GUI.

Run eslint

yarn lint

Generate Supply Units/Countries TopoJSON files

You need a source shapefile of all Supply Units. Natural Earth data is used for countries that are not present in the SU shapefile. Run:

yarn generate-topojson [source file path]
yarn generate-topojson ./scripts/in/su/su\ of\ central\ america.shp

This will generate needed TopoJSON files in src/map.

Encrypting json file

In order to keep the data safe we are using crypto-js to encrypt the json file.

To do this follow the next steps:

  1. ensure you have the (git-ignored) file called supply-chain-dataset.json in the ./src/data folder
  2. Run
    yarn encrypt-json
  3. Choose your password in the node input request to save the new encripted file.

Once the app is loaded, the browser will prompt with the password choosen to decrypt the file in the client side and show an alert when password is not valid.


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